Speed run part 2

Wait this mean. Edison said looking at him. You have the grail, Karna attack him

As Karna went for an Attack as his spear was blocked by, Sigurd.

Will fuck it then. Ritsuka said looking at all of them. I already tooken care of Mebb so your guys are no treat.

As Ritsuka transformerd as his hair turn red and red mark went through his body as he had a golden eyes, he Finally gave this form a name God Ritsuka, Karna just looked and felt some type of connection

With a flash of determination in his eyes, Ritsuka stood firm as Karna's spear was blocked by Sigurd's swift intervention. The atmosphere crackled with tension as Ritsuka's transformation began to unfold, his hair turning a fiery red and golden markings tracing across his body.

Edison's expression twisted into a mix of disbelief and apprehension. "What... what is this?" he muttered, his voice laced with uncertainty.

Karna, however, felt a strange sense of recognition stirring within him as he gazed upon Ritsuka's transformed state. Though the details eluded him, there was an undeniable connection, a resonance that pulsed through his being.

Ritsuka, now adorned in his formidable God form, radiated an aura of power and resolve. With unwavering confidence, he addressed the assembled servants before him.

"You may have been formidable opponents in the past," Ritsuka declared, his voice echoing with newfound strength. "But I am no longer the same. Mebb's tyranny ends now, and I will not hesitate to do what is necessary to ensure peace."

His words hung heavy in the air, resonating with conviction and determination. As the servants regarded him with a mixture of awe and uncertainty, Ritsuka prepared to lead them into battle, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a resolute nod, Ritsuka surged forward, his movements swift and decisive. In a blur of motion, he engaged the servants who dared to oppose him, his golden eyes ablaze with determination.

Karna, torn between his allegiance and the inexplicable connection he felt towards Ritsuka, hesitated for a moment before launching himself into the fray. His spear clashed with Ritsuka's blade in a flurry of sparks, each strike echoing with the intensity of their clash.

Meanwhile, Sigurd and Edmond unleashed a barrage of attacks, their weapons slicing through the air with deadly precision. Helena, caught off guard by Ritsuka's sudden transformation, struggled to regain her footing as she conjured spells to defend herself.

Amidst the chaos, Edison rallied his forces, his determination unyielding even in the face of Ritsuka's overwhelming power. Yet, despite their combined efforts, they found themselves steadily overwhelmed by Ritsuka's relentless onslaught.

With each strike, Ritsuka's godly power surged, his attacks fueled by an unyielding resolve to bring an end to the conflict. His movements were fluid and precise, his blows landing with devastating accuracy as he pressed forward, his eyes fixed unwaveringly on his adversaries.

As the battle raged on, the air crackled with tension, the clash of steel and the roar of magic filling the space around them. With every passing moment, Ritsuka's dominance became increasingly apparent, his godly form radiating with an aura of invincibility.

In the face of such overwhelming power, the servants of the American Singularity found themselves facing an uphill battle, their resolve tested like never before. But as Ritsuka continued to press forward, his determination unshakeable, the outcome of the conflict seemed all but inevitable.

As Ritsuka surged forward, his Umbrel Summons followed closely behind, each shadowy figure moving with unmatched precision and ferocity. Jack, wielding her daggers with deadly skill, darted between opponents, her attacks swift and precise as she targeted vulnerable points with uncanny accuracy.

Beside her, Minamoto no Tametomo unleashed a barrage of arrows, each shot finding its mark with unerring accuracy as he expertly picked off enemies from a distance. Brynhildr, her spear flashing in the sunlight, met every opponent head-on, her movements fluid and graceful as she danced through the battlefield with unparalleled grace.

Meanwhile, Tenochtitlan's mystical powers crackled with energy as she unleashed devastating spells upon their foes, her magic tearing through enemy lines with unstoppable force. Together, they formed a formidable team, their combined strength and skill proving to be more than a match for their adversaries.

As Ritsuka continued to press forward, his godly form radiating with power, the tide of battle began to turn decisively in their favor. With each passing moment, their enemies found themselves steadily overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught, their defenses crumbling in the face of Ritsuka's unwavering resolve.

Despite their best efforts, Edison and his forces found themselves struggling to keep pace with Ritsuka and his allies, their attacks growing increasingly desperate as they sought to stem the tide of battle. But against the combined might of Ritsuka and his Umbrel Summons, their resistance proved futile.

With a final, decisive blow, Ritsuka unleashed a surge of power that swept through the battlefield, overwhelming their adversaries in a dazzling display of force. As the dust settled, Ritsuka stood triumphant, his Umbrel Summons at his side, their enemies vanquished before them.

Breathing heavily, Ritsuka surveyed the aftermath of the battle, his golden eyes ablaze with determination. Despite the fierce resistance they had faced, they had emerged victorious, their mission accomplished and the American Singularity brought to heel.

As the adrenaline of battle began to ebb away, Ritsuka felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, the toll of their relentless struggle finally catching up to him. But even as fatigue threatened to drag him into unconsciousness, Ritsuka remained resolute, his mind already turning to the challenges that lay ahead.

With the Grail in their possession and their enemies defeated, Ritsuka knew that their journey was far from over. There were still other Singularities to confront, other battles to be fought, and other allies to be won. But for now, in this moment of hard-won victory, Ritsuka allowed himself a brief respite, knowing that tomorrow would bring new challenges and new triumphs.

As the sun began to set on the battlefield, Ritsuka and his Umbrel Summons stood together, ready to face whatever the future held. For in the end, they knew that as long as they stood united, there was nothing they could not overcome.

The battlefield was littered with the remnants of their hard-fought battle. As Ritsuka's transformation glowed with a divine light, he turned to face Karna, who seemed momentarily stunned by Ritsuka's sheer power and the connection he felt.

"Tell me something," Karna said, his voice resonating with curiosity and uncertainty. "Are you one of my descendants?"

Ritsuka met Karna's gaze with unwavering eyes. "Yes," he replied firmly. "Yes, I am."

Karna's eyes widened slightly as he absorbed this revelation. Despite the fierce battle they had just fought, there was a moment of mutual understanding and respect that passed between them.

The battlefield fell silent for a brief moment, the tension hanging thick in the air as both sides awaited the next move. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a soft hum, and in a flash of light, a small boy with yellow hair appeared next to Ritsuka. This was Voyager, one of Solomon's Seven.

As Voyager opened his mouth to speak, Ritsuka cut him off. "Nope, stop." He summoned BB, who materialized with a mischievous grin.

"BB, just finish this for me," Ritsuka commanded.

BB's eyes sparkled with mischief as she stepped forward. "Oh, Master, you know how to make things fun," she said with a chuckle. With a wave of her hand, a powerful burst of energy enveloped the battlefield. The remnants of their enemies were swiftly dealt with, the final opposition crumbling under BB's overwhelming power.

Edison, still recovering from the earlier blow, watched in disbelief as his forces were decimated. He knew he stood no chance against the sheer might of Ritsuka's team.

"It's over, Edison," Ritsuka declared, his voice carrying the weight of finality. "The Grail is ours."

Edison, realizing the futility of further resistance, sighed deeply. "Very well," he conceded. "You have proven your strength and resolve. Take the Grail and end this madness."

Ritsuka nodded, signaling the end of their conflict. As the dust settled, he approached the Grail, its glow pulsating with immense power.

"3... 2... 1..." Ritsuka counted down, anticipation building in his voice.

Suddenly, another flash of light appeared beside him, revealing a figure with a commanding presence and a familiar aura. It was Romulus-Quirinus, another powerful Servant drawn to the Grail's energy.

"Ritsuka," Romulus-Quirinus greeted, his voice echoing with authority. "It seems the journey is far from over."

Ritsuka met his gaze with a resolute expression. "Indeed. But with each victory, we grow stronger."

As they prepared for the next leg of their journey, Ritsuka's team gathered around him. Their spirits were high, fueled by the victories they had achieved and the bonds they had forged. With the Grail in their possession, they knew they had taken a significant step toward their ultimate goal.

As the sun set on the battlefield, casting long shadows over the land, Ritsuka and his allies looked toward the horizon. The path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they faced it with unwavering determination and a newfound sense of unity.

With their enemies vanquished and the Grail secured, they were ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would continue their journey, driven by the hope of a brighter future and the strength of their unbreakable bond.

As Ritsuka arrived back at Chaldea, a hush fell over the room. The air was thick with awe and curiosity as everyone turned to look at him. The first person to break the silence was Ophelia.

"What the fuck was that?" Ophelia exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment. "You just cleared a whole ass Singularity by yourself in 2 hours, just like you said."

Ritsuka, still radiating the afterglow of his transformation, gave a small, tired smile. "I told you I could do it," he replied, his voice calm but tinged with exhaustion.

Mash stepped forward, her face a mixture of relief and concern. "Senpai, are you alright? You look exhausted."

Ritsuka nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'm fine, Mash. Just a little tired. It was... intense, but we did it. We have the Grail."

Da Vinci approached, her eyes scanning Ritsuka with a blend of scientific curiosity and admiration. "That transformation of yours was remarkable. We need to analyze it further. The power levels you displayed were off the charts."

Holmes, standing nearby, adjusted his glasses and spoke with a hint of intrigue. "Indeed, it seems you've unlocked a new level of potential. This 'God Ritsuka' form... it's unlike anything we've encountered before."

Ritsuka shrugged, his expression modest. "It's something that came to me during the battle. I knew I had to end it quickly, and I just... tapped into something deeper."

Ophelia crossed her arms, still looking bewildered. "You make it sound so easy. But to take on the likes of Edison, Karna, and the rest... It's unreal."

Romani, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. "It's a testament to your growth, Ritsuka. You've come a long way since you first arrived at Chaldea. We're all proud of you."

Ritsuka's tired eyes softened at the praise. "Thank you, Romani. But this isn't just about me. It's about all of us. We fought together, and we'll keep fighting together."

As Ritsuka spoke, the rest of the team gathered around him, their faces reflecting a mix of admiration and respect. Despite the intense journey and the battles they had fought, they were united in their purpose and driven by a common goal.

With a gentle sigh, Ritsuka turned to face everyone. "We still have other Singularities to clear, and the road ahead won't be easy. But with each victory, we grow stronger. We'll face whatever comes next, together."

The room filled with a renewed sense of determination and camaraderie. They had achieved a significant victory, but they knew their mission was far from over.

As the team dispersed to prepare for the next challenge, Ritsuka allowed himself a moment of respite. He knew that the battles ahead would be even more difficult, but he was ready to face them head-on, with the support of his friends and the strength he had discovered within himself.

For now, he would rest and recover, knowing that tomorrow would bring new challenges and new triumphs. With the Grail secured and his team by his side, Ritsuka felt a deep sense of resolve. No matter what lay ahead, they would face it together, united and unbreakable.

Meanwhile, in the Servantverse, Mysteries Heron was going about her day, engaging in a light-hearted conversation with Space Ishtar.

"Do you feel that, MH?" Space Ishtar suddenly asked, her eyes darting around. "Something is happening."

Before Mysteries Heron could respond, the ground shook violently, and the sky darkened. A giant, grotesque bug appeared, towering over the landscape. On top of the creature stood two figures: one was unmistakably Oberon, his presence radiating a malevolent aura, and the other was shrouded in shadow, another of Goetia's seven, their identity concealed but their power undeniable.

Oberon's eyes gleamed with malicious delight as he surveyed the scene. "Now," he declared, his voice resonating with dark energy, "time to eat. This is worth leaving our Singularity and taking the Grail."

In a blinding flash, Oberon transformed, merging with his Servantverse counterpart. His new form exuded an even more terrifying presence, the power emanating from him almost palpable.

Space Ishtar, recognizing the severity of the threat, immediately transformed into her Truth God form, her body glowing with divine energy. Despite her formidable power, she felt a pang of doubt. Could she really defeat these enemies alone?

Turning to Mysteries Heron, she spoke urgently. "Go to Chaldea, MH. Fast. I will hold them off, whoever they are."

Mysteries Heron hesitated, worry etched across her face. "But what about you? Can you handle them alone?"

Space Ishtar gave a grim nod. "I have to try. We can't let them reach Chaldea. Now go!"

With a final, determined look at Space Ishtar, Mysteries Heroin turned and sprinted towards the nearest portal, her heart pounding with fear and urgency. She had to reach Chaldea and warn them of the impending danger.

As Mysteries Heroin disappeared into the portal, Space Ishtar turned back to face Oberon and the shadowy figure. She steeled herself for the battle to come, her divine energy flaring as she prepared to defend the Servantverse.

Oberon smirked, his eyes locked on Space Ishtar. "You think you can stop us? You're welcome to try."

With a fierce cry, Space Ishtar launched herself at Oberon, her attacks imbued with the power and divinity. The battle was on, and the fate of the Servantverse hung in the balance.

To be continued