Let's talk Ritsuka

As Ritsuka was a sleep he was dreaming, this was not his nightmare but a normal dream, as he was the world broke as he was in a black void as he saw someone it was a yellow hair man with glasses, wearinga white bitten up shirt, with a black jacket with reap jeans, as he was wearing black buts, he was basically looking like a every 18 rocker ever, Ritsuka knew who this was he is Tezcatlipoca grand beserker and Daybit Servant

Hello kid. Tezcatlipoca said looking at him. I am Tezcatlipoca your buddy Daybit Servant

Ritsuka stared at the man, his dream state providing a surreal clarity. "Tezcatlipoca... Grand Berserker," he murmured, both wary and curious.

Tezcatlipoca chuckled, his voice echoing in the void. "That's right. So, you're the one causing all the fuss. Daybit mentioned you, you know. You're quite the anomaly."

Ritsuka frowned, trying to piece together the fragments of information. "Why are you here? What do you want?"

The Grand Berserker grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm here to chat. To give you a little heads-up. The world you think you know is shifting, Ritsuka. The reset, the changes—everything is a part of a larger game. And you're one of the key players."

Ritsuka felt a chill run down his spine. "What do you mean? What larger game?"

Tezcatlipoca's expression turned serious. "The Lostbelts, the Singularities, even this place you're in now, the Wandering Sea... they're all pieces on a board. And there are players far beyond your current understanding moving them. Daybit and I? We're just another team in this grand play."

Ritsuka clenched his fists, frustration boiling inside him. "So, what am I supposed to do? Just keep fighting? Keep hoping that things will eventually make sense?"

Tezcatlipoca nodded slowly. "In a way, yes. But also, trust your instincts. Your bonds with your Servants, your friends—they're your greatest strength. The reset might have changed things, but it also gave you new opportunities. Use them wisely."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, his determination solidifying. "Alright. I'll keep pushing forward. But tell me one thing—why are you telling me this? What's your angle?"

Tezcatlipoca smirked, his form beginning to fade. "Let's just say, I enjoy a good game. And seeing you rise to the challenge makes things interesting. Besides, Daybit has his own plans, and you'll cross paths sooner or later. Be ready."

"But enough of that, Tezcatlipoca. What do you think about death? Do you have the same mindset as me?" Ritsuka thought to himself. After traversing through the reset and venturing into many Lostbelts, his thoughts changed about it. As he answered, "To me, death is sometimes to be accepted. To die, one has to fully live," Ritsuka said, meeting Tezcatlipoca's eyes. "Once you have, it is only then someone can fully understand it."

"I see," Tezcatlipoca said, looking at him. "But you're not done, are you?"

"In a sense, there is no true death. Everything moves and goes," Ritsuka said, gesturing with his arm. "Even if Goetia destroyed the world, our efforts wouldn't be pointless. We will continue to live as long as time moves forward. So, death is something that does and doesn't exist. In the end, we all accept it, no matter what."

As Ritsuka finished speaking, Tezcatlipoca nodded thoughtfully. "Wise words, kid. You've seen more than most, and your perspective reflects that." He paused, then continued, "But remember, death is not just about the end of life. It's also about the cycle of rebirth, the renewal of existence. In that sense, death can be a beginning as much as an end."

Ritsuka pondered Tezcatlipoca's words, considering the deeper implications. "You're right," he replied, "Death can also be a catalyst for change, a chance for growth and evolution."

Tezcatlipoca smiled approvingly. "Exactly. Embrace the cycle, and you'll find meaning in both life and death." With that, he faded from Ritsuka's dream, leaving him to contemplate the profound insights he had gained.

But then tell. Ritsuka said looking at him. What is the meaning to live, what is to really mean to live if death is the end what is life, tell me that Tezcatlipoca as a god you should know that

Tezcatlipoca's gaze softened as he considered Ritsuka's question. "Ah, the meaning of life... That is a question that has puzzled mortals and gods alike for eons," he began. "But perhaps the answer lies not in seeking some grand, overarching purpose, but rather in embracing the journey itself."

He paused, then continued, "Life is about experiences, about growth, about connection. It's about the moments of joy and sorrow, the challenges and triumphs, the relationships we forge along the way. Each life is a unique tapestry, woven from the threads of countless experiences and choices."

Tezcatlipoca's eyes gleamed with wisdom as he spoke. "To truly live is to engage with the world around you, to seek out new experiences, to learn and grow, to love and be loved. It's about finding meaning in the small moments as well as the grand adventures, about cherishing the beauty of existence in all its forms."

Ritsuka listened intently, his mind racing with thoughts and reflections. Perhaps the meaning of life wasn't some elusive concept to be grasped, but rather something to be discovered in the here and now, in the everyday moments that make up our existence.

As Tezcatlipoca finished speaking, Ritsuka felt a sense of clarity wash over him. Maybe the meaning of life wasn't something to be found in the distant future or the distant past, but right here, right now, in the present moment. And with that realization, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination to make the most of every precious moment of his life.

As Ritsuka pondered Tezcatlipoca's words, he found himself drifting deeper into the dreamlike realm. Shadows danced around them, casting shifting patterns of light and darkness. Tezcatlipoca's form seemed to blur and waver, as if he were both there and not there, an enigma wrapped in mystery.

"You seek answers, young one," Tezcatlipoca intoned, his voice echoing through the void. "But the truth you seek may not be found in words alone. Sometimes, it must be felt, experienced, lived."

With a gesture of his hand, Tezcatlipoca conjured images from Ritsuka's memories – fleeting glimpses of battles fought, bonds forged, and sacrifices made. Each image carried with it a surge of emotion – the exhilaration of victory, the sorrow of loss, the warmth of companionship.

"These are but fragments of your journey," Tezcatlipoca said, his voice reverberating with a profound resonance. "Each moment, each encounter, shapes the fabric of your being. The meaning of life is woven into the very fabric of existence, waiting to be discovered in the depths of your soul."

Ritsuka watched in awe as the images flickered and danced before him, each one a testament to the richness and complexity of life. He felt a sense of gratitude welling up within him – gratitude for the experiences that had shaped him, for the friends who had stood by his side, for the chance to embark on this incredible adventure.

As the visions faded and the shadows receded, Ritsuka found himself back in the familiar confines of his dream. Tezcatlipoca stood before him, a silent sentinel in the shifting darkness.

"Remember, young one," Tezcatlipoca said, his voice a whisper on the wind. "The meaning of life is not something to be found in the distant reaches of the cosmos, but in the beating of your own heart, in the depths of your own soul. Seek it there, and you shall find it."

With those words, the dream began to fade, and Ritsuka felt himself being drawn back to wakefulness. As he opened his eyes, he carried with him a newfound sense of clarity and purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on his journey through life.

Wait. Ritsuka said looking at him. How did you come to my dream

Simple the aline god helped. Tezcatlipoca said looking at him. After everything Daybit said about that you are his rival and someone that scared him I wanted to meet you kid, plush your his champion

Ritsuka was confused by it what did he mean by his champion, as Tezcatlipoca left as his dream was back to what he was dreaming about

As Ritsuka's dream shifted back to its original course, he couldn't shake the lingering sense of mystery that Tezcatlipoca's words had left behind. His encounter with the enigmatic god had left him with more questions than answers, and he couldn't help but wonder about the true nature of his connection to Daybit.

Lost in thought, Ritsuka found himself once again adrift in the vast expanse of his subconscious mind. The dream unfolded around him, a kaleidoscope of shifting images and sensations, each one more surreal than the last.

As he navigated the labyrinthine corridors of his own mind, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over him. There was something lurking in the shadows, something dark and foreboding, waiting to be discovered.

With each passing moment, the feeling grew stronger, until it was all-consuming, threatening to engulf him entirely. Ritsuka tried to push back the encroaching darkness, but it seemed to seep into every corner of his consciousness, twisting and distorting his thoughts.

Just as he felt himself on the brink of despair, a voice broke through the darkness, a voice he knew well.


It was Mash, her voice a beacon of light in the suffocating darkness. With a surge of determination, Ritsuka reached out to her, grasping onto the sound of her voice like a lifeline.

"Mash," he called out, his voice echoing through the void. "I'm here."

And then, like a ray of sunshine breaking through storm clouds, Mash's presence enveloped him, banishing the darkness and filling him with a sense of warmth and reassurance.

Together, they faced the trials of Ritsuka's dream, navigating its twists and turns with unwavering resolve. And though the journey was fraught with peril, they emerged stronger and more united than ever before.

As Ritsuka finally awoke from his dream, he felt a profound sense of gratitude for the companionship and support of those who walked by his side. With Mash at his side, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as partners in both adventure and in life.

Wait a minute. Ritsuka said looking at Mash. If your here who broken

As he removed his blanket as Ritsuka saw it was Jalter, as he got his answer as he looked at her

Ritsuka sighed, gently brushing a strand of hair from Jalter's face as she slept beside him. He glanced back at Mash, who stood at the door, a bemused expression on her face.

"It seems Jalter was the one who broke in this time," Ritsuka said, shaking his head with a slight smile. "I swear, it's like a revolving door with you guys."

Mash chuckled softly, stepping closer. "Well, you did end up with quite the unique harem. It's no wonder they're all so protective and... persistent."

Ritsuka nodded, his thoughts drifting back to his strange encounter with Tezcatlipoca. "Mash, I had the weirdest dream. Tezcatlipoca visited me. He said something about Daybit considering me his rival and champion."

Mash's eyes widened. "Tezcatlipoca? That's... concerning. Did he say why?"

"Not really," Ritsuka replied, rubbing his temples. "Just that the alien god helped him enter my dream and that Daybit views me as a rival. It's all so confusing."

Before Mash could respond, Jalter stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She blinked up at Ritsuka, a sleepy smile spreading across her face. "Morning, Master. Did you sleep well?"

Ritsuka chuckled, patting her head. "Morning, Jalter. I did, thanks to you keeping watch over me, I guess."

Jalter smirked, sitting up and stretching. "Of course. Can't have anyone else stealing you away in the night, can we?"

Mash rolled her eyes playfully. "You know, Jalter, breaking into Ritsuka's room isn't exactly the most conventional way to show your affection."

Jalter shrugged nonchalantly. "Conventional is boring. Besides, it works, doesn't it?"

Ritsuka shook his head with a laugh. "You two are something else. Anyway, let's get ready for the day. We have a lot to figure out, especially with this new information."

As they prepared to leave the room, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The journey ahead was bound to be filled with challenges, but with his loyal companions by his side, he was ready to face whatever came their way.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones for more people to read this