Final battle in the lost belts

The air crackled with energy as Kadoc, now transformed into his formidable ice-beast form, lunged forward with blinding speed. His claws sliced through the air, leaving trails of icy mist in their wake. Ritsuka and Mash, in their transformed states, stood firm, ready to defend against the onslaught.

Ritsuka raised his hand, summoning energy of sun like divine energy that clashed with Kadoc's ice constructs, causing explosions of frost and light that illuminated the throne room. Mash, beside him, moved swiftly, her shield deflecting shards of ice and creating openings for Ritsuka's counterattacks.

Anastasia, observing from her icy throne, let out a cold laugh. "Kadoc, show them the power of our Ice Empire!" she commanded, her voice echoing with authority. Rasputin, ever stoic, watched the battle unfold with keen interest, analyzing every move.

Kadoc responded with ferocity, unleashing a barrage of ice shards from his tail and limbs. Ritsuka deftly dodged and countered, using his godly powers to create barriers and summon sun like swords that pierced through Kadoc's defenses.

Mash, focusing her energy, launched herself forward with a mighty thrust of her spear. "Phantasmal Greatlance!" she exclaimed, the spear glowing with ethereal light as it aimed straight for Kadoc's chest. The impact was powerful, driving Kadoc back momentarily as he struggled to maintain his icy form.

Meanwhile, Kadoc's transformation gave him immense strength and speed, his movements almost unnatural as he closed the distance between himself and Ritsuka. He slashed with his ice claws, aiming to freeze Ritsuka solid, but Ritsuka's agility and divine protection kept him just out of reach.

Anastasia, sensing the tide of battle turning, began to chant incantations, drawing upon the power of the Alien God. The air grew colder, and a swirling vortex of ice and darkness formed around her, amplifying her Avenger abilities.

"This is our domain!" Anastasia declared, her voice reverberating through the throne room. "You will freeze alongside the rest of this world!"

Ritsuka and Mash exchanged a determined glance, their resolve firm. They knew that to protect humanity's future, they had to overcome this formidable foe and bring an end to Anastasia's reign of icy terror.

The battle raged on, each side pushing themselves to their limits in a struggle that would determine the fate of Anastasia's Ice Empire and the world beyond.

As Ritsuka's holy sword clashed with Kadoc's ice claws, the force of their collision shattered the ground beneath them. Kadoc, surprised by the resilience of Ritsuka's weapon, staggered back slightly, his ice claws cracking under the pressure.

"Why isn't that sword breaking?" Kadoc muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. He looked at Ritsuka with a mixture of disbelief and determination.

"It is a holy scripture made by the Church, using the bones of Albion the White Dragon," Ritsuka explained calmly, keeping his gaze locked on Kadoc. "Got your answer?"

With a focused expression, Ritsuka channeled his sun magecraft, summoning a radiant blast of solar energy. The intense light and heat surged forward, aimed directly at Kadoc. The ice-beast form, resilient but not impervious, began to melt and crack under the onslaught of divine power.

Kadoc grimaced, feeling the searing heat of Ritsuka's attack. He retaliated by summoning a defensive barrier of ice, attempting to shield himself from the scorching rays. The clash of elements—the holy light against the frigid ice—created an intense spectacle within the throne room.

Mash, seeing an opportunity, seized her chance. She launched herself forward again, her spear glowing with magical energy. "Mash Kyrielight, launching Phantasmal Greatlance!" she declared, her voice ringing out with determination.

The lance, infused with her spirit and enhanced by Ritsuka's magical support, pierced through Kadoc's weakening defenses. It struck true, piercing through the ice and striking Kadoc's chest with a powerful force. He roared in pain, his form beginning to crack and splinter.

Anastasia, watching the battle unfold, felt a surge of anger and desperation. She channeled her Avenger powers, drawing upon the dark energies of the Alien God. "Enough of this!" she shouted, her voice echoing ominously through the throne room.

The swirling vortex of ice and darkness around her intensified, sending chilling tendrils of magic toward Ritsuka and Mash. They braced themselves, readying their defenses against the Avenger's onslaught.

Meanwhile, Rasputin, observing the battle with a keen eye, remained silent and stoic. His focus was sharp, analyzing every move and calculating the best course of action for the Ice Empire's defense.

As the battle reached its climax, Ritsuka, Mash, and Kadoc each prepared for the final confrontation that would decide the fate of the Ice Empire and the future of all involved.

As Anastasia swiftly healed Kadoc, restoring his strength and resolve, she turned her icy gaze towards Mash with renewed determination.

"You will never hurt him again," Anastasia declared coldly, her voice echoing through the throne room. She summoned forth her formidable ice mage craft, weaving a powerful spell with intricate patterns of frost and darkness.

Mash, anticipating the danger, leaped away just as the wave of icy energy surged towards her. The immense power of Anastasia's attack shattered the ground where Mash had stood moments before, sending shards of ice flying in all directions.

Ritsuka, seeing the shift in the battle dynamics, moved quickly to support Mash. "Stay on guard, Mash!" he called out, summoning protective barriers with his magecraft to shield them from Anastasia's relentless assault.

Kadoc, his transformation partially undone by Anastasia's healing, steadied himself and joined her side. "I won't let you interfere any longer," he growled, his voice resonating with newfound resolve.

Mash, holding her spear firmly, focused her energy to counterattack. "Mash Kyrielight, ready to engage!" she declared, her voice unwavering despite the odds now against them.

The battlefield became a flurry of action as Anastasia and Kadoc pressed their advantage. Anastasia conjured freezing winds and razor-sharp ice shards, aiming to overwhelm Ritsuka and Mash with her relentless barrage. Kadoc, with his enhanced speed and strength, launched swift and precise strikes, aiming to exploit any opening in their defense.

Ritsuka and Mash, fighting with determination and strategy, countered every attack with precision and resolve. Ritsuka utilized his magical abilities to disrupt Anastasia's spells and create openings for Mash to strike. Mash, in turn, used her shield and spear techniques to deflect Kadoc's attacks while searching for vulnerabilities in their opponents' defenses.

The throne room echoed with clashes of ice and steel, magic and strategy intertwining in a complex dance of battle. The fate of the Ice Empire hung in the balance as the combatants pushed themselves to their limits, each determined to emerge victorious.

Amidst the chaos, Rasputin watched silently, his gaze flickering between the combatants as he assessed their every move. His expression remained impassive, betraying no hint of his intentions or loyalties in the unfolding conflict.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka, Mash, Anastasia, and Kadoc each knew that the outcome would shape not only the destiny of the Ice Empire but also their own fates in this climactic showdown.

Ritsuka's eyes blazed with determination as he slammed his hand onto the ground. From the shadows cast by the throne room's pillars, dark tendrils of his Shadow Arm manifested, reaching out with eerie swiftness to ensnare Kadoc and Anastasia.

Kadoc reacted swiftly, his instincts honed by battle and survival. With a surge of ice magic, he encased himself and Anastasia in a barrier of frozen energy, deflecting the initial assault of the shadowy tendrils. Anastasia, her eyes narrowed with focus, channeled her own magic to reinforce the ice barrier, creating a formidable defense against Ritsuka's attack.

Mash, seeing an opportunity amidst the chaos, leaped forward with her spear poised for a decisive strike. She aimed for a gap in the barrier, where the shadows seemed to falter. With a powerful thrust, she pierced through the icy shield, her spear infused with magical energy to disrupt Anastasia's concentration.

The shadow tendrils, driven by Ritsuka's command, coiled and twisted around the barrier, exerting relentless pressure to weaken its integrity. Despite Kadoc and Anastasia's efforts, cracks began to form in the ice, allowing the shadows to seep through and grasp at their forms.

Anastasia gritted her teeth, feeling the chill of the shadows creep closer. She retaliated with a burst of freezing energy, attempting to repel the encroaching darkness. Kadoc, his determination unyielding, summoned forth his beastly claws, slashing at the shadows with fierce determination.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka continued to channel his mana, empowering the shadow arm to intensify its grip. He focused his will, directing the shadows to constrict tighter around Kadoc and Anastasia, restricting their movements and draining their strength.

With each passing moment, the battle escalated into a contest of willpower and magical prowess. The throne room echoed with the clash of powers—ice versus shadow, brute force against strategic finesse. Rasputin, observing from the sidelines, remained enigmatic as ever, his gaze calculating the unfolding dynamics of the conflict.

As the struggle reached its peak, Ritsuka, Mash, Kadoc, and Anastasia all understood the pivotal nature of this moment. The outcome would determine not only the fate of the Ice Empire but also the personal destinies intertwined in this climactic confrontation.

With determination etched on their faces, Ritsuka and Mash pressed forward, their resolve unshaken. Kadoc and Anastasia, driven by their own motives and histories, fought back with equal ferocity. In this battle of champions and adversaries, only one side would emerge victorious, their actions shaping the course of history in the Ice Empire and beyond.

As tension mounted in the throne room, Tatiana, with resolve etched on her face, took aim with her musket. With a silent prayer, she fired the bullet. It hurtled towards Anastasia, who stood frozen in the face of her memories, reliving the betrayal and loss that had defined her existence.

Rasputin, perceiving the imminent danger, lunged forward with uncanny speed to intercept the bullet. His desperate attempt to shield Anastasia from harm was swift but futile. Just as his hand grazed the bullet's path, Kadoc, in an act of sudden bravery, leaped into its trajectory. The bullet struck him instead, its impact jolting him backward with a forceful blow.

Anastasia, her senses jolted by the turn of events, watched in disbelief as Kadoc fell to the ground. Rushing to his side, she tore at his shirt in a frantic attempt to assess the damage.

"No, no, no, noooooo!" Anastasia cried out, her voice echoing in the throne room. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she cradled Kadoc's head gently in her hands. "You can't leave me like this. You can't die," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

To her immense relief, the bullet had been deflected by a last-ditch ice barrier conjured by Kadoc himself. He lay there, unconscious yet alive, his chest rising and falling with shallow breaths.

Ritsuka, his heart heavy with the weight of the moment, approached cautiously. Kneeling beside Anastasia, he offered a supportive hand. "He saved you," Ritsuka said softly, his tone a mix of empathy and reassurance. "We'll get through this together."

Anastasia looked up at Ritsuka, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. She nodded faintly, her determination to protect Kadoc renewed. Amidst the icy remnants of their past, they found strength in their resolve to forge a new path forward.

Meanwhile, Rasputin, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene, retreated into the shadows. The future remained uncertain, but amidst the echoes of betrayal and redemption, a fragile hope lingered—a chance for healing and reconciliation in the wake of bitter strife.

As Ritsuka knocked Anastasia out, Mash quickly moved in with magecraft sealing handcuffs, securing both Kadoc and Anastasia.

"Alright," Ritsuka said, getting up. "Time to destroy the Fantasy Tree."

With determination in their eyes, the group prepared to carry out their mission, knowing the fate of the Lostbelt hinged on their success.

As the group prepared to confront the Fantasy Tree, Ritsuka surveyed the area, his mind focused on the task ahead. The landscape around them was bleak, the air chilled by the remnants of Anastasia's icy reign. Yet, amidst the desolation, there was a sense of resolve among the Chaldea team.

"We can't afford any slip-ups now," Ritsuka said, addressing the gathered servants. "Anastasia may be incapacitated for the moment, but Rasputin and any other defenses could still pose a threat. Let's move quickly and efficiently."

Edmond Dantès nodded, his gaze sharp and calculating. "I'll scout ahead and gather intel on the Fantasy Tree's defenses. We need to know what we're up against."

Sigurd stepped forward, his sword gleaming in the dim light. "I'll accompany Edmond. Together, we'll clear the path for the rest of you."

Mash nodded, her demeanor calm yet determined. "I'll stay close to Ritsuka. We'll be the vanguard. BB, Tenochtitlan, and Jack, you'll support us from behind. Keep an eye out for any surprises."

BB grinned mischievously. "Leave it to me! I'll hack into any security systems and create distractions if needed."

Tenochtitlan adjusted her glasses, her analytical mind already working through possible scenarios. "I'll provide cover fire and tactical support. Jack and I will coordinate our attacks."

As they moved forward, Tatiana spoke up, her expression grave. "Be cautious. My sister may be down, but she won't go quietly. Rasputin's loyalty to her is unquestionable."

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging the warning. "Stay vigilant, everyone. Our goal is to eliminate the Fantasy Tree and secure this Lostbelt. Let's do it for Kadoc and Anastasia, and for everyone affected by this distorted history."

With renewed determination, they advanced toward the looming silhouette of the Fantasy Tree, their steps echoing in the icy silence. Each servant was focused on their role, knowing that the fate of this Lostbelt—and possibly many others—rested on their shoulders.

As then they all felt and saw someone it was a female humanoid figure and she has astral patterns covering parts of her body. This was the Aliens God Priestess, she looked at everyone as just touched the fantasy and destroyed as she left

She did it again. Ritsuka said seeing her Desiper. But why did she help us this

Um senpai. Mash said looking at Ritsuka. Was she someone also from the reset you didn't tell us About

As they stood in awe of the sudden intervention by the Alien God Priestess, Ritsuka's mind raced with questions. The enigmatic figure had swiftly dismantled the Fantasy Tree, a task that would have taken considerable effort and time for their group to accomplish.

"Yes, Mash," Ritsuka said, recalling their previous encounters with the Alien God Priestess. "She's someone we've encountered before, albeit briefly. Her actions are unpredictable, but she seems to have some interest in our mission."

Tatiana stepped forward cautiously, her musket at the ready despite the apparent peace brought by the Alien God Priestess. "Do we trust her, then? Or should we remain cautious?"

Edmond Dantès nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the spot where the Fantasy Tree once stood. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford, especially with someone so closely tied to the Alien God. We need to keep our guard up."

BB chimed in, her virtual interface flickering with data analysis. "Agreed. We should prepare for any scenario. She could be setting us up for something, or perhaps she genuinely wants to aid us. It's hard to tell with these cosmic beings."

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully, his expression serious. "For now, let's focus on our immediate objectives. Sigurd, Tatiana, scout the perimeter. Mash, stay with me. Edmond, BB, analyze the residual magical energies left by the Fantasy Tree. Tenochtitlan, Jack, assist them."

As they dispersed to carry out their tasks, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The Alien God Priestess's intervention had raised more questions than answers, leaving him to wonder what her ultimate goals were and how they might impact their mission to stabilize the Lostbelt.

With determination etched on his face, Ritsuka led the group forward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them next in this ever-unfolding saga of restoring humanity's history.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones