
As Goetia revealed his final form, his hair golden and his skin darkened, a palpable wave of dread swept through the group. The air crackled with tension as they prepared for what could be their final confrontation.

"This is my final form," Goetia declared, his voice resonating with an ominous power. "All my demon god pillars are here."

Before anyone could react, a series of puppets lunged towards Goetia, temporarily halting his advance. Ritsuka turned to see a group of new arrivals: Aozaki Aoko, Ayaka Sajyou, Ciel, and Karen Ortensia.

"Hey kid," Aoko said with a confident smirk, glancing at Ritsuka. "Chaldea finally managed to locate this place. Don't worry, we've got your back."

Ritsuka barely had time to process this when Dr. Romani, accompanied by Sheba and David, stepped forward. Confusion spread among the group as Romani began to speak.

"I think it is about time I reveal myself," he said, his voice steady but filled with a sense of purpose. "My real name is Solomon, and I am here to pay for my sins. I am Solomon, king of mages, the king of magecraft, and the former Grand Caster."

The revelation hung in the air, heavy and profound. Ritsuka and the others stared at Romani—no, Solomon—in a mix of shock and understanding.

"Solomon..." Ritsuka began, but the words caught in his throat. The implications of this revelation were staggering.

Solomon stepped forward, his presence commanding. "Goetia, you have taken my name and my power, but you do not understand what it means to be human. You seek to erase humanity's suffering, but in doing so, you would erase all that makes us who we are."

Goetia sneered, his eyes blazing with fury. "You, Solomon, abandoned humanity. I will create a world without pain, without suffering."

"By destroying everything that makes life meaningful," Solomon countered, his voice growing stronger. "We will not let you succeed."

With that, Solomon began to chant, calling upon his true power. The air shimmered with magical energy as he prepared to face Goetia directly.

"Everyone," Ritsuka called out, rallying his Servants and allies. "This is our final stand. We fight together, for the future of humanity!"

The battlefield erupted into chaos as Ritsuka and his Servants charged at Goetia. Flames, lightning, and blades of light clashed against the dark energy emanating from Goetia. Sigurd and Siegfried fought side by side, their swords flashing with brilliant light. Mordred unleashed her Noble Phantasm, a torrent of destructive energy aimed directly at Goetia.

Solomon's presence seemed to inspire everyone. Sheba and David lent their support, casting powerful spells to aid their allies. Aoko, Ayaka, Ciel, and Karen used their unique abilities to weaken the demon god pillars, creating openings for the others to strike.

Goetia retaliated with ferocious power, summoning waves of dark energy and launching them at the heroes. Mash raised her shield, protecting Ritsuka and the others from the worst of the attacks. "Senpai, we can do this! Together!"

Ritsuka nodded, his determination unwavering. "Everyone, give it your all! This is our moment!"

As the battle reached its peak, Solomon finally unleashed his true power. A blinding light enveloped him as he invoked his ultimate spell. "Goetia, this ends now!"

The light from Solomon's spell collided with Goetia's dark energy, creating a cataclysmic explosion. The ground shook, and for a moment, it seemed as though time itself had stopped.

When the light finally faded, Goetia stood weakened and vulnerable. Ritsuka saw his chance. "Now, everyone! Finish him!"

With a final, united effort, Ritsuka and his Servants launched their most powerful attacks. Blades, spells, and Noble Phantasms converged on Goetia, striking with unparalleled force. Goetia let out a final, anguished scream as his form disintegrated, consumed by the combined might of humanity's last hope.

As the dust settled, the heroes stood victorious. Ritsuka looked around at his allies, his heart swelling with pride and relief. "We did it... We actually did it."

Solomon, now Romani once more, smiled at Ritsuka. "You have shown me the true strength of humanity. Thank you, Ritsuka. Thank you, everyone."

With Goetia's defeat, the future of humanity was secure. The journey had been long and fraught with peril, but together, they had overcome the greatest threat they had ever faced. As they prepared to return to Chaldea, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united by their bonds and their unyielding spirit.

"Now it's time," Solomon said, his gaze fixed on the weakened Goetia. "My original plan was to delete myself, but now..."

"Nooooooo!" Goetia screamed, his voice filled with desperation. "Nooooooo!"

Solomon began chanting a powerful spell, and as the magic enveloped them both, he and Goetia fused into one. The light intensified, blinding everyone momentarily. When it faded, Romani stood before them, looking as he always did.

"Well, that's done," Romani said, his voice carrying a note of exhaustion. "Alright, now does anyone have a bucket? Because I need to puke. I basically just ate Goetia."

The tension broke as the absurdity of Romani's statement sank in. A collective sigh of relief and a few chuckles rippled through the group.

"You did it, Doctor," Mash said, her voice filled with awe and gratitude. "We couldn't have done it without you."

Ritsuka approached Romani, a mix of emotions playing on his face. "Romani... Solomon... Thank you. For everything."

Romani nodded, a tired but genuine smile on his face. "We did it together. All of us."

As the heroes gathered around, the remnants of the battle slowly dissipated. The Temple of Time began to dissolve, and they found themselves back in Chaldea.

"That was one hell of a ride," Mordred said, sheathing her sword. "But we made it through."

"Indeed," Sigurd agreed, standing beside Siegfried. "Our bonds and our determination saw us through."

The reunited team stood together, reflecting on their hard-won victory. There would be time for rest, for recovery, and for rebuilding. But for now, they basked in the satisfaction of knowing they had saved humanity.

"Let's get back to Chaldea," Ritsuka said, his voice filled with determination and hope. "We have a future to protect."

With their spirits high, the heroes returned to Chaldea, ready to face whatever challenges the future might bring, knowing that as long as they stood together, nothing could stand in their way.

"Oh, one more thing," Ritsuka said, approaching the large amount of energy that Goetia had gathered. The sheer power of it was almost overwhelming, but he knew what he had to do. "We need to use this wisely."

He took a deep breath and addressed the energy, invoking the power of the Grail. "I wish for Romani Archaman, formerly Solomon, to have a proper human lifespan like the rest of humanity. And for Mash, I wish for her to have a full and healthy life, free from the limitations imposed on her."

The energy swirled and pulsed in response to his words. It seemed to consider the request, its light growing brighter and warmer. A gentle hum filled the air as the power of the Grail began to work, reshaping the very fabric of their existence.

As the light enveloped Romani and Mash, they felt a deep, profound change. It was as if the essence of their beings was being rebalanced, harmonized.

Romani, still in his Solomon form, looked at Ritsuka with a mixture of awe and gratitude. "You used the power for us? You've given us both a chance at true lives."

Mash, her eyes shining with tears of happiness, stepped forward. "Senpai, you've done something incredible. You've given me a future."

"Yeah, that's our Master," Mordred said, grinning. "Always thinking about others."

Ritsuka smiled, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment. "We did it together. Now, let's head back to Chaldea. We've got a future to look forward to."

With that, the group began their journey back, their spirits high and their hearts full. They had faced insurmountable odds and emerged victorious, and now they carried the hope of a brighter, more just world with them. The power of the Grail had not just saved Romani and Mash, but had also paved the way for a new era of peace and prosperity.

As everyone started to go to Chaldea Uther was being called back by Gaia, as before he goes he goes to Emiya as he looked at him

Gaia tole me about especially your and my daughter relationship. As he said Emiya was sweeting bullets he didn't want to deal with angry dad. I just wanna say thank you for making her happy, thank your for making Artoria happy

Emiya nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Uther. I care deeply for Artoria, and I'll always do my best to make her happy."

Uther's stern expression softened slightly as he clasped Emiya's shoulder. "I can see that. Just remember, if you ever hurt her, I'll be the first one after you." He gave Emiya a rare smile before turning to leave.

Emiya let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. With Uther's blessing, he felt more determined than ever to protect and cherish Artoria.

After the intense battle with Goetia and the surprising revelations, the atmosphere in Chaldea was a mix of relief and reflection. Ritsuka and the others gathered in the command room to discuss the aftermath and plan their next steps.

"I still can't believe Solomon was behind all of this," Mash said, her voice filled with disbelief. "He was our ally all along, and yet..."

"It's hard to accept," Ritsuka agreed, his expression troubled. "But we have to move forward. We have a lot to do to rebuild and ensure something like this never happens again."

As they discussed their plans, Romani entered the room, looking a bit pale but relieved.

"I'm just glad it's finally over," he said, sinking into a chair. "I never want to experience anything like that again."

"Agreed," Da Vinci chimed in. "But let's not forget the sacrifices that were made. We owe it to them to make sure their efforts were not in vain."

The conversation turned to lighter topics as they discussed ways to celebrate their victory and honor the memories of those who had fallen in the battle. Despite the challenges ahead, there was a sense of hope and determination among them as they looked towards the future.

Will I gess things happen. Romani/Solomon said. Sorry I didn't tell you guys sinner.

Will what ever I kinda always knew. Ritsuka siad already knowing because of his future knowlage. And mash you can stop acting dum, I already told you

Mash blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry, Senpai. I just... I didn't want to believe it until I heard it from you."

"It's alright, Mash," Ritsuka said with a reassuring smile. "I understand. But now that everything's out in the open, we can focus on moving forward together."

Romani nodded, a somber expression on his face. "Indeed. And I promise to do everything in my power to make amends for the mistakes I've made."

"We're all in this together," Da Vinci added, placing a comforting hand on Romani's shoulder. "And we'll support you every step of the way."

With a renewed sense of unity and purpose, they continued their discussion, making plans for the future of Chaldea and the world. Despite the challenges ahead, they knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome anything.

So um is anyone going to talk about the elephant in the room. Olga siad looking at ten group. If Goetia is dead why is earth not back to normal yeat

Simple. Da Vinci siad looking at her. Goetia maybe dead but the 5th, 6th and 7th singularity are still here, probably being run by the 3 remaining of Goetia seven.

I see. Ritsuka siad looking at Da Vinci. So even after his death Goetia is still a pain in our ass.

As the group got a mental images do Goetia lapping just like Gilgamesh as he was say, fuck you.

The group couldn't help but chuckle at the mental image, finding some relief in the midst of their serious discussion.

"Yeah, it seems like even in death, Goetia finds a way to cause trouble," Ritsuka said with a wry smile.

"But we've dealt with Singularity anomalies before," Mash added optimistically. "We'll just have to tackle them one by one until we restore the proper order to each one."

"Exactly," Da Vinci agreed. "We've faced countless challenges together, and we'll face these ones with the same determination and resolve."

With a renewed sense of purpose, the group began to formulate a plan to address the remaining Singularities, knowing that they would need to work together to overcome whatever obstacles lay ahead.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch give me power stone also have a new fanfic out called Ben 10 a crack in everything