After math

As the ice in the Lostbelt began to melt away, signaling the end of the anomaly, Ritsuka and the others made their way back to the Shadow Border. The atmosphere was somber; the victory felt hollow knowing that the deletion of the Lostbelt meant the eradication of countless lives.

Ritsuka looked at his companions, the weight of their mission evident in his eyes. "Even after everything we've done, this world will be deleted," he said quietly. "And the blood of many people will be on my hands."

Mash, standing beside him, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Senpai, this is the burden we bear as the saviors of Proper Human History. The people of this Lostbelt lived their lives as best they could, but they were never meant to exist. We're here to set things right, no matter how painful it is."

Da Vinci nodded, her usual cheer subdued. "It's a heavy responsibility, but one we must carry. Every decision we make is for the greater good, to preserve the timeline and ensure humanity's future."

Tatiana, now an ally, looked at the melting ice and the disappearing world with sadness. "My sister's reign was built on pain and revenge, but it doesn't make this any easier. Still, I understand now why it must be done."

Edmond Dantès stepped forward, his eyes intense. "We mustn't lose sight of our goal. Each Lostbelt we erase brings us one step closer to saving the true history of humanity."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, steeling himself. "You're right. We have to focus on the bigger picture. Let's get back to the Shadow Border and prepare for our next mission."

As they boarded the Shadow Border, the vehicle's engines hummed to life, ready to transport them away from the fading Lostbelt. The team settled in, each member lost in their thoughts about the journey ahead.

Before they departed, Ritsuka took one last look at the dissolving world outside. "Farewell, Anastasia. Farewell, Kadoc. May you find peace in whatever comes next."

"Wait, I can do something," Ritsuka said suddenly, looking at the crystal fused to his arm. "I can do this, can't I?"

Everyone turned to him in surprise. His magic crest and magic circuits flared with intense energy, glowing as if on fire. The Lostbelt began to shrink, condensing into a small, glowing ball. The others watched in awe and disbelief as Ritsuka harnessed the energy, his power stabilizing the collapsing world.

As the Lostbelt transformed into a compact sphere, Ritsuka focused, directing the energy skyward. With a final surge of power, he sent the small ball of the Lostbelt into space, where it vanished into the cosmos.

"There," Ritsuka said, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. "It won't disappear completely. Instead, it will find another suitable planet where it can exist without disrupting our world."

The team was silent for a moment, processing what had just happened. Da Vinci was the first to speak, her eyes wide with admiration. "Ritsuka, that was... incredible. You've saved the people of this Lostbelt without compromising our mission."

Mash looked at him with a mixture of pride and relief. "Senpai, you've given them a second chance. This is beyond anything I could have imagined."

Tatiana, visibly moved, nodded. "Thank you, Ritsuka. You've honored my sister's memory and the lives of everyone in this Lostbelt."

Edmond Dantès gave a rare, approving smile. "Well done, Ritsuka. This act of compassion will be remembered."

The atmosphere in the Shadow Border shifted, a sense of hope and renewal replacing the earlier somber mood. As they prepared to move on to their next mission, there was a newfound sense of unity and purpose among them.

"Alright, let's get ready for the next challenge," Ritsuka said, his voice steady. "We still have a lot of work to do."

With renewed determination, the Shadow Border roared into motion once again, carrying them forward on their quest to restore humanity's true history, their spirits lifted by Ritsuka's extraordinary act of mercy.

"So, um," Ophelia's voice crackled through the Shadow Border's comm system, breaking the momentary silence. "Ritsuka just did something comparable to True Magic. How... how did he do that?"

Ritsuka, still feeling the residual energy pulsing through him, looked up at the others, who were equally puzzled and amazed. Da Vinci tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"True Magic, also known as Sorcery, is a form of magecraft that transcends normal magical boundaries. It's extremely rare, and only a few individuals in history have ever been able to perform it," she explained. "What you did, Ritsuka, comes very close to that. But how did you manage it?"

Ritsuka took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "I'm not entirely sure myself. The crystal fused to my arm is a powerful artifact, and it seems to have amplified my abilities. When I felt the Lostbelt collapsing, I just knew I had to do something. I focused all my energy and intent into preserving it, and... it just happened."

Mash, standing beside him, looked concerned. "Senpai, that was incredibly dangerous. Are you alright?"

Ritsuka nodded. "I'm fine, Mash. Just a bit drained. But I couldn't let all those lives be erased. It felt like the right thing to do."

Tatiana stepped forward, her expression filled with gratitude. "You've given my sister and her people a second chance. For that, I am eternally grateful."

Romani's voice came through the comm system as well. "Ritsuka, this crystal artifact... we need to understand it better. Its power is beyond anything we've encountered. We should study it further when we get back to Chaldea."

"Agreed," Da Vinci said, nodding. "For now, let's focus on getting everyone back safely and preparing for our next mission."

Ritsuka turned to the group, a determined look in his eyes. "Let's move out. We still have a lot of work to do."

With a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of the power at their disposal, the team prepared to move on, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them next in their quest to restore humanity's true history.

As in the shadow border in its prison Kadoc woke up, it had been 2 days as he saw Anastasia next to him, he was confused before he saw Ophelia.

Oh hi. Kadoc said looking at her. So u-

Before he could say he was slapped, as Ophelia just looked at him with anger

What happened that we Chaldea exploded why did everyone leave. She said looking at him. I thought you and rest were in Cry sleep but then I learn when you came to servant verse was you had another a new treath and then this new power of you can transform why did you betray everyone in chaldea not just you, by Kirshtaria, Pepe, Akuta and Daybit as well.

Kadoc winced, both from the sting of Ophelia's slap and the weight of her words. He looked at her, seeing the pain and anger in her eyes. Anastasia, still waking up, glanced between them, her expression guarded.

"I didn't..." Kadoc started, struggling to find the right words. "We didn't plan for things to turn out this way. After the cryosleep, everything went wrong. We woke up to a world in chaos, and we were given a choice... no, an ultimatum."

Ophelia crossed her arms, not entirely convinced but willing to listen. "An ultimatum? From who?"

"From the Alien God," Kadoc replied, his voice filled with bitterness. "We were desperate. We were promised power, a way to survive and rebuild. Kirshtaria, Pepe, Akuta, Daybit, and I—we each made our choices, thinking it was the only way to save humanity, or at least ourselves. We didn't realize the true cost until it was too late."

Anastasia, now fully alert, added, "We were deceived, Ophelia. The Alien God manipulated us. It wasn't until recently that we truly understood the extent of our betrayal."

Ophelia's gaze softened slightly, though her frustration was still evident. "And the transformations? This new power you have?"

Kadoc sighed. "It's part of the contract we made. Enhanced abilities, at a steep price. It's like a double-edged sword. I didn't ask for it, but it became a necessity in the fights we've had to endure."

Ophelia looked at him for a long moment before speaking. "You say you didn't have a choice, but you still betrayed us. Do you have any idea what we've been through because of your actions? The suffering, the chaos?"

Kadoc nodded, guilt etched on his face. "I know, and I'm sorry. Truly, I am. But right now, we need to focus on the present. The Alien God is still out there, and if we don't work together, everything will be lost."

Ophelia exhaled, her anger slowly dissipating. "We'll see, Kadoc. We'll see if your actions can match your words. For now, you're still a prisoner. But maybe, just maybe, there's a way to make things right."

As Ophelia turned to leave, Kadoc slumped back against the wall, feeling the weight of his mistakes. Anastasia reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll find a way through this, Kadoc," she said softly. "We have to."

Kadoc nodded, determination slowly rekindling in his eyes. "Yes, we will. One way or another, we'll make things right."

May I ask. Anastasia said looking at Ophelia. What happened to my lost belt

Simple. Ophelia said looking at the both of the. It is in space

As both Kadoc and Anastasia just it Ophelia with a face that says say sick right know or explain

Ophelia sighed, seeing the confusion and shock on Kadoc's and Anastasia's faces. She rubbed her temples before continuing.

"Ritsuka did something unprecedented," she explained. "Using his own magic, he managed to compress the entire Lostbelt into a small sphere and sent it into space. Instead of erasing it completely, he essentially saved it. It's floating out there now, somewhere in the void, intact but far from here."

Kadoc and Anastasia exchanged bewildered looks.

"He did... what?" Kadoc finally managed to ask, disbelief evident in his voice. "That's... that's impossible. No one should have that kind of power."

Ophelia nodded. "I know. It's comparable to True Magic, something beyond what any normal mage should be able to achieve. But Ritsuka did it. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, I can't say, but your Lostbelt is no longer a threat to this world."

Anastasia seemed to relax slightly, though concern still clouded her features. "So, it's safe? The people, the land... everything is preserved?"

Ophelia hesitated before answering. "As far as we know, yes. It's safe, but it's out of our reach. Ritsuka thought it was the best way to prevent further conflict and preserve the lives within it."

Kadoc shook his head slowly. "I never expected something like this. Ritsuka... he's always surprising us."

Ophelia allowed a small smile. "He does have a knack for that, doesn't he? But for now, let's focus on the tasks at hand. We still have a long way to go before any of this makes sense or feels right."

Anastasia nodded, her resolve hardening. "We'll find a way to make things right, together."

Kadoc agreed, though a part of him still struggled with the enormity of what had transpired. "Yes. Together. We'll figure it out."

Ophelia stood up, looking at them with a mixture of hope and determination. "Good. Because we're going to need all the strength we can muster for what's coming next."

So um. Ophelia said looking at Kadoc. Your infit ice Moded, i notice but it is just Ritsuka God sift isne't it

Kadoc just shut his mouth and didn't want, she was correct, I mean eh passed they form on reverse versions of Ritsuka.

You really are jealous of him. Ophelia said looking at him. He is our leader of a reason

Kadoc clenched his jaw, refusing to meet Ophelia's gaze. Anastasia, sensing the tension, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Ophelia sighed. "Kadoc, it's not about jealousy or rivalry. It's about understanding our roles and doing our best in them."

Kadoc finally looked up, his eyes hardened. "You don't understand, Ophelia. It's not just jealousy. It's frustration. Ritsuka seems to have everything handed to him. He always finds a way, always comes out on top. And what about the rest of us? We're just supposed to follow along?"

Ophelia shook her head. "No, Kadoc. We're supposed to learn from him, support him, and use our strengths to complement his. That's what makes us a team."

Anastasia nodded. "Kadoc, you have your own unique abilities. The Infinite Ice Mode isn't just a reverse version of Ritsuka's God Shift. It's a reflection of your own potential and strength. Embrace it."

Kadoc took a deep breath, his frustration slowly giving way to determination. "You're right. I've been so focused on comparing myself to him that I lost sight of my own strengths."

Ophelia smiled. "Exactly. We all have our roles to play, and together, we're stronger. Ritsuka may be our leader, but he needs us just as much as we need him."

Anastasia squeezed Kadoc's shoulder. "We'll face whatever comes next, together. And we'll do it with our heads held high."

Kadoc nodded, a renewed sense of purpose in his eyes. "Alright. Let's get back to work. We have a lot to do."

Ophelia stepped back, her expression softening. "Good. Because the challenges ahead are going to require all of us to be at our best."

As then Ritsuka came into the room as he looked at them. Ritsuka stood in front of Kadoc and Anastasia, his expression serious. "I know you've been feeling frustrated, Kadoc. But there's something you need to know—something about the reset."

Ophelia nodded and left the room, understanding the gravity of what was about to be shared. She'd already experienced the disorienting revelation and didn't need to hear it again.

Ritsuka took a deep breath and began recounting the events of the reset: how the world had been drastically altered, the monumental battles they had fought, and the allies they had lost and regained. He spoke of the sacrifices, the impossible odds, and the sheer determination that had carried them through.

As he spoke, Kadoc and Anastasia listened intently, their eyes widening with each revelation. By the time Ritsuka finished, both of them were visibly shaken, their minds struggling to process the enormity of what they had just learned.

Kadoc finally broke the silence, his voice shaky. "So... everything we knew, everything we've been fighting for... it was all reset?"

Ritsuka nodded. "Yes. And it's why I've had to make the decisions I have. It's why I've been pushing so hard. We can't afford to make the same mistakes again."

Anastasia looked at Ritsuka, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and sorrow. "You've been carrying this burden all this time?"

Ritsuka nodded again. "Yes. But I'm not alone. I have all of you. We all have to work together if we're going to succeed."

Ophelia peeked back into the room, a small smile playing on her lips. "Looks like you two are finally on the same page."

Kadoc shook his head, a wry smile forming. "I guess we are. It's just... a lot to take in."

Anastasia nodded in agreement. "But it makes sense now. Why you lead the way you do. Why you push us so hard."

Ritsuka stepped forward, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. "We have to be strong. For each other. For the world. We're in this together."

Kadoc and Anastasia nodded, their resolve hardening. The weight of the reset and the battles to come hung over them, but they knew they had to face it head-on. They had a leader who understood the stakes better than anyone, and now they understood a bit more of the burden he carried.

"We're with you, Ritsuka," Kadoc said firmly. "All the way."

Anastasia nodded. "Let's finish what we started."

Ritsuka smiled, a sense of relief washing over him. "Thank you. Now, let's get back to work. We have a world to save."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones also someone do fanart of this story or Ch please