Speed Run

As then Ritsuka got up and went to dining area as he did he saw Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan talking with Kriemhild.

So if I am correct you were summond by the counter force. Ritsuka said looking at Kriemhild. How long do you have left

Kriemhild looked at Ritsuka with a solemn expression before responding, "Yes, that's correct. I was summoned by the Counter Force to assist in this battle against Goetia. As for how long I have left... I'm not entirely sure. My time here is limited, but I will continue to fight alongside you until my purpose is fulfilled."

Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan exchanged worried glances, understanding the gravity of Kriemhild's situation.

"We'll make the most of the time we have together," Brynhildr said, her voice filled with determination. "Every moment counts."

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of resolve filling him. "We'll do everything we can to make sure your sacrifice is not in vain. Thank you for joining us in this fight."

As then Ritsuka got up and went to dining area as he did he saw Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan talking with Kriemhild.

So if I am correct you were summond by the counter force. Ritsuka said looking at Kriemhild. How long do you have left

Kriemhild looked at Ritsuka with a solemn expression before responding, "Yes, that's correct. I was summoned by the Counter Force to assist in this battle against Goetia. As for how long I have left... I'm not entirely sure. My time here is limited, but I will continue to fight alongside you until my purpose is fulfilled."

Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan exchanged worried glances, understanding the gravity of Kriemhild's situation.

"We'll make the most of the time we have together," Brynhildr said, her voice filled with determination. "Every moment counts."

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of resolve filling him. "We'll do everything we can to make sure your sacrifice is not in vain. Thank you for joining us in this fight."

Mash and Karen exchanged puzzled glances before nodding in agreement. "Alright, but be careful, Senpai," Mash cautioned.

Ritsuka nodded, his expression determined. "I will. I just have a feeling I need to do this alone."

With that, he stepped into the rayshift chamber alone, the anticipation of what lay ahead fueling his resolve.

As the next day arrived, Mash, Karen and Ritsuka were ready to rayshift to the American singularty

Wait. Ritsuka said as he an idea. Sent me allown

Mash and Karen exchanged puzzled glances before nodding in agreement. "Alright, but be careful, Senpai," Mash cautioned.

Ritsuka nodded, his expression determined. "I will. I just have a feeling I need to do this alone."

With that, he stepped into the rayshift chamber alone, the anticipation of what lay ahead fueling his resolve.

2 hours. Ritsuka as he was ready to rayshift. Only 2 hours

As then Ritsuka was rayshift, as everyon Rin Chaldea was watched him, as just like that Ritsuka shadow travel as Mebb was seating on her throne as next to her was Chu alter as then Ritsuka came out and kicked her, sending her flying and holded a attack by chu alter as, then he summoned his entire Umbrel summons.

Time to do speed run. Ritsuka sending a powerful blast do wing to Chu alter. And this will be fast.

As Edmond, Sigurd, Minamoto no Tametomo, Brynhildr, Tenochtitla, Jack and Kriemhild came next to him as Ritsuka pullrr out Albion ans activates his Ash lock the four arms coming out of his back, as he activated all 4 of the crystals yes 4 he got the wind crytal after drafting Goetia and found in his room.

Ritsuka's swift and decisive actions caught the adversaries off guard, as Mebb and Chu Alter found themselves facing a relentless onslaught. The combined might of Ritsuka's Umbrel summons, augmented by the power of Albion and the additional crystal, proved overwhelming.

Mebb, recovering from the surprise attack, attempted to conjure defensive spells, but Ritsuka's relentless assault left her little room to cast. Chu Alter, equally surprised by the sudden onslaught, struggled to counter the ferocity of Ritsuka's attacks.

As Ritsuka pressed forward, his determination fueled by the urgency of the mission, his allies joined in, each contributing their own unique abilities to the fray. Edmond's shadows danced around the battlefield, ensnaring opponents, while Sigurd's blade cleaved through any resistance in its path. Minamoto no Tametomo's arrows rained down with pinpoint accuracy, while Brynhildr's lance struck true with every thrust.

Tenochtitla's divine power surged forth, bolstering their allies and weakening their foes, while Jack's agility and precision made her a formidable opponent in close combat. Kriemhild, newly summoned by Ritsuka's side, unleashed her own devastating attacks, her swordsmanship proving to be a perfect complement to the group's efforts.

Together, they fought with unwavering determination, driving back Mebb and Chu Alter with each successive blow. As the battle raged on, Ritsuka remained focused on his goal, determined to complete the mission in record time and secure victory for Chaldea.

As then multiple arrows wen to hit Ritsuka as then it was all blocked by shadow arms as Ritsuka saw it was Arjuna.

Hello ancestor. Ritsuka said looking at him. Nice to meet you

Hearing this Arjuna was just confused as Ritsuka shadow travel and kicked him away as then he grabbed him by, his shadow arm and was will just playing with him

Ritsuka's display of skill and confidence in the face of Arjuna's attack was impressive. It's always intriguing to see interactions between Masters and Servants, especially when they involve historical or mythological connections like the one between Ritsuka and Arjuna.

As Ritsuka effortlessly maneuvered around Arjuna's attacks, he couldn't help but taunt him further.

"You know, for someone hailed as a legendary hero, you're quite slow," Ritsuka teased, dodging another flurry of arrows with ease. "I expected more from the great Arjuna."

Arjuna gritted his teeth in frustration, his pride wounded by Ritsuka's taunts. "You dare mock me, mere human?" he growled, launching another barrage of arrows, each one aimed with deadly precision.

But Ritsuka remained unfazed, his movements graceful and precise as he continued to evade Arjuna's attacks. "Come on, Arjuna, you can do better than that," he taunted, his smirk widening as he effortlessly countered each of Arjuna's moves.

Meanwhile, Edmond Dantès and Sigurd joined the fray, launching their own attacks against Arjuna to support Ritsuka. The battlefield erupted into chaos as spells and weapons clashed, but Ritsuka remained calm amidst the storm, his focus unwavering as he continued to outmaneuver his opponent.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka's allies joined the fray, each lending their unique abilities to the fight. Minamoto no Tametomo unleashed a barrage of arrows, Brynhildr wielded her spear with unparalleled skill, and Tenochtitlan summoned powerful storms to aid their cause.

Seeing his allies in danger, Arjuna's attacks grew more desperate, his arrows raining down with increased ferocity. But Ritsuka remained undeterred, his shadow arms deflecting the projectiles effortlessly as he pressed the offensive.

"You can't keep up with me, Arjuna," Ritsuka taunted, his voice laced with confidence. "Your attacks are predictable, and your movements lack finesse."

Arjuna's frustration boiled over, his eyes flashing with anger as he launched himself at Ritsuka with renewed determination. But before he could land a blow, Ritsuka disappeared in a blur of shadows, reappearing behind Arjuna and delivering a powerful kick to his back.

The force of the blow sent Arjuna sprawling, his bow clattering to the ground as he struggled to regain his footing. But Ritsuka was already upon him, his shadow arms coiling around Arjuna's limbs and immobilizing him.

"It's over, Arjuna," Ritsuka declared, his voice ringing out with authority. "You've lost."

With a final surge of energy, Ritsuka unleashed a devastating blast of energy, sending Arjuna hurtling through the air and crashing into the ground with a resounding thud. As the dust settled, Ritsuka stood victorious, his allies gathering around him to celebrate their hard-fought victory.

As seeing this, Chu alter sent his blood lust at Ritsuka, as Ritsuka sent his one Blood lust as Chu alter saw a dragon instead of a human as it bite him, as he felt like his head was cut of

The impact of Ritsuka's bloodlust was overwhelming, leaving Chu alter reeling as he struggled to regain his composure. But before he could mount a counterattack, Ritsuka summoned forth a powerful manifestation of his inner strength: a giant dragon head, its jaws snapping shut with bone-crushing force.

Chu alter let out a pained cry as the dragon's jaws closed around him, the sheer force of the attack rendering him powerless. Desperate to break free, Chu alter summoned all of his remaining strength, but it was no use—Ritsuka's bloodlust had him firmly in its grip.

With a final, desperate struggle, Chu alter unleashed a burst of energy, but it was too little, too late. The dragon's jaws tightened inexorably, and with a sickening crunch, Chu alter was defeated, his body crumbling to dust beneath the crushing weight of Ritsuka's power.

As the dust settled, Ritsuka stood victorious, his allies cheering in triumph around him. With Chu alter vanquished, they could finally press forward, their path to victory clear and unobstructed.

Now. Ritsuka said looking at the Celtic solder Mebb had cread with the grail. Only your left.

With a resolute gaze, Ritsuka turned his attention to the Celtic soldier that Mebb had conjured using the power of the grail. Amidst the chaos and destruction of the battlefield, this final adversary remained, a formidable obstacle standing between them and their objective.

"Let's finish this," Ritsuka declared, his voice steady and determined. He raised his weapon, ready to face the soldier head-on, his resolve unwavering despite the odds stacked against them.

As the soldier advanced with calculated precision, Ritsuka met each strike with skillful evasion and precise counterattacks. His movements were fluid and calculated, a testament to the countless battles he had faced and the experience he had gained along the way.

With each clash of swords and exchange of blows, Ritsuka remained focused, his determination driving him forward even as fatigue threatened to weigh him down. He drew strength from the unwavering support of his allies, their presence bolstering his resolve in the face of adversity.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka's determination only grew stronger. With every strike, he chipped away at the soldier's defenses, inching closer to victory with each passing moment. Despite the soldier's formidable strength and unwavering resolve, Ritsuka refused to falter, pressing the attack with unwavering determination.

Finally, after a fierce and grueling struggle, Ritsuka delivered the decisive blow that brought the Celtic soldier to his knees. With a final, powerful strike, he vanquished his adversary, his weapon gleaming in the fading light as the soldier fell defeated before him.

As the echoes of battle subsided and the dust settled, Ritsuka stood victorious, his allies at his side. With the last obstacle overcome, they could now move forward, their path clear and their resolve unshakeable.

Meanwhile in Chaldea everyone mouth was on the floor.

What. Aozkai said looking at Ritsuka from the screen. I knew my students is strong but this

Even seasoned veterans like Aozaki couldn't help but be astonished by Ritsuka's prowess on the battlefield. As they watched the events unfold from Chaldea, the sheer magnitude of Ritsuka's strength and determination left them speechless.

"Impressive," Da Vinci remarked, her eyes fixed on the screen. "To think that our little Ritsuka has grown into such a formidable warrior."

Romani nodded in agreement, his expression a mixture of pride and disbelief. "It seems our Master has truly come into his own. His abilities continue to surpass our expectations with each passing day."

As the rest of the Chaldea staff looked on in awe, murmurs of amazement filled the room. For many of them, witnessing Ritsuka's incredible display of skill and courage served as a reminder of the countless challenges they had faced together and the bonds that had been forged in the heat of battle.

"It's moments like these that remind us why we fight," Mash said softly, her eyes shining with admiration. "Ritsuka's bravery and determination inspire us all to keep moving forward, no matter the odds."

With renewed determination and a sense of pride in their hearts, the staff of Chaldea continued to watch as Ritsuka and his allies faced the challenges before them, ready to support their Master in whatever trials lay ahead.

Meanwhile back in America, Ritsuka pulled out option before he drinked it as he looked at Edmond.

Come let's go. He said looking at Edmond. We have Lion too meet and deal with, and I finally will meet Karna.

Wow you changed. Tenochtitlan said looking at Ritsuka. What did defeating Goatie give you an ego

Ritsuka smiled at Tenochtitlan's jest. "Maybe a little," he admitted, "but it's not just about defeating Goetia. We still have so much left to do, and I want to face it all head-on, with confidence and determination."

Edmond nodded in agreement. "Indeed, there are still many challenges ahead of us. But with each victory, we grow stronger, and our resolve becomes unwavering."

As they prepared to embark on their next mission, the group felt a sense of anticipation mingled with determination. They knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but they were ready to face whatever trials awaited them, together as comrades and allies.

As Ritsuka materialized in the American side, he wasted no time in taking action. Spotting Edison planning his next move against Mebb, Ritsuka swiftly intervened, launching a powerful kick that sent the inventor flying. With a determined expression, Ritsuka moved with purpose, his eyes locking onto Karna and Helena nearby.

"Enough," Ritsuka declared, his voice firm and resolute. "This ends now."

Karna paused in his attack, surprised by Ritsuka's sudden appearance and assertive demeanor. Helena looked on, her eyes widening at the unexpected turn of events.

"We don't have to fight," Ritsuka continued, addressing Karna directly. "We can resolve this peacefully. Mebb's reign of terror ends here."

Karna regarded Ritsuka with a mixture of curiosity and respect. Though initially wary, he recognized the sincerity in Ritsuka's words. Slowly, he lowered his weapon, signaling his willingness to listen.

Helena stepped forward, her expression hopeful. "Perhaps there's another way," she suggested, her voice tinged with optimism.

With tensions easing and a newfound sense of cooperation, Ritsuka, Karna, and Helena began to discuss a plan to confront Mebb and put an end to the chaos once and for all.

To be continued

Anyway double upload today bebe enjoy