Will that was very unexpected

As then a giant Demon God Pillar emerged, Ritsuka and everyone else were sent flying. Ritsuka's eyes widened in recognition.

"This isn't just any Demon God Pillar," he muttered, picking himself up. "It's a Demon Beast Incarnadine, one of the Beast of 666's main attackers."

Anastasia's voice rang out coldly. "Did I forget to mention something? The Alien God has an ally, and she's helping all of us. Good luck."

Before anyone could react, a large teleportation spell enveloped them all, including the Beast Incarnadine.

"Fuck," Ritsuka cursed as they reappeared in an unfamiliar, desolate landscape. He quickly surveyed his surroundings. "Remember my information about the Beast of 666. This thing is incredibly dangerous."

The group scrambled to their feet, disoriented but ready to fight. The Beast Incarnadine loomed over them, its presence suffocating. It let out a roar that shook the ground, and the air around it crackled with dark energy.

"Stay together!" Mash shouted, raising her shield. "We can't let it pick us off one by one!"

Ritsuka nodded, drawing his sword. "Mash is right. We need to coordinate our attacks and take this thing down quickly."

Da Vinci quickly analyzed the situation, her mind racing. "The Beast Incarnadine's weakness lies in its core. We need to find a way to expose it."

"Got it," Ritsuka said. "Everyone, focus your attacks on its front legs! We need to destabilize it and create an opening!"

The team launched a coordinated assault, striking at the Beast Incarnadine's legs with everything they had. The creature roared in pain, its massive form wobbling but not yet falling.

Ritsuka felt a surge of determination. "Mash, get ready! Once we expose the core, we need to hit it with everything we've got!"

Mash nodded, her eyes fierce. "Understood, Senpai!"

As the Beast Incarnadine staggered, Ritsuka saw a faint glow from within its chest. "There! That's the core!"

"Now!" Ritsuka shouted. "Everyone, hit it with everything you've got!"

Mash leaped forward, her shield glowing with power. "Lord Camelot!"

Her shield slammed into the Beast Incarnadine's core, followed by a barrage of attacks from the rest of the team. The air crackled with energy, and the Beast let out a final, earth-shattering roar before collapsing.

Breathing heavily, Ritsuka surveyed the fallen creature. "Is it...is it over?"

Just as he spoke, a dark figure appeared in the distance. It was the ally Anastasia had mentioned—a powerful, malevolent force.

"You think this is the end?" the figure taunted. "The real battle has just begun."

Ritsuka clenched his fists, determination burning in his eyes. "We're ready for whatever you throw at us. We'll protect our world, no matter what."

The team braced themselves for the next challenge, their resolve stronger than ever. They knew the road ahead would be tough, but together, they could overcome anything.

Ritsuka's eyes narrowed as he recognized the figure before them. "I see, so you're the ally," he said, taking a step forward. "You're not complete yet, are you? This is bad—two Beasts working together..."

Before them stood the Beast of 666, resembling a young Nero with red eyes. She wore a red dress, a golden crown on her head, and clutched a golden Holy Grail in her small hands. Her gaze was cold and calculating as she regarded the group.

"Ah, so you recognize me," Nero Beast said with a twisted smile. "You're perceptive, Ritsuka. Indeed, I am not complete. But even in this state, I am more than enough to deal with you."

Ritsuka glanced at his team, his mind racing. "Stay on guard, everyone. This isn't the Nero we know. She's a Beast now, and that makes her incredibly dangerous."

Nero Beast's eyes gleamed with amusement. "How quaint. You still believe you can stand against me? I hold the power of the Holy Grail, and with the Alien God's backing, I will bring about the end of this world."

"Over my dead body," Mash said fiercely, raising her shield. "We've faced worse and come out on top. We won't let you win."

The air grew tense as both sides prepared for the inevitable clash. Ritsuka took a deep breath, focusing his thoughts. "We need a strategy. Da Vinci, analyze her powers and find a weakness. Romani, keep everyone healed and protected. Sion, see if you can disrupt her connection to the Holy Grail."

Nero Beast laughed, her voice echoing eerily. "Do you think your tactics can save you? Let me show you the futility of your resistance."

With a wave of her hand, dark tendrils of energy erupted from the ground, lashing out at the group. They barely managed to dodge in time, the sheer force of the attack sending shockwaves through the air.

Ritsuka steadied himself, his eyes never leaving Nero Beast. "We've got to stay focused. Remember, we're not just fighting for ourselves—we're fighting for everyone who's counting on us."

Da Vinci's eyes glowed with determination. "I've pinpointed a potential weakness in her defenses. If we can overload her with energy, it might destabilize her form."

"Leave that to me," Mash said, her shield radiating power. "I'll create an opening for everyone to strike."

As Mash charged forward, Ritsuka and the others followed suit, their attacks converging on Nero Beast. The air crackled with energy as they unleashed their full might against her.

Nero Beast screamed in rage as the combined assault overwhelmed her. For a moment, it seemed they might succeed. But then, with a burst of dark energy, she retaliated, knocking them all back.

"You think you can defeat me?" she snarled, her form flickering. "I am eternal. I am the end."

"We won't give up," Ritsuka shouted, pulling himself to his feet. "As long as we have hope, we'll keep fighting!"

With renewed determination, the team launched another assault. The battle raged on, each side refusing to yield. But Ritsuka knew they couldn't afford to lose. The fate of their world depended on their victory here and now.

As then Nero Beast sent a powerful attack as everyone went flying deafted.

As everyone struggled to their feet after being thrown to the ground, they watched Nero Beast with a mix of wariness and confusion.

"I guess I won," Nero Beast said, her voice dripping with arrogance. "I want you all dead, but not yet not while he is still unripe, a fruit not yet ready for harvest."

Her eyes narrowed at Ritsuka, her gaze intense and unreadable. Then, with a swift motion, she vanished, teleporting away to the Alien God's domain.

Romani, dusting himself off, turned to Ritsuka with a bemused expression. "So, I'm just going to say this: When she talked about you being 'unripe,' did she mean she wants to, uh, fuck you, or does she want you as her master?"

Ritsuka's face flushed slightly, both from exertion and the implications of Romani's question. "I think she sees me as some kind of pivotal piece in her plans. It's hard to say exactly what she meant, but we can't afford to underestimate her intentions."

Mash, still catching her breath, added, "We need to stay vigilant. The fact that she didn't finish us off means she has some specific plans involving you, Senpai."

Da Vinci nodded in agreement. "Nero Beast and the Alien God are playing a long game. We need to figure out their strategy and counter it before they make their next move."

Sion, looking thoughtful, said, "This encounter has given us valuable information. We need to use it to our advantage. Let's regroup and analyze everything we've learned so far."

As the team began to gather their bearings, Ritsuka couldn't shake the unease that had settled over him. The encounter with Nero Beast had shown just how precarious their situation was. But it had also reinforced his resolve.

"We'll find a way to stop them," Ritsuka said, his voice steady. "No matter what it takes, we'll protect our world from their plans."

With that determination, they began to make their way back to the Shadow Border, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Back with the Alien God and Nero Beast, the tension was palpable. The Alien God's inscrutable gaze fixed on Nero Beast as she paced back and forth, her eyes gleaming with a strange intensity.

"Why are you after him?" the Alien God asked, their voice resonating with authority. "Ritsuka is meant to be my future vessel."

Nero Beast stopped pacing and turned to face the Alien God, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Oh, it's simple," she replied, her tone both playful and obsessive. "He is perfect. I want to claim him, I want him, I want him, I want him, I want him, I want him, I want him!"

Her voice crescendoed with each repetition, the obsession clear in her eyes. The Alien God watched her, a mixture of curiosity and irritation flickering across their face.

"Your fixation could jeopardize our plans," the Alien God warned. "Ritsuka must be handled carefully, not recklessly pursued."

Nero Beast chuckled, her expression shifting to one of mock contrition. "Oh, don't worry. I know how to handle my desires. Besides, my wanting him doesn't interfere with our goals. It only ensures I stay invested in seeing them through."

The Alien God considered her words carefully. "Very well, but remember, our primary objective is the subjugation of this world. Do not let your personal desires compromise our mission."

Nero Beast nodded, though the gleam in her eyes remained. "Of course, dear Alien God. I will ensure our plans proceed smoothly. But know this, Ritsuka's fate is intertwined with ours. I will make him mine."

With a nod of agreement, the Alien God turned away, their mind already working on the next phase of their strategy. Nero Beast, left alone, continued to plot her own path to claim Ritsuka, her obsession driving her every move.

As they each focused on their goals, the delicate balance between their desires and their alliance hung precariously, setting the stage for the unfolding drama that lay ahead.

"But why do you want him?" the Alien God asked, looking at Nero Beast. "What is your end game?"

"Simple. To achieve ultimate power, I need a master," Nero Beast replied, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Yes, I could use Team A or B, but I only want Ritsuka."

As she spoke, Nero Beast's thoughts drifted into a vivid daydream about Ritsuka. It was unholy, explicit, and filled with a desire that was both intense and unsettling. The Alien God, able to peer into her mind, saw everything and felt a nervous sweat forming.

"Your thoughts are... quite vivid," the Alien God remarked, their voice tinged with unease. "You must control these desires. Ritsuka cannot be merely a tool for your fantasies."

Nero Beast snapped back to reality, her smile widening with a mix of determination and obsession. "He's not just a tool. He's the key. With him, I can transcend even the boundaries of what we Beasts can achieve. Together, we will surpass everything."

The Alien God regarded her cautiously. "Ensure your obsession does not interfere with our larger plans. Ritsuka's role must align with our strategy, not just your whims."

Nero Beast nodded, though her mind was already spinning with schemes to bring Ritsuka closer. "Of course. Our goals are aligned. I won't let my personal desires derail us. But remember, when the time comes, Ritsuka will be mine, in every sense."

The Alien God watched her warily, understanding the precarious balance between their shared ambitions and Nero Beast's personal fixation. As they each plotted their next moves, the fragile alliance between them teetered, hinging on the powerful and dangerous desires of one very determined Beast.

As Nero Beast departed, the Alien God whispered a word that Kadoc had once taught them, a word that seemed to perfectly encapsulate Nero Beast's obsessive behavior.

"Yandere," the Alien God murmured, watching Nero Beast with a mix of caution and understanding. "Yandere."

Meanwhile, back with Ritsuka and his team, the group was recovering from their encounter. Ritsuka stood up, dusting himself off as the others gathered around him.

"Everyone okay?" Ritsuka asked, scanning the faces of his companions.

Mash nodded, though she looked concerned. "That was... intense. But we made it through."

Dr. Romani approached, his expression serious. "Ritsuka, did you notice anything unusual about Nero Beast's behavior towards you? She seemed... fixated."

Ritsuka sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, she definitely has some sort of obsession with me. She kept talking about wanting me, needing me as her master."

Da Vinci frowned. "This isn't just about defeating us anymore. She's targeting you specifically."

Sion stepped forward, adjusting her glasses. "We need to be careful. Nero Beast's fixation on you could be both a weakness and a dangerous threat."

Goredolf, looking a bit pale, nodded vigorously. "Indeed. We need to prepare for every possible scenario. Her obsession could lead her to take drastic actions."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, trying to steady his thoughts. "Alright, we stay vigilant and keep moving forward. We have to stop the Alien God and whatever plans they have with Nero Beast. Let's get ready to face the challenges ahead."

As the team regrouped and prepared to continue their mission, the shadow of Nero Beast's obsession loomed over them, adding a new layer of complexity to their already perilous journey.

Me Also here is another thing that happened before the reset. Ritsuka said looking at everyone. We in chaldea did summond Nero beast in Chaldea not in a different class like that other but as the beast class I became her master

The team turned their attention to Ritsuka, his words sinking in.

"We summoned Nero Beast before the reset," Ritsuka explained, his voice steady but filled with the weight of the revelation. "She appeared in her Beast class form, and I became her master."

Mash's eyes widened in shock. "You were her master? What happened?"

Ritsuka sighed, remembering the events. "It was chaotic. Nero Beast was powerful, but she was also incredibly fixated on me. Her obsession was intense, and it made controlling her a challenge. She didn't care about anything else but me."

Da Vinci looked thoughtful. "That explains why she's so fixated on you now. Her feelings and desires must have carried over even after the reset."

Sion adjusted her glasses, deep in thought. "This could be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Her obsession with you means she might make mistakes, but it also means she'll stop at nothing to get to you."

Romani nodded. "We need to use this information to our advantage. If she sees you as her master, we might be able to manipulate her or at least anticipate her actions."

Goredolf looked nervous but determined. "We must stay focused and work together. This obsession could turn dangerous at any moment."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility. "Alright, everyone. We use this information to stay one step ahead. We have to be ready for anything. Let's keep moving and be prepared for whatever comes our way."

The team nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthened by Ritsuka's words. As they continued their journey, the knowledge of Nero Beast's past and her obsession with Ritsuka added a new layer of complexity to their mission, making every step more perilous but also more crucial.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones for this story so it is more well know