Revenl force's

As the group gathered around the discovery, Ritsuka's mind raced with the implications of what they had unearthed.

"We need to report this to Chaldea immediately," Ritsuka said, his voice tinged with urgency. "This changes everything we know about this Lostbelt."

Mash nodded, her brow furrowed in concern. "It's unsettling to think that this entire world might be a result of historical alteration."

Da Vinci, busy analyzing the magical signatures in the area, chimed in. "This fits with the anomaly readings we've been tracking. It seems the timeline divergence here is significant."

"Could Anastasia truly have frozen the entire world?" Romani pondered aloud, adjusting his glasses thoughtfully.

Aozaki, always pragmatic, spoke up. "Whatever the case, our immediate concern is finding a way to neutralize this threat. We can't let this Lostbelt continue to exist if it poses such a danger."

Caren, scanning the horizon cautiously, added, "We should proceed with caution. The presence of these soldiers suggests there might be more hostile forces lurking nearby."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "Let's regroup and formulate a plan. Our priority is to gather more intel and find out how this alteration came to be."

As they prepared to move forward, the sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air. Each step deeper into the Lostbelt seemed to unravel more mysteries, and Ritsuka knew they were only just beginning to uncover the true extent of the dangers they faced.

But I think we are forgetting something. Ritsuka said looking at Sharlock. As he onces said we need these 3 thing to solve a mystery, who done it, how done it and why don it, we who dont it that being Anastasia How done it probably this and many other artifacts, but why she did it we don't know

Sherlock nodded thoughtfully, his keen eyes narrowing as he considered Ritsuka's words. "Indeed, Ritsuka. Understanding the motive behind such a monumental act of historical alteration is crucial."

Da Vinci, now fully focused on her analysis, interjected, "From the magical signatures and the artifacts we've encountered so far, it's evident that Anastasia wielded tremendous power. But for what purpose? What drove her to freeze the world?"

Mash, always attuned to the emotional and ethical dimensions of their missions, spoke up next. "Anastasia must have had a reason, no matter how misguided it might seem to us. Perhaps she sought revenge, or maybe there's something deeper driving her actions."

Aozaki, scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement, added, "Understanding her motives could give us insight into her vulnerabilities and potential weaknesses. It could help us formulate a strategy to approach her."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "Until we understand why Anastasia froze the world, we can't fully grasp the implications of this Lostbelt. Let's gather more information and see if we can uncover any clues that might shed light on her motivations."

With renewed determination, the group set out to explore further, their minds focused on unraveling the mystery that lay at the heart of the Ice Empire Lostbelt. Each step brought them closer to the truth, but also deeper into the unknown dangers that awaited them.

As the group pressed onward through the icy landscape of the Ice Empire Lostbelt, they encountered remnants of a civilization frozen in time. Buildings, once bustling with life, now stood as silent witnesses to the cataclysmic event that had enveloped this world. The air was cold and thick with magical energy, a testament to Anastasia's powerful sorcery that had wrought this frozen realm.

Ritsuka, leading the way with Mash by his side, scanned the surroundings with a mixture of awe and trepidation. "This place... it's like stepping into a ghost town," he remarked quietly, his breath visible in the frigid air.

Mash nodded, her shield at the ready. "It's both eerie and fascinating. To think that such a powerful mage could alter history to this extent..."

Da Vinci, analyzing the magical readings on her device, chimed in, "The magical energy here is unlike anything we've encountered before. It's sustained not just by Anastasia's presence, but by the collective will of this Lostbelt's inhabitants. It's almost as if time itself has been halted."

Aozaki, her eyes sharp as she scanned the horizon, noted, "We must tread carefully. Anastasia's control over this world extends beyond mere ice and snow. There could be traps or guardians she's left behind to protect her domain."

Sharlock, ever observant, crouched down to examine some ancient runes etched into the frozen ground. "These runes... they tell a story of despair and defiance," he mused aloud. "It seems the people of this Lostbelt fought against their fate, but were ultimately overcome."

Suddenly, a distant rumbling echoed through the icy plains. Everyone tensed, weapons ready as they braced for an attack. But instead of hostility, they were met with a surprising sight: a group of survivors emerging from a partially thawed structure.

"Please, help us!" cried a frail voice as an elderly man approached them, supported by a younger woman. "We've been hiding from her forces for so long..."

Ritsuka and the others exchanged glances, realizing they had stumbled upon a resistance group fighting against Anastasia's rule. The survivors, led by a courageous young woman named Elena, shared their harrowing tale of how they resisted the ice and snow that threatened to engulf their lives.

"They say Anastasia freezes those who defy her into eternal slumber," Elena explained, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination. "But we refuse to give up. We believe there's a way to break her hold over this world."

Moved by their courage and resolve, Ritsuka vowed to aid the resistance in any way possible. Together, they formulated a plan to gather intelligence, sabotage Anastasia's operations, and eventually confront her to uncover the truth behind her drastic actions.

As they set out on their mission, navigating through treacherous terrain and facing magical obstacles along the way, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the brink of discovering something monumental. The fate of the Ice Empire Lostbelt hung in the balance, and unraveling Anastasia's motives would be the key to understanding their enemy and finding a way to restore history.

As they set out on their mission, navigating through treacherous terrain and facing magical obstacles along the way, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the brink of discovering something monumental. The fate of the Ice Empire Lostbelt hung in the balance, and unraveling Anastasia's motives would be the key to understanding their enemy and finding a way to restore history.

Mash, always vigilant, kept her eyes peeled for any signs of danger while Ophelia and Ciel provided magical support, analyzing the ley lines that powered Anastasia's ice magic. Da Vinci worked tirelessly to upgrade their Mystic Code, ensuring they were prepared for any confrontation with the Lostbelt King.

Aozaki, ever the strategist, mapped out their route through the icy labyrinth, utilizing her knowledge of arcane symbols and ancient texts to decipher clues left behind by the resistance. Karen and Ayaka, adept in combat and reconnaissance, scouted ahead to gather intelligence on enemy movements.

As they traveled deeper into the heart of the Ice Empire, they encountered more survivors who shared stories of loss and resilience. Each encounter strengthened their resolve to confront Anastasia and bring an end to her tyrannical reign.

One cold evening, as they camped near the remnants of an ancient temple, Ritsuka found himself staring into the crackling fire, lost in thought. "Anastasia," he murmured, his breath misting in the icy air. "What could have driven her to such extremes? There must be more to her story than meets the eye."

Dr. Romani, seated nearby, nodded solemnly. "We've seen Lostbelt Kings driven by various motives—desire for power, fear of extinction, or even a twisted sense of justice," he mused. "But Anastasia... her case seems different. It's almost as if she's trying to preserve something precious, even at the cost of freezing the entire world."

"Perhaps she's protecting someone or something," Mash suggested, adjusting her shield. "Her actions may be extreme, but there's often a kernel of truth behind such drastic measures."

The discussion was interrupted by a sudden blizzard, swirling around them with unnatural fury. Through the howling winds, they caught glimpses of shadowy figures advancing towards their camp.

"Anastasia's forces," Sharlock declared, drawing his revolver. "They've found us. Prepare for battle!"

With practiced efficiency, the group sprang into action, defending their camp against waves of ice golems and magical constructs. Ritsuka fought alongside his comrades, their unity and determination shining brightly even in the darkest of moments.

After hours of fierce combat, the last of Anastasia's forces retreated into the swirling snowstorm. The survivors, weary but victorious, gathered around the dwindling fire.

"We're getting closer," Ritsuka said, his voice firm with resolve. "Anastasia won't stop until she's confronted. We need to press on."

As they steeled themselves for the challenges ahead, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for their newfound allies and gratitude for the unwavering support of his friends and comrades.

Little did they know, their journey through the Ice Empire Lostbelt was about to reveal secrets that would shake the very foundations of their beliefs and test their bonds like never before.

"So you're only the vice leader," Ritsuka remarked, studying Elena with newfound interest.

"Yes, indeed. Let me introduce you to our leader," Elena replied, leading them into a room where a woman with a striking resemblance to Anastasia awaited them, wielding a musket.

"Hello, Chaldea. I am a Servant summoned by the Counter Force," the woman introduced herself in a voice that held echoes of authority. "I am an Archer-class Servant. My name is Tatiana."

Ritsuka's recognition dawned. "You're Tatiana Nikolaevna, Anastasia's older sister," he stated.

Tatiana acknowledged his words with a nod, her demeanor a mix of determination and sadness. "Yes, I am Tatiana," she confirmed softly. "Anastasia and I were once inseparable, dreaming of a future for our family in a world where magic and royalty intertwined. But fate took us down different paths."

She paused, her gaze distant yet piercing as if reflecting on years of history and personal tragedy.

"When the Shadow Border arrived in this Lostbelt, I sensed a disturbance," Tatiana continued, her voice steady. "Anastasia, driven by her own desires and the manipulation of the Alien God, transformed this realm into a frozen empire, attempting to preserve what she held dear at any cost."

Ritsuka and Mash listened intently, understanding the weight of Tatiana's words and the complexities of Anastasia's actions as a Lostbelt King.

"I swore to protect our family's legacy," Tatiana went on, her grip tightening on her musket. "To undo the darkness that has consumed my sister's heart and this land."

Mash spoke softly, her voice filled with empathy. "Anastasia's actions... do they stem from love or fear?"

Tatiana's expression softened briefly, a trace of pain crossing her features. "Perhaps both," she admitted. "She believed freezing time could prevent the tragedies that befell our family. But in doing so, she has caused great suffering."

Ritsuka nodded in understanding, recognizing the delicate balance between love and the consequences of wielding immense power. "We must confront Anastasia," he declared with conviction. "To uncover the truth behind her motives and find a way to bring peace to this Lostbelt."

Tatiana agreed firmly, her resolve matching Ritsuka's. "Together, we can break the icy grip that binds this realm and discover the path to redemption," she affirmed.

With their resolve strengthened and a shared sense of purpose, Ritsuka and Tatiana prepared to lead their combined forces deeper into the heart of the Ice Empire. They knew that confronting Anastasia would not only test their strength but also challenge their beliefs and the bonds that united them against the frigid despair gripping the land.

As they ventured forth, the shadows of the frozen landscape seemed to whisper secrets of the past and promises of a future yet to be unveiled. The journey ahead promised trials and revelations, but with Tatiana's guidance and Ritsuka's unwavering determination, they faced the unknown with courage and hope.

Meanwhile, back with Kadoc, he cautiously inspected the new collar, his expression guarded. Anastasia stood nearby, watching him intently.

"There's no spell in this, correct?" Kadoc asked, his tone wary as he looked up at Anastasia. "You said you would change."

Anastasia's eyes softened slightly as she nodded, a hint of resignation in her voice. "Yes, no spells this time. I've made adjustments. You have more freedom now."

Kadoc sighed, a mix of relief and skepticism evident on his face. "It's hard to believe after everything that's happened. You've always had your ways."

"I know," Anastasia admitted softly, her gaze drifting to the ground for a moment before meeting Kadoc's eyes again. "But I've also realized how much I've lost by trying to control everything."

Kadoc frowned, his thoughts conflicted. "And what about us, Anastasia? What happens next?"

Anastasia hesitated, her expression troubled. "I... I don't know yet. But I want us to find a way forward, together."

Silence hung between them for a moment as Kadoc processed her words. Finally, he spoke, his voice quieter. "I hope you mean that."

Anastasia nodded solemnly. "I do. And I'll prove it to you."

Then tell me. Kadoc said looking at her. Why did you freeze all of this world

Kadoc listened quietly, his gaze fixed on Anastasia as she spoke of her motivations with a mix of sadness and determination.

"I wanted revenge for my family," Anastasia confessed, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I wanted revenge for how they killed my family. Just like that, we were lied to by our soldiers. We were told to move, but instead, all of us were shot. And I got my revenge, not just on them, but on the Nazis, the United Empire, the whole world. I got my revenge."

Kadoc absorbed her words, feeling a pang of empathy despite the gravity of her actions. "But freezing the world... that's more than revenge. It's like you wanted everyone to suffer."

Anastasia looked away, her eyes clouded with regret. "I didn't know what else to do. I was consumed by anger and pain. It was the only way I thought I could make them pay."

"And now?" Kadoc asked, his tone gentle yet probing. "What do you want now?"

Anastasia's shoulders slumped as she sighed deeply. "Now, I want to find a way to live without this hatred consuming me. I want to find a way to move forward, even if I can't undo what I've done."

Kadoc nodded slowly, understanding dawning in his expression. "Maybe... maybe we can find that together."

Anastasia met his gaze, a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes. "Together," she echoed softly.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones so yeah anyway bye also have a new fanfic out Blue Archive: I am sensei son check it out