Through History

Wait I feel something. Ritsuka said looking at the ground getting a chill. I need to check

Ritsuka stepped back, activating Amaterasu as the eerie sight of skeletal remains emerged from the ice. The others screamed and retreated to the Shadow Border, shaken by the gruesome discovery. Only Ritsuka, Aozaki, Ciel, Caren, Ayaka, Romani, and Da Vinci remained outside, trying to keep their composure.

"What is this place?" Ciel asked, her voice tinged with concern as she examined the skeletal remains.

"It looks like an ancient battlefield," Aozaki said, kneeling to get a closer look. "These soldiers must have died a long time ago."

Da Vinci scanned the area with her device, her eyes narrowing. "The energy readings here are off the charts. This isn't just an ordinary graveyard. There's something powerful lingering here."

Ritsuka frowned, trying to make sense of it all. "Could this be part of the Lostbelt's history? A war that happened in this alternate timeline?"

Romani stepped closer, looking at the remains. "It's possible. Lostbelts are distorted versions of history. This could be a remnant of a war that never happened in our timeline."

Caren glanced around, her eyes sharp. "We need to be careful. If this place is tied to the Lostbelt's power, it could be dangerous."

Ayaka nodded in agreement. "We should proceed with caution. There might be more hidden dangers here."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "Alright, everyone. Let's regroup and figure out our next move. We need to understand what happened here and how it ties into Anastasia's plans."

As they made their way back to the Shadow Border, Da Vinci continued to analyze the data. "There are traces of magical energy all over this area. We need to find the source. It might give us a clue about Anastasia's next move."

Romani looked at Ritsuka, his expression serious. "We need to stay focused. This place holds many secrets, and we need to uncover them if we're going to stop Anastasia."

Ritsuka nodded, his resolve firm. "We'll get to the bottom of this. Together, we can handle whatever comes our way."

With a renewed sense of determination, the group prepared to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Ice Empire, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Dr. Romani's eyes widened as he inspected the skeletal remains more closely. "Wait a minute," he said, his voice trembling with a mix of realization and dread. "These soldiers... they look like the ones from World War II."

Ritsuka felt a chill run down his spine. "And the history changed during World War II," he muttered, piecing together the clues. "The magical energy, Anastasia's presence as a Lostbelt King, her death, and her transformation into an Avenger... Holy fuck, I got it. She froze the whole world in this timeline."

Da Vinci's eyes narrowed as she processed the information. "If that's true, then this entire Lostbelt is a result of her actions during World War II. She must have used her powers to freeze the world, altering the course of history."

Ciel's face was pale as she spoke. "That would explain the extreme cold and the presence of these soldiers. We're standing in a world where Anastasia's powers created an eternal winter."

Aozaki shook her head, disbelief evident in her eyes. "The scale of her power... it's unimaginable. Freezing the entire world... how did she manage to do that?"

Ritsuka clenched his fists, his determination growing stronger. "It doesn't matter how she did it. What matters is that we stop her and set things right."

Romani nodded, his expression serious. "We need to find a way to break the ice and restore this timeline to its proper course. Anastasia's powers are formidable, but we can't let her maintain control."

Da Vinci continued to scan the area, her device beeping with new readings. "There's a massive concentration of magical energy deeper in this region. If we can locate the source, we might be able to reverse the effects of the ice."

Caren looked at the group, her resolve clear. "Then that's our next move. We need to find the source of Anastasia's power and put an end to this eternal winter."

Ayaka, now more composed, nodded in agreement. "Let's stay focused and move forward. We're the only ones who can set things right."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, his mind set on their mission. "Alright, everyone. Let's get ready. We're heading into the heart of the Ice Empire. Together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way and put an end to Anastasia's reign."

With their course set, the group prepared to venture deeper into the frozen wasteland, determined to uncover the secrets of the Ice Empire and restore balance to the timeline.

Kadoc walked cautiously through the icy corridors of Anastasia's domain, the oppressive cold biting at his skin even more intensely than usual. The ice collar around his neck felt like a constant reminder of his subjugation, a shackle he couldn't escape from. Every attempt to break it had failed, and he knew that Anastasia's obsessive love for him would make her relentless in keeping him under her control.

"Shit," Kadoc thought, his frustration mounting as he continued to tug futilely at the collar. "I may need to go to him."

He rounded a corner and saw a familiar figure—Rasputin. The enigmatic mage had been a looming presence in the Ice Empire, his intentions often inscrutable. Kadoc's heart pounded as he approached, aware that Anastasia could be listening to every word through the collar's tracking and listening spells.

"Rasputin," Kadoc called softly, hoping his tone would convey the urgency of his situation. He pointed at the collar, his eyes pleading for help.

Rasputin raised an eyebrow, understanding the silent request. He nodded slightly and motioned for Kadoc to follow him to a more secluded area where they might have a chance to speak without Anastasia's interference. Kadoc's pulse quickened as he walked behind Rasputin, hoping that this would be his chance to gain some measure of freedom.

Once they were in a more concealed part of the palace, Rasputin turned to Kadoc. "You're in quite the predicament," he said, his voice low and conspiratorial. "Anastasia's affection for you is... intense, to say the least."

Kadoc nodded, his frustration evident. "She listens to everything I say and tracks my every move. I need to find a way to break this collar and get away from her control."

Rasputin examined the collar closely, his fingers tracing the intricate runes inscribed on its surface. "This is a powerful piece of magic," he murmured. "It won't be easy to break, but it might be possible with the right tools and knowledge."

Kadoc's hope surged. "Do you know how?"

Rasputin's eyes met Kadoc's, a glimmer of determination in his gaze. "I have some ideas. However, it will require careful planning and precise execution. We can't afford to make any mistakes, or she'll know immediately."

Kadoc nodded, his resolve strengthening. "Whatever it takes. I can't stay under her control any longer."

Rasputin's lips curled into a faint smile. "Then let's get to work. We'll need to gather some materials and find a way to mask our activities from her surveillance. With some luck and a lot of effort, we'll find a way to free you from that collar."

As they began to discuss their plan, Kadoc felt a renewed sense of purpose. With Rasputin's help, he had a chance to break free from Anastasia's yandere grip and regain his autonomy. It wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to do whatever it took to reclaim his freedom.

Tell me something. Rasputin said looking at Kadoc. Do you really love the queen

Yes I do. Kadoc did looking at him. It is just with this thing I don't feel free.

Rasputin regarded Kadoc with a mixture of curiosity and sympathy. "Love is a complex and often burdensome emotion," he said quietly, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding. "It's clear that Anastasia's affection for you is overwhelming, but love without freedom can quickly turn into a prison."

Kadoc nodded, his expression conflicted. "I do love her, but this collar makes me feel trapped. I can't be myself, and I can't make my own choices. It's like she's suffocating me with her love."

Rasputin placed a hand on Kadoc's shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "I understand. True love should allow you to be free, to choose and to grow. Anastasia's fear of losing you has driven her to these extreme measures, but this isn't sustainable for either of you."

Kadoc looked down at the collar, its cold metal a constant reminder of his captivity. "I want to help her, to support her in her role as the Lostbelt King, but not like this. Not as a prisoner."

Rasputin nodded thoughtfully. "Then we need to find a way to balance your love for her with your need for freedom. If we can remove the collar, you can show her that your love doesn't require chains."

Kadoc's eyes lit up with a newfound determination. "Let's do it. Whatever it takes, I want to show her that we can be together without this."

Rasputin smiled, a hint of approval in his gaze. "Very well. We'll start by gathering the necessary materials and creating a diversion to mask our activities. We'll need to be discreet and patient, but with careful planning, we can succeed."

As they laid out their plan, Kadoc felt a weight lifting from his shoulders. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he had hope. Hope that he could reclaim his freedom and still be with Anastasia, showing her that love could thrive without control or coercion. It was a daunting task, but with Rasputin's guidance, he felt ready to face it head-on.

As they were working it was clear that it was going to be Hurd, and will probably take a few days.

I have questions. Kadoc said looking at Rasputin. Why is she like this

Simple, she wants revenge and she got after she froze the world. Rasputin said looking at him. She lost her own family and was killed she made that contract with Vi to freeze the solder, and then summoning hee self, when she finds someone that she actually love well you get the point

Kadoc nodded, absorbing Rasputin's explanation. The weight of Anastasia's past was evident in her actions and motivations. "I understand now," Kadoc said, his voice tinged with sadness. "She's been through so much, and her love for me is a way to hold onto something real, something she can control. But it's too much."

Rasputin nodded in agreement. "Precisely. Her love has turned into an obsession, a way to cope with the trauma she endured. It's not her fault entirely, but it doesn't excuse her actions either."

Kadoc sighed, feeling a mixture of empathy and frustration. "I wish there was a way to help her see that love doesn't have to be like this. That it can be freeing, not suffocating."

"That's why we're doing this," Rasputin said firmly. "If we can free you from this collar, it might be the first step in helping her understand that."

As they continued their work, carefully gathering materials and crafting a plan to remove the collar, Kadoc's thoughts kept drifting back to Anastasia. He remembered the moments of tenderness between them, the rare glimpses of vulnerability she showed. Those memories fueled his determination.

Meanwhile, back with Ritsuka and his group, the discovery of the skeletons weighed heavily on them. The realization that they were in an alternate timeline where Anastasia had frozen the world added a new layer of urgency to their mission.

"We need to find Kadoc," Ritsuka said, his voice resolute. "If Anastasia is this dangerous, we can't leave him at her mercy."

"Agreed," Da Vinci said, checking her device for any leads. "We'll start by looking for any signs of him or his Servants. We can't afford to waste any time."

As the group pressed forward, navigating the frozen landscape, their thoughts were focused on finding their comrade and unraveling the mysteries of this icy lostbelt. They knew the challenges ahead would be formidable, but they were determined to face them together.

Back with Kadoc and Rasputin, the days stretched on as they meticulously worked on the collar. Each small victory brought them closer to their goal, but the pressure of being discovered loomed over them constantly.

Finally, after days of painstaking effort, they had everything they needed. Kadoc and Rasputin exchanged a determined look, knowing that this was their best chance.

"Are you ready?" Rasputin asked, his voice steady.

Kadoc nodded. "Let's do it."

With a deep breath, they began the delicate process of dismantling the collar. Each movement was precise, every step calculated. As the final piece was removed, the collar fell away, and Kadoc felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"It's done," Rasputin said, a smile of triumph on his face. "You're free."

Kadoc flexed his neck, feeling the absence of the oppressive weight. "Thank you, Rasputin. Now, let's find a way to help Anastasia understand."

As they prepared to face the next challenge, Kadoc felt a renewed sense of hope. It wouldn't be easy, but with determination and the support of his allies, he believed they could find a way to reach Anastasia and show her that love could be a source of strength, not control.

How there you

As they turn there head to see Anastasia she was pissed and angry, as she got the signal her Collar, she though Kadoc was in danger but she didn't expect this.

Anastasia's eyes blazed with fury as she surveyed the scene before her. Kadoc stood before her, free from the collar that had bound him for so long, alongside Rasputin, who had helped him in this daring escape.

"How dare you," Anastasia seethed, her voice cold and filled with betrayal. "After everything I've done for you, after all the love I've shown you..."

Kadoc stood his ground, his expression conflicted yet resolute. "Anastasia, please understand," he began, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "I couldn't continue like this. This collar, this control... It wasn't right."

Rasputin stepped forward, his tone calm but firm. "Anastasia, we only sought to free him from this confinement. He deserves a chance to make his own choices."

Anastasia's gaze shifted between them, her anger mingled with hurt and disbelief. "You... you were supposed to love me," she whispered, her voice cracking slightly. "I did all of this for us, for our future together."

Kadoc took a step closer, reaching out tentatively. "Anastasia, I still care for you," he said softly. "But this isn't love. This collar... it was suffocating me. I need you to understand."

Anastasia's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions – hurt, betrayal, and a hint of realization. She looked at Kadoc, seeing him in a new light – not as a possession to be controlled, but as a person with his own will and desires.

"I... I didn't want to lose you," Anastasia admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought if I could keep you close, protect you... maybe then we could have a future together."

Kadoc nodded sympathetically. "I know," he said gently. "But we can't build a future on control and fear. I want to find a way for us to be together, as equals."

Anastasia's shoulders slumped slightly, the weight of her actions and emotions bearing down on her. "I... I don't know if I can change," she admitted, her voice wavering. "But I will try."

Kadoc offered her a small, reassuring smile. "That's all I ask," he said. "We can find a way forward, together."

Rasputin nodded in agreement. "It won't be easy," he said, glancing at both of them. "But if there's a chance for understanding and forgiveness, it starts now."

Anastasia took a deep breath, her resolve strengthening. "I will try," she repeated, her voice steadier this time. "For us."

As they stood together, the tension began to ease, replaced by a tentative sense of hope. The road ahead would be challenging, filled with uncertainties and obstacles. But for Kadoc and Anastasia, this moment marked a new beginning – a chance to redefine their relationship on their own terms, away from the shadows of control and manipulation.

With that resolve in their hearts, they turned towards the future, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

As they hugged as kadoc saw another collar this one made from pure eyes, as she just looked at him, as her smile was creepy and yandere, as Kadoc just looked at him

You will never leave me. She said looking at him. And don't worry this time you have freedom, just to show everyone you belong to me, even if it looks kinky

Will shit. Kadoc said looking at her. You are really insane sometimes

To be continued

Hope people this ch and give me power stones