Cooking competition

Thank everyone. Ritsuka looking at his harem. But it not my best I kinds rushe everything

As then jalter, BB, Mash, Ophelia, Olga, Koyanskaya, Maria alter just looked at him wait a face that says say sike right now, as each member of his harem just looked at him

Their expressions shifted from surprise to disbelief as Ritsuka's words sank in. Jalter narrowed her eyes, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Oh, is that so? Because from where I'm standing, this tastes like heaven incarnate. Don't tell me you're being humble now, Master."

BB crossed her arms, a smirk playing on her lips. "Senpai, if this is your rushed version, I can't even begin to imagine what your best work tastes like. Don't downplay your talent. We're all enjoying it thoroughly."

Mash shook her head, a gentle smile tugging at her lips. "Ritsuka, you put your heart and soul into this dish, and it shows. Don't sell yourself short. It's perfect just the way it is."

Ophelia's eyes softened with affection. "Ritsuka, you never cease to amaze me. Even when you think you're not at your best, you still manage to exceed expectations. Your passion for cooking shines through in every bite."

Olga chuckled softly. "Master, your cooking has always been a highlight for me, and today is no exception. Your attention to detail and dedication to perfection never fail to impress."

Koyanskaya smirked, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Ritsuka, darling, you're far too modest. This dish is a testament to your skill and creativity. Own it, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Maria Alter raised an eyebrow, her tone uncharacteristically mild. "Hmph, Master, don't underestimate yourself. This dish may not be flawless, but it's a reflection of your determination to always strive for improvement. And that's what truly matters."

Their words of encouragement washed over Ritsuka, warming his heart. Perhaps he had been too quick to dismiss his own efforts. With a grateful smile, he nodded. "Thank you, everyone. I'll remember to trust in my abilities more. And next time, I'll make sure to take my time and give it my all."

As then everyone else cane to eat, as Artoria, Parvati and Ishtar took a bite they thought Archer/Emiya made, as they hurd it was Ritsuka

Really. Ishares at the food. Emiya can do it better.

Oh really. jalter siad looking at her. What do you mean bitch.

She means Emiya is a better cook. Artoria said looking at her fellow saber face. Not that I am doubting maste cooking

Oh you. Marie Alter said looking at her. How there you

What mad. Parvati said looking at Maria. that lord Shiva ( this what she called Emiya and everyone knows ) that he is a better cook

Ritsuka is a better cook. Olga siad looking at Parvati. And he always will be.

Fine then. Ishtar said looking at Ritsuka Harem. How about a cooking competition

As then is Shows Emiya and Ritsuka in the kitchen with the face what fuck just happened.

Emiya and Ritsuka exchanged bemused glances as the challenge was proposed. Emiya raised an eyebrow, his tone skeptical. "A cooking competition? Are you sure you're ready to taste defeat, Ritsuka?"

Ritsuka chuckled, a competitive glint in his eyes. "Bring it on, Emiya. I'm not backing down from a challenge, especially when it comes to cooking."

The rest of the group watched with anticipation, eager to see the showdown between the two renowned chefs. Jalter smirked, crossing her arms. "This should be interesting. Let's see who can impress us more."

Artoria nodded, her expression determined. "Indeed. May the best chef win."

Parvati clasped her hands together, her eyes shining with excitement. "I can't wait to taste their creations. It's sure to be a feast for the senses."

Ishtar grinned mischievously, cracking her knuckles. "I'm ready to be blown away. Let's see what these two can cook up."

With the stage set for a culinary clash, Emiya and Ritsuka stepped into the kitchen, ready to showcase their culinary prowess. The air was thick with anticipation as the competition began, and everyone eagerly awaited the outcome of this epic cook-off.

Meanwhile every other servant in Chaldea had a face of either way a fight with the each harem was going to happen, meanwhile wo Romani, Aozaki, Sion and Goredolf jusys looked.

Should we do something. Sion said looking at everyone. Or let this either way a fight is going I happen

Romani sighed, rubbing his temples. "I'm not sure if intervening would make things better or worse at this point. Maybe we should just let them settle it amongst themselves."

Aozaki nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Indeed. It might be best to allow them to resolve their differences on their own terms. They seem determined to have this competition, and interfering could only escalate matters."

Goredolf shifted uncomfortably, his gaze darting between the group. "But what if things get out of hand? We can't just stand by and let them fight."

Sion sighed, her brows furrowing in concern. "I understand your apprehension, Goredolf, but sometimes it's best to trust in their abilities to handle things themselves. We'll keep an eye on the situation, but for now, let's give them the space they need to sort things out."

With a reluctant nod from Goredolf, the group settled into a tense anticipation, unsure of what the outcome of the impending showdown would be. They could only hope that things wouldn't escalate into a full-blown conflict among the members of Ritsuka's harem.

The stage was set for the ultimate cooking showdown between Ritsuka and Emiya. Ritsuka, feeling the pressure, stood confidently in the kitchen, surrounded by his harem, who eagerly awaited the delicious meal he would prepare for them. Meanwhile, Emiya, calm and collected as always, worked diligently in his own kitchen, ready to showcase his culinary prowess.

Ritsuka glanced at the list of his harem's favorite dishes, determined to impress them with his cooking skills. With a deep breath, he began to gather the necessary ingredients and set to work, his hands moving with precision and confidence.

Emiya, on the other hand, approached his task with a focused determination, knowing that his reputation as an exceptional cook was on the line. He carefully selected the finest ingredients and began to prepare his signature dishes, each one crafted with skill and expertise.

As the aroma of delicious food filled the air, the tension between the two kitchens mounted. Ritsuka's harem eagerly awaited the moment they would taste his creations, while Emiya's harem watched with anticipation as he put the finishing touches on his dishes.

Finally, the time came for both chefs to present their meals. Ritsuka emerged from the kitchen, carrying a platter filled with an array of mouth-watering dishes, each one carefully crafted to cater to the unique tastes of his harem. Emiya followed suit, presenting his own dishes with a confident smile.

The two groups eagerly dug into the meals before them, savoring each bite and exchanging knowing glances as they indulged in the delicious food. Ritsuka's harem showered him with praise, impressed by his culinary skills and the effort he had put into creating their favorite dishes. Emiya's harem, equally impressed, praised him for his impeccable cooking and the way he had captured the essence of their favorite foods.

As the competition came to a close, both Ritsuka and Emiya stood side by side, their harem's cheers echoing around them. In that moment, it didn't matter who had won or lost – what mattered was the bond they shared, strengthened by their love for food and each other.

Alright I was told to give the result. Tametomo siad his robotic eye glowing. On my calculations, and everything that the one to win is a draw.

As both harem just looked at each other, as Ritsuka shadow travel him, Emiya and Tametomo, away, each harem just looked at each other, as Mash change to mode shift, as on that one hell of a cat fight happened in the wondirnrg sea, 2 hours later the fight was over, as Romani wanted into the kitchen with a explson proof shield

Romani cautiously entered the kitchen, his shield raised in anticipation of any leftover chaos from the earlier catfight. As he surveyed the scene before him, he was greeted by a sight that both surprised and amused him.

The kitchen was in a state of disarray, with ingredients scattered everywhere and utensils strewn about haphazardly. However, amidst the chaos, Romani spotted Ritsuka's harem and Emiya's harem sitting together, chatting and laughing as if nothing had happened. They seemed to have put their differences aside and come together in the spirit of camaraderie.

Romani couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming scene before him. Despite the competitive nature of the cooking challenge and the ensuing catfight, it was clear that the bonds of friendship and mutual respect between the two harems were stronger than any rivalry.

As he approached the group, Romani cleared his throat to get their attention. "Well, it looks like things got a little out of hand in here," he said with a chuckle. "But I'm glad to see that everyone is getting along now."

Ritsuka's harem and Emiya's harem turned to him, their expressions sheepish yet relieved. "Sorry about the mess, Doctor," Mash said apologetically. "We got a bit carried away."

Romani waved off her apology with a smile. "No harm done," he reassured them. "Just try to keep the kitchen a little tidier next time, alright?"

With a chorus of nods and agreement, the group set to work cleaning up the kitchen, working together seamlessly to restore order to the chaotic space. As they worked, laughter filled the air, a testament to the bonds of friendship that united them all, regardless of their differences.

As with Emiya and Ritsuka they both just looked each other when look at Nightingale, as they jus lapped.

What were you doing to Lancetoria alter. Ritsuka lapped looking at Nightingale who was blushing. Like what.

As he remembers when the fight started they shadoe traveled arriving at Nightingale office as they found her and Artoria Lancer alter in will Yuri like pogision, they just teleported away

Emiya chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I think it's best if we don't dwell on that too much," he said with a grin. "Some things are better left to the imagination."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, unable to suppress a smirk at the memory of Nightingale's unorthodox methods of "healing." "Fair enough," he replied, still amused by the blush creeping up Nightingale's cheeks.

As they shared a laugh, the tension of the earlier challenge and ensuing chaos seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie between the two of them. Despite their differences and occasional rivalries, they knew they could always count on each other in the end.

With a final chuckle, Emiya and Ritsuka turned their attention back to the rest of the group, ready to join in the cleanup efforts and put the events of the day behind them. After all, in the bustling world of Chaldea, there was always another adventure waiting just around the corner.

Can yout not talk about. Nightingale. She just likes to visit me from time to time, evn when she is not hurt, she bring chocolate I liked hugs me randomly and

As she just looked at them with them having a face that say are you talking about the same person.

Are you sure your talking about Lancetoria alter. Emiya siad looking at her. That seem a lot out character for her to to do. Meanwhile in Emiy head the word Yuri was just repeating.

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging the correction. "You're right, that does sound a bit out of character," he admitted, exchanging a puzzled glance with Emiya. "But hey, everyone has their quirks, right?"

Emiya chuckled, though his mind was still stuck on the word "Yuri" echoing in his head. "Yeah, I suppose you're right," he agreed, shaking off the distraction. "Guess we all have our surprises."

With a shrug, they decided to let the matter drop, content to chalk it up to another of Chaldea's many mysteries. After all, in a place where reality itself was constantly in flux, anything was possible.

Meanwhile with Mordred she just looked at lancer Artoria alter, as he took a bite from her food

So um father. Mordred said not knowing what to say. Is Miss Nightingale my new mom

Lancer Artoria Alter paused mid-bite, looking at Mordred with surprise. "New mom? Why would you think that?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mordred shifted uncomfortably, unsure how to articulate her thoughts. "Well, I mean, she's always here, and she's so... caring," she explained, her cheeks flushing slightly. "And she brings you chocolate and hugs you randomly. It just seems... motherly."

Lancer Artoria Alter considered this for a moment before a small smile tugged at her lips. "Ah, I see what you mean," she said softly, reaching out to ruffle Mordred's hair affectionately. "But no, Mordred. Nightingale is not your mother. She's just... Nightingale. And that's perfectly fine."

Even do I wish we were more then just friend. Lancer Artoria alter siad. That weird Sanzan coming to the west singularity made me question a lot of things, especially sense it only has been what 5 days sense it happened

Mordred nodded, understanding the sentiment. "Yeah, Sanzang's arrival definitely stirred things up," she agreed, glancing out the window thoughtfully. "It's made me think about a lot too. Like... how I feel about you, Father, and about Nightingale."

Lancer Artoria Alter's expression softened as she listened, her gaze turning gentle. "You're free to explore those feelings, Mordred," she said quietly. "But remember, whatever you discover, I'll always be here for you, as your father and as your ally."

Mordred smiled gratefully, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders. "Thanks, Father," she said, her voice sincere. "That means a lot to me."

Now I wish you were like this before you killed me. Mordred said as she saw the spear. My time to run JaKyll open yirh fucking door

Lancer Artoria Alter's eyes widened in surprise at Mordred's words, her hand pausing mid-motion. "Mordred, I..." she began, her voice catching with emotion, but before she could finish, Mordred was already darting away, the urgency in her voice clear.

As Mordred fled, Lancer Artoria Alter watched her go, a mixture of regret and sorrow clouding her features. "I'm sorry, Mordred," she whispered, knowing her words would go unheard. "I wish I could undo what's been done, but all I can do now is try to make amends." With a heavy heart, she turned back to her duties, hoping for a chance to make things right with her wayward knight.

To be continued

Yeah to be honest last slice of life Ch before we get back to the main story