Anastasia bloody ice empire

As Ritsuka was in Room with Olga, Da Vinci, Sion, Goredolf, and Dr Romani

Ritsuka pointed to the board, emphasizing the dates he had written down. "Anastasia being Kadoc's Servant suggests we might be dealing with the late 18th to early 19th century. But the Romanov family's fall in 1918 is another significant period to consider. It's strange that something so recent would be a Lostbelt."

Da Vinci, leaning against the table, nodded thoughtfully. "The Lostbelt must have diverged significantly from our timeline to be considered such. We need to figure out what event or series of events caused this anomaly."

Sion adjusted her glasses, looking at the information on the board. "Considering the recent nature of the Romanov family's timeline, there could be some pivotal moments we haven't identified yet. Perhaps the divergence happened during their reign or in the events leading up to their fall."

Goredolf, who had been silently pondering, spoke up. "If we assume the Romanov family is key, we need to understand what historical elements were altered. This could give us clues on how the Lostbelt operates and what we might face."

Dr. Romani added, "We should also consider the involvement of supernatural elements. Anastasia is known for her connection to Rasputin and his mystic influence. Maybe in this Lostbelt, his influence was much stronger."

Olga frowned, deep in thought. "If Rasputin had more power, or if Anastasia herself wielded significant mystical abilities, that could explain the Lostbelt's existence. But we need more information."

Ritsuka turned back to the group, determination in his eyes. "We need to gather as much data as possible. Let's start by investigating any historical records we have and cross-referencing them with what we know about the Lostbelts. We can't afford to miss any details."

Da Vinci clapped her hands together. "Alright, let's get to work. We'll split the tasks. Romani, you and Goredolf handle the historical research. Sion and I will look into the supernatural aspects. Olga, you and Ritsuka will prepare the team for deployment. We need to be ready for anything."

As they began their preparations, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that this Lostbelt held more secrets than any they had encountered before. The thought of facing Kadoc and Anastasia again weighed heavily on his mind, but he knew they had no choice. The fate of their world depended on uncovering the truth and setting things right.

Ritsuka's face was serious as he addressed the group. "There's a much darker possibility we need to consider. Kadoc and Anastasia give off the same vibe as a Lostbelt King. And considering her tragic history—how she and her whole family were executed—it makes sense that she could have a strong grudge against proper human history."

Da Vinci nodded, her expression grave. "Anastasia's connection to death and revenge could indeed make her a powerful Avenger. If she's the Lostbelt King, then we might be facing a version of her with immense power and a deep-seated desire for vengeance."

Sion looked thoughtful, her fingers tapping rhythmically against the table. "If Anastasia's bitterness and sorrow were amplified by the Alien God's influence, it could create a Lostbelt where the Romanovs ruled through sheer force and terror. This would be a kingdom born from their darkest desires and regrets."

Goredolf shuddered at the thought. "A world where the Romanovs never fell, but instead rose to power through fear and vengeance. It's chilling to think about."

Dr. Romani added, "This could explain why the timeline diverged so drastically. If Anastasia and her family survived and were empowered, they could have reshaped history in a way that led to a Lostbelt."

Olga crossed her arms, her face set in determination. "If this is true, then our mission is even more critical. We need to understand this Lostbelt and its origins to have any chance of restoring proper human history."

Ritsuka nodded. "We need to be prepared for the worst. If Anastasia is an Avenger and the Lostbelt King, she'll stop at nothing to protect her world and exact her revenge. We'll have to be ready for a fierce battle."

Da Vinci clapped her hands, trying to lift the group's spirits. "Alright, we know what we might be up against. Let's gather as much information as possible and plan our approach carefully. We can do this."

The room was filled with a tense silence as everyone absorbed the gravity of the situation. They knew the challenges ahead would be immense, but they were determined to face them together.

"Let's get ready, everyone," Ritsuka said, looking around at the gathered group. "We need to prepare the Shadow Border and, Da Vinci, we need to upgrade my Demon God Commander Mystic Code. It needs to be able to handle Lostbelt Kings as effectively as it does Beasts."

Da Vinci nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Leave it to me, Ritsuka. I'll make sure your Mystic Code is up to the task. We'll need to gather some rare materials, though. Olga, Sion, can you help me with that?"

"Of course," Olga replied, standing up. "We'll start gathering the materials right away."

Sion adjusted her glasses, her mind already racing with calculations. "I'll analyze the materials and provide any additional data we need. Let's make sure we don't miss anything."

Goredolf, despite his usual bluster, was focused. "I'll oversee the preparations for the Shadow Border. We need to ensure it's in top condition for whatever we might face in the Lostbelt."

Dr. Romani added, "I'll review our medical supplies and ensure we have everything we need for emergencies. We can't afford to be unprepared."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility. "Mash, I need you to be ready as well. Your new Mode Shift might be crucial in the battles ahead. Let's train together and make sure we're both at our best."

Mash nodded, her determination mirroring Ritsuka's. "I'm ready, Senpai. I'll give it everything I have."

As the group dispersed to their respective tasks, the atmosphere in the room was charged with purpose and resolve. Ritsuka knew the challenges ahead would be immense, but with his friends and allies by his side, he felt a surge of confidence.

Later, in the training room, Ritsuka and Mash stood facing each other. "Alright, Mash," Ritsuka said, "let's see your new Mode Shift in action."

Mash closed her eyes and focused, her body glowing with energy as she transformed. Her armor turned white with red lines, and her shield transformed into a red spear. Her eyes glowed golden yellow, and her presence exuded power.

"Mode Shift: Lancer!" Mash declared, her voice filled with determination.

Ritsuka watched in awe. "Incredible, Mash. Your power has grown so much. Let's spar and see how well we can synchronize our attacks."

As they trained, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope. They were getting stronger, and with each step, they were getting closer to restoring proper human history.

Meanwhile, in Da Vinci's workshop, the genius inventor was hard at work. She carefully crafted enhancements for Ritsuka's Mystic Code, ensuring it could handle the immense power of a Lostbelt King. Olga and Sion assisted, providing materials and data to optimize the upgrades.

"We're almost there," Da Vinci said, her hands moving with precision. "Just a few more adjustments, and Ritsuka's Mystic Code will be ready."

Olga handed Da Vinci a rare crystal. "This should be the last piece we need. Let's make sure it's perfect."

Sion nodded in agreement. "With these upgrades, Ritsuka will be able to stand against even the most powerful foes."

Finally, the preparations were complete. The Shadow Border was ready, the Mystic Code was upgraded, and the team was prepared for the challenges ahead.

As they gathered at the departure point, Ritsuka addressed his friends and allies. "We've faced impossible odds before, and we've always come through. This Lostbelt might be our toughest challenge yet, but I know we can do it. Let's go and bring proper human history back."

With a collective nod, they boarded the Shadow Border, ready to face whatever awaited them in the Russian Lostbelt.

As they boarded the Shadow Border and set off through the void sea, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Ritsuka stared out into the endless void, his mind racing with thoughts of the challenges ahead. Suddenly, a holographic display flickered to life before him, revealing the name of their next destination.

**Name: Anastasia's Bloody Ice Empire**

The name sent a shiver down his spine, and he felt a heavy weight settle on his shoulders. The others gathered around, reading the display with a mixture of concern and determination.

"This is it," Ritsuka said, breaking the silence. "Anastasia's Lostbelt. We need to be prepared for anything."

Mash nodded, her expression resolute. "We've faced many challenges before, Senpai. We can handle this."

Goredolf, ever the pragmatic leader, glanced at Da Vinci. "How long until we reach the Lostbelt's border?"

"Not long," Da Vinci replied, her fingers flying over the controls. "We should be there within a few hours. Everyone should get some rest and make any final preparations."

Ritsuka turned to his team. "Alright, everyone. Let's use this time wisely. Check your equipment, get some rest if you need it, and be ready for anything."

As they dispersed, Ritsuka took a moment to himself, reflecting on their journey so far. The weight of responsibility was heavy, but he knew he wasn't alone. His friends, his allies, and the memories of those they had lost gave him strength.

A while later, as they approached the border of Anastasia's Lostbelt, the atmosphere within the Shadow Border grew tense. The temperature outside began to drop rapidly, frost forming on the windows.

"We're entering the Lostbelt," Da Vinci announced. "Everyone, brace yourselves."

The Shadow Border passed through the boundary, and the scenery outside changed abruptly. They were now surrounded by a frozen wasteland, the air thick with an eerie stillness. In the distance, the silhouette of a grand, ice-covered city loomed, a stark contrast to the desolate landscape.

"Welcome to Anastasia's Bloody Ice Empire," Sion said, her voice tinged with awe and apprehension. "This place… it feels different from the other Lostbelts."

"Indeed," Olga added, her eyes scanning the horizon. "We need to stay on our guard. This Lostbelt could be more dangerous than anything we've faced before."

Ritsuka stepped forward, his resolve unwavering. "Alright, team. Let's move out. Our mission is to uncover the truth behind this Lostbelt and restore proper human history. Stay alert, and remember, we're in this together."

As they ventured into the frozen empire, the cold bit into their skin, and the oppressive silence pressed down on them. But Ritsuka and his team moved with purpose, their determination shining brightly in the icy darkness.

They soon reached the outskirts of the city, where the once-grand buildings were now encased in ice and snow. The sight was both haunting and beautiful, a testament to the empire's tragic history.

"This place…" Mash began, her voice barely above a whisper. "It feels like a tomb."

"It's a monument to a fallen world," Ritsuka said. "But we're here to set things right."

As they pressed on, the silence was broken by the sound of distant footsteps. Emerging from the shadows, a group of figures approached. Ritsuka's heart quickened as he recognized them.

"Kadoc," he called out, stepping forward.

Kadoc Zemlupus, flanked by Anastasia, the Lostbelt Servant, came to a halt. His expression was a mixture of surprise and determination.

"Ritsuka," Kadoc replied, his voice steady. "I figured you'd show up eventually."

Anastasia's cold gaze swept over the group. "So, you've come to challenge us?"

"We've come to restore the proper history," Ritsuka answered, meeting her gaze. "But we don't have to be enemies. Kadoc, there's still a chance for you to come with us."

Kadoc shook his head. "It's not that simple, Ritsuka. You know that."

The tension in the air was palpable, but Ritsuka stood his ground. "We don't have to fight. There's always a choice."

Anastasia stepped forward, her icy presence chilling the air further. "In this world, there are no easy choices."

With that, the stage was set for a confrontation that would test their resolve and push them to their limits. The fate of the Lostbelt hung in the balance, and Ritsuka knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges. But with his friends by his side, he was ready to face whatever came their way.

Ritsuka's hand went through Kadoc and Anastasia, and they shattered into ice shards.

"Fake," Ritsuka muttered, looking at the broken ice. "They were never here. Makes sense—this isn't even the capital."

Mash, stepping closer to the fragments, nodded in agreement. "It seems like they set up an illusion to throw us off."

Sion approached, scanning the area with her device. "I'm detecting residual magical energy. It looks like a distraction. We need to find the real capital."

Da Vinci tapped her chin thoughtfully. "If they're using these tactics, they must be wary of us. That means we're on the right track."

Olga glanced around, her eyes narrowing. "We should be cautious. If they set up illusions, there could be more traps."

Ritsuka nodded. "Agreed. Let's stay alert and keep moving. We need to find the heart of this Lostbelt."

The team proceeded through the frozen landscape, the cold biting into their skin despite their protective gear. As they moved, the desolation of Anastasia's empire became more apparent—ice-covered ruins of buildings that once housed a thriving civilization, now eerily silent.

As they trekked deeper into the Lostbelt, they encountered more illusions—phantom figures of soldiers, ghostly apparitions of citizens frozen in time. Each one shattered into ice when approached, a reminder of the empire's tragic fate.

Finally, they reached a towering ice palace, its spires piercing the sky. The grandeur of the structure was breathtaking, but the ominous aura it emitted was unmistakable.

"This must be it," Ritsuka said, looking up at the palace. "The capital of Anastasia's Bloody Ice Empire."

The doors to the palace creaked open as they approached, revealing a grand hall lined with statues of ice. The temperature dropped even further, and their breaths became visible in the frigid air.

"Stay close," Mash whispered, her shield at the ready. "We don't know what's waiting for us inside."

They moved cautiously through the hall, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the ice. Suddenly, a figure appeared at the far end of the hall. It was Anastasia, her regal form bathed in an ethereal glow, with Kadoc standing beside her.

"Welcome, Ritsuka," Anastasia said, her voice cold and clear. "You've come far, but this is where your journey ends."

Ritsuka stepped forward, determination in his eyes. "We're here to restore proper human history, Anastasia. We don't have to be enemies."

Kadoc's expression was hard to read, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "You don't understand, Ritsuka. This world… it's all we have left."

Anastasia raised her hand, and the temperature in the hall dropped even further. "If you wish to challenge us, then so be it. But know this—you are facing the full power of the Russian Lostbelt."

As she spoke, ice began to form around her, creating a protective barrier. Kadoc summoned his own magical energy, ready to defend his queen.

Ritsuka turned to his team. "Prepare for battle. This is it—we need to give it everything we've got."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones