What happened here

Still. Ritsuka said looking at the group. We don't know what Nero beast is planning.

Yes your correct. Mash said to Ritsuka. We don't know what evil plans she is thinking abot

Meanwhile back with Nero Beast, he was just hugging a body pillow of Ritsuka, the she found from another time

Mine, you will be Mine. She said Hugging the body pillow more. I will have you one day, i will make sure to take care of you

As the Alien god just watched her Allie as she was scared for Ritsuka.


The tension in the air was palpable as the group considered Nero Beast's intentions. Each member knew they were dealing with a formidable opponent, one whose obsession with Ritsuka bordered on the dangerous.

"We have to stay vigilant," Da Vinci said, her voice laced with concern. "Nero Beast's fixation on Ritsuka could lead to unpredictable actions. We can't afford to let our guard down."

Romani nodded in agreement. "We need to gather as much information as possible about her plans and capabilities. The more we know, the better prepared we'll be to counter her moves."

Sion adjusted her glasses, her expression serious. "We should also consider reaching out to other allies for support. Dealing with a Beast-class servant is no easy task, and we may need reinforcements."

Ritsuka listened to their suggestions, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. "You're all right. We need to be proactive and strategic. Let's gather information, strengthen our defenses, and reach out to potential allies. We can't let Nero Beast catch us off guard."

As they continued their journey, Ritsuka and his team remained vigilant, knowing that Nero Beast's obsession with him posed a significant threat. With determination and teamwork, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead and protect Ritsuka from the clutches of the relentless Beast.

As the group looked around Ritsuka wonder where they were it was still ice, so we're they in Russia.

Da Vinci van you check. Ritsuka said looking at her. Check the location

Da Vinci pulled out her device she did a few scan and just was shocked

The fuck. She said as everyone looked at her. How are we in Norway, did Anastasia teleport us here

As the group pondered their unexpected location, Ritsuka's mind raced with possibilities. Norway wasn't where they expected to be, especially not in the wake of their encounter with Nero Beast and the strange alliance formed between her and the Alien God.

"Is there any sign of Chaldea?" Ritsuka asked, his voice betraying a hint of concern.

Da Vinci continued to scan the area, her brow furrowed in concentration. "I'm not detecting any traces of Chaldea or the Shadow Border nearby," she reported. "It's as if we've been transported to a completely different dimension."

Ritsuka's mind raced with questions. How had they ended up in Norway? What connection did this icy landscape have to the enigmatic Anastasia and her "bloody ice empire"? And most importantly, how were they going to find a way back to Chaldea?

As then the group heard something, as then driving it was the shadow border, as they were happy

We found you. Ophelia said getting out of trh shadow border. What Happened we were tracking you and you guys desiperd

Coming out of the border was, Aozaki, Ciel, Karen, Ayaka, Nemo, Sharlock and Jalter

Relief washed over the group as they saw the familiar faces emerging from the Shadow Border. It was a reassuring sight after their unexpected journey to Norway.

"We were transported here suddenly," Ritsuka explained to Ophelia, his voice tinged with relief. "We're not sure how or why, but it seems we've ended up in a different dimension."

Da Vinci quickly filled in the rest of the team on their situation, detailing the encounter with Nero Beast and the unsettling alliance between her and the Alien God.

"It seems we have a new challenge ahead of us," Ciel remarked, her expression grave. "But we're all here together, and that's what matters."

It is not a different demention. Sharlock said looking at everyone. It seemed to part of this lost belt, it counts a part of Russia but how

Sharlock's revelation sparked a wave of concern among the group. If they were indeed still within the Russian Lostbelt, then their situation was even more precarious than they had realized.

"If this is part of the Lostbelt, then we need to proceed with caution," Ritsuka said, his brow furrowed in thought. "We can't afford to underestimate the dangers lurking within this icy domain."

The realization that they were still within the Russian Lostbelt raised more questions than answers. How had they ended up in this particular location? And what did it mean for their mission to confront Anastasia and Kadoc?

With uncertainty clouding their path forward, the group resolved to tread carefully and gather as much information as they could about their surroundings. They knew that their next steps could determine the fate of not only themselves but all of humanity.

With the revelation from Sharlock hanging heavily in the air, the group gathered their bearings and prepared for what lay ahead.

"We need to find shelter and gather resources," Ritsuka said, his voice steady despite the uncertainty. "Ophelia, Ciel, and Karen, scout the area. Aozaki, Nemo, and Sharlock, see if you can find any clues about why this place is connected to the Lostbelt. Mash, Da Vinci, and I will set up a base camp here."

As the team dispersed to their tasks, Ritsuka turned to Da Vinci. "Let's start by analyzing the terrain and climate. We need to understand this place if we're going to survive here."

Da Vinci nodded, already working her portable device. "I'll map out the area and gather data on the environment. Hopefully, it can give us some clues."

Mash set up a perimeter around their camp, ensuring their safety while they worked. "I'll keep watch. If anything comes our way, we'll be ready."

Meanwhile, Ophelia, Ciel, and Karen ventured into the icy wilderness. The landscape was harsh and unforgiving, with biting winds and thick snow that made progress slow and difficult.

"Over there," Ophelia pointed to a faint outline in the distance. "It looks like a structure of some kind."

They approached cautiously, finding a partially buried building that seemed to be an old outpost. Inside, they discovered supplies and remnants of what appeared to be scientific equipment, possibly left behind by previous explorers.

"This could be useful," Ciel said, examining the equipment. "Let's take what we can carry and head back."

Back at the base camp, Aozaki, Nemo, and Sharlock worked on deciphering the connection between this place and the Russian Lostbelt. "It's as if this area has been pulled into the Lostbelt's influence," Aozaki mused, studying a map. "But how and why?"

Nemo added, "There must be some form of energy or artifact linking these places. We need to find it."

As the scouting team returned with their findings, the group reconvened to share information. "We found an outpost with supplies and some equipment," Ophelia reported. "It might help us survive here."

"Good work," Ritsuka said. "Let's consolidate our resources and plan our next move. We need to understand this place and find out why it's connected to the Lostbelt."

As they worked, the sense of camaraderie and determination grew stronger. Despite the harsh environment and unknown dangers, they knew they had to press on. Their mission to confront Anastasia and Kadoc was far from over, and every piece of information they gathered brought them one step closer to their goal.

In the midst of their preparations, Mash approached Ritsuka. "We'll get through this," she said, her voice filled with resolve. "We've faced worse, and we've always come out stronger."

Ritsuka smiled, appreciating her unwavering support. "You're right, Mash. We've got each other, and that's what matters. We'll find a way to defeat Anastasia and restore balance to this world."

As night fell, the group settled into their makeshift camp, the cold air filled with a sense of anticipation and determination. They knew the journey ahead would be challenging, but with their combined strength and resolve, they were ready to face whatever came their way.

The next morning, the group set out again, this time more prepared and focused. They moved through the icy landscape, gathering more clues and piecing together the puzzle of the Lostbelt's influence.

As they ventured deeper, they encountered more signs of the Lostbelt's presence—strange creatures, distorted landscapes, and remnants of a forgotten world. Each discovery brought them closer to understanding the true nature of the Lostbelt and its connection to their own reality.

Finally, after days of exploration and analysis, they uncovered a hidden chamber deep within the ice. Inside, they found an ancient artifact pulsating with energy, its presence unmistakable.

"This must be it," Sharlock said, examining the artifact. "The source of the connection between this place and the Lostbelt."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling the weight of their discovery. "We need to find a way to deactivate it or sever the connection. If we can do that, we might be able to weaken Anastasia's hold on this world."

As they worked to unravel the mysteries of the artifact, the sense of urgency grew. They knew time was running out, and the fate of humanity rested on their shoulders. But with each other's support and determination, they pressed on, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the end, it was their unwavering resolve and unity that would see them through. Together, they would confront the darkness of the Lostbelt, face their greatest fears, and emerge victorious, restoring balance and hope to a world on the brink of destruction.

So Dr Romani I wanna ask you something. Ritsuka said looking at Dr Romani. Did you think you payed for your sins when you delete your self before the reset

What. Dr Romani said but confused. Can you please explain

You deleted your self from the thrown of hero after you Goetia before the reset. Ritsuka said looking. Leaving us all alone, you ran like it was easy for you to, do you left, you left, you left mash, you left us to deal with the lost belt alone, all alone, I wanna know did you really pay for your sin, no you fuckin didn't

Dr. Romani looked taken aback by Ritsuka's words. The room fell silent as everyone turned to listen, the tension palpable.

"Ritsuka, I…" Dr. Romani started, his voice faltering. He had never seen Ritsuka this upset before. "I didn't realize you felt this way."

Ritsuka's eyes were fierce, his emotions pouring out. "You left us, Romani. You left Mash, you left me, and you left everyone else to pick up the pieces. Do you have any idea how much we've struggled since then? Do you have any idea how much pain we went through?"

Romani looked down, his expression pained. "I thought… I thought by sacrificing myself, I could atone for my actions as Solomon. I wanted to give you all a chance to rebuild, to find peace."

"A chance to rebuild?" Ritsuka scoffed. "We were thrown into chaos! The Lostbelts, the Beast threats, everything! We had to face it all without you. We needed you, Romani."

Mash stepped forward, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and understanding. "Doctor… Ritsuka's right. We've faced so much since you left. But we also understand why you did what you did. You wanted to protect us, and for that, we're grateful. But the pain of losing you was real, and it still is."

Romani sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping. "I'm sorry. I never meant to abandon you. I thought my sacrifice would be enough, that it would pay for my sins. But I see now that it wasn't. It was a temporary solution to a much bigger problem."

Da Vinci, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up. "Romani, we all make mistakes. We all have regrets. But what's important now is that you're here. We have a chance to move forward together, to face the challenges ahead as a team."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, his anger slowly giving way to a weary acceptance. "I just… I just needed you to know how I felt. We missed you, Romani. And we need you now, more than ever."

Romani looked up, his eyes meeting Ritsuka's. "I'm here now. And I promise, I won't leave you again. We'll face whatever comes our way, together."

The room was silent for a moment, the weight of the conversation settling over everyone. Then, Mash stepped forward and placed a hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "We'll get through this, Ritsuka. Just like we always have."

Ritsuka nodded, his resolve strengthening. "You're right, Mash. We'll get through this. Together."

With that, the group turned their attention back to the task at hand, ready to face the challenges of the Lostbelt and whatever else lay ahead. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but with Romani back by their side, they felt a renewed sense of hope and determination.

Sorry. Ritsuka said looking at him. It was you before the reset, I am sorry I should have not acted like that

Dr. Romani gave a small, understanding smile. "It's alright, Ritsuka. I understand why you felt that way. The reset changed many things, but the pain and the memories are still there."

Ritsuka nodded, his shoulders relaxing. "I just... I don't want to lose anyone else. We've been through so much, and it feels like we're always on the brink of losing everything."

Mash stepped closer, her presence comforting. "We won't lose anyone, Senpai. We're stronger together. And with Dr. Romani back, we have even more reason to believe in our strength."

Da Vinci chimed in, her usual cheerfulness returning. "That's the spirit! We've faced impossible odds before and come out stronger each time. We'll do it again."

Ophelia, who had been quiet during the exchange, finally spoke up. "We need to stay focused. The Lostbelt is a threat unlike any we've faced before. But we're not alone in this. We have each other."

Sherlock Holmes nodded in agreement. "Precisely. Unity and determination are our greatest assets. We must use them wisely."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "You're right. We need to stay focused and work together. Let's prepare for what's ahead. We need to figure out why we're in Norway and what Anastasia's plans are."

Da Vinci looked at her device again, scanning the area. "There's something strange about this place. It's connected to the Lostbelt, but it's not entirely within Russia. We need to gather more information."

Ciel and Karen, both experienced in fieldwork, stepped forward. "We'll scout the area and see what we can find," Ciel said. "We need to understand the layout and any potential threats."

Nemo, always ready for action, nodded. "I'll accompany you. We need to stay vigilant."

As the group began to organize their tasks, Ritsuka felt a sense of camaraderie and hope. They had faced insurmountable challenges before, and with their combined strength, they could do it again.

"Let's get to work," Ritsuka said, determination in his voice. "We'll uncover the secrets of this Lostbelt and put an end to whatever threats lie ahead."

With renewed resolve, the group moved forward, ready to face the challenges of the Ice Empire and whatever else awaited them in this treacherous Lostbelt.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stone so yeah