Ok what

As Ritsuka and Ophelia left, she gave him a kiss, a customary gesture between them. Just as they were about to settle in, they heard a commotion outside. Rasputin was speeding towards them in a car, wielding a rocket launcher.

"Not today," Ritsuka muttered, conjuring a barrier of sun magecraft to deflect the incoming rocket. The explosion rattled the surroundings, but they were unscathed.

However, Rasputin wasn't done yet. He emerged from the wreckage, now on a motorcycle, speeding towards them. Mash, in her Moded Shift, swiftly fired her spear, aiming to halt his advance. But Rasputin was agile, evading the attack and reappearing on a bike.

"Enough of this," Koyanskaya declared, pulling out her gun and aiming at Rasputin. She fired, but he maneuvered skillfully, using a kite to glide out of harm's way. Infuriated by this unexpected tactic, the group swiftly destroyed the kite.

Undeterred, Rasputin continued his relentless charge, this time on roller skates. The sight baffled and annoyed the group, who could only watch as he sped towards them.

"Take this!" Da Vinci shouted, joining the fray. She swiftly disabled Rasputin's roller skates with a well-aimed attack. The group sighed in relief, expecting him to finally relent.

To their surprise, Rasputin didn't give up. He emerged on foot, determined as ever. Olga then appeared with a rocket launcher, firing a shot that sent Rasputin sprawling. Without delay, the group teleported back to the Wandering Sea, escaping the chaotic encounter.

As they regrouped, catching their breaths, Ritsuka reflected on the persistent threat they faced. "We can't let our guard down," he said, looking at the others. "We have to be prepared for whatever comes next."

With renewed determination, they set their sights on the challenges ahead, knowing that the battles against Rasputin and other threats were far from over

Olga looked around at the group, her expression a mix of disbelief and amusement. "What kind of Tom and Jerry logic was that?" she exclaimed, voicing the incredulity they all felt after Rasputin's relentless pursuit through various means of transportation.

Ritsuka chuckled, shaking his head. "I have no idea," he replied, still slightly baffled by the bizarre sequence of events. "It seems Rasputin is determined to keep us on our toes."

"He's certainly creative," Mash added, glancing at the remnants of Rasputin's failed attempts scattered around them.

Koyanskaya smirked. "Well, I'll give him points for persistence," she remarked, adjusting her glasses. "But next time, I hope he chooses a less chaotic approach."

Da Vinci nodded in agreement. "Agreed," she said, scanning the area for any signs of further trouble. "Let's stay vigilant. Who knows what he'll try next?"

As they gathered their thoughts and prepared to resume their mission, the absurdity of Rasputin's antics provided a brief moment of levity amidst their serious endeavors. They knew that more challenges lay ahead, but for now, they could appreciate the unexpected humor in Rasputin's unconventional pursuit tactics.

As the next day arrived Aozaki was seeing Kadoc as he just looked at her

Make me your studnet. Kadoc siad looking at her. I wanna be as strong as Ritsuka to help him

Sorry kid. Aozaki Said looking at him. You have everything going agrent you, Ritsuka was student for many years, not just that he was very, very, very, very fast learner, not just that he was quick thinker and had a powerful bloodline Ritsuka is basically my best student sen master Peace I don't think anyone of my future students can even top him

Kadoc nodded thoughtfully, processing Aozaki's words. "I understand," he said quietly, his gaze distant as he contemplated what she had just told him. He knew Ritsuka's reputation and capabilities well enough to recognize the truth in her statement.

Aozaki watched him for a moment, seeing the determination in his eyes despite the disappointment. "However," she continued, her tone softening slightly, "that doesn't mean you can't become strong in your own way. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and it's about honing what makes you unique."

Kadoc looked up at her, a glimmer of resolve returning to his expression. "You're right," he admitted, a faint smile touching his lips. "I'll find my own path to strength."

Aozaki nodded in approval. "Good," she said firmly. "Now, let's focus on what we can do right now. There's still much to learn and achieve."

As they continued their conversation, Kadoc felt a renewed sense of purpose. He may not be able to replicate Ritsuka's journey exactly, but he was determined to forge his own path and contribute to their cause in his own way.

As Kadoc left as he was walking, he pumped into someone it was Gudako as Gudako just looked at him

Sorry about that. Kadoc said picking her up. Are you ok

As Gudako just looked at she was picked as then she just holded his hand

Marry me. Gudako screamed, Ritsuka was just walking stopped just what the fuck, as Gudako was seeing Kadoc as she felt a chill. What was that

As then she moved away as she saw Anastasia as she was looking at her, with angry as Kadoc just looked at Anastasia stopping his Yandere servant girlfriend from not hurting this girl at worse a s freezing her at beast.

As Kadoc tried to diffuse the situation, he looked between Gudako and Anastasia with a mix of concern and exasperation. "Anastasia, it's okay," he said gently, stepping between them to ensure Gudako's safety. "She's just surprised, that's all."

Anastasia's icy gaze softened slightly as she focused on Kadoc. "You belong to me," she said possessively, her voice cold but with a hint of vulnerability. "No one else."

Gudako, sensing the tension, raised her hands defensively. "Hey, no harm done! It was just a joke, okay?" She forced a nervous laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "Let's all just calm down."

Ritsuka, having witnessed the exchange, approached the group with a raised eyebrow. "What's going on here?" he asked, his tone a mix of amusement and confusion.

"Nothing," Kadoc said quickly, giving Ritsuka a look that pleaded for backup. "Just a little misunderstanding."

Ritsuka smirked, clearly entertained by the situation. "Well, let's keep misunderstandings to a minimum, shall we?" He looked at Anastasia and Gudako, then back at Kadoc. "We have bigger things to worry about."

Anastasia nodded slowly, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "Fine," she conceded, though her eyes never left Gudako. "But remember, Kadoc is mine."

Gudako nodded vigorously, eager to escape the tension. "Got it. Loud and clear."

As the group dispersed, Kadoc breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that the situation hadn't escalated further. He knew that balancing his relationships and responsibilities would be a constant challenge, but he was determined to make it work for the sake of their mission and their future.

As then Ritsuka just looked at Gudako as he did he just asked

That wasn't a joke was it. Ritsuka said look at Gudako. Why did you ask Kadoc to marry, like what were you thinking

Gudako looked a bit flustered, scratching the back of her head awkwardly. "Okay, maybe it wasn't a joke," she admitted. "I mean, have you seen him? He's strong, determined, and... well, kinda cute. Plus, with all the chaos and battles, who knows what could happen tomorrow? I just... went for it."

Ritsuka sighed, shaking his head. "I get that, but you can't just blurt out marriage proposals like that. Especially to someone who's already in a complicated situation." He glanced over at Kadoc and Anastasia, who were walking away, still discussing the earlier incident.

"Yeah, I know," Gudako said, looking a bit more serious. "But seeing everyone fighting and risking their lives... it just makes me think about what I really want, you know?"

Ritsuka nodded, understanding her sentiment. "I get it. Just... maybe next time, think it through a bit more. We have enough to deal with without adding more drama to the mix."

Gudako smiled, appreciating his advice. "Alright, I'll be more careful. Thanks, Ritsuka."

As they continued walking, Ritsuka couldn't help but think about the immense pressures and emotions everyone was dealing with. In the midst of their battles and missions, it was easy to forget that they were all human, with their own hopes, fears, and desires. He resolved to be more mindful of his team's emotional well-being, knowing that their bonds and support for each other were just as crucial as their combat skills.

After while Ritsuka arrived in Dr Romani Office doing some check on the crystal they didn't do this first.

Alright what you did to the lost opens up more questions. Dr Romani said looking at the 7 crystal fused into Ritsuka arm. Like it is something else

Yea, these crystal give the power to control the elements, but the heavenly Verison. Ritsuka said Looking at his arm. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, Light and dark. Ritsuka said looking at him arm. But the heavenly Verison which already put them on top of all Mage craft, if not on the same level of through Magic, sense they feel heavily, funny enough I am was trained by the church

Dr. Romani leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "It's fascinating," he said, his eyes focused on the crystals. "These heavenly versions of the elements... it's no wonder you were able to do something as incredible as preserving an entire Lostbelt. But we need to understand their limitations and potential consequences."

Ritsuka nodded. "I agree. We can't afford any surprises, especially with the stakes so high. But so far, they seem to respond well to my control."

Romani continued, "The fact that they feel divine could mean a connection to higher powers or realms. Have you noticed any side effects or unexpected reactions when using them?"

Ritsuka shook his head. "Nothing harmful so far. Just an immense surge of power, but it's manageable. The training I received from the church probably helps in maintaining control."

Romani smiled. "Your training has certainly paid off. But we should conduct some more detailed tests to be sure. It's not every day someone wields something potentially on par with True Magic."

Ritsuka chuckled. "Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming, but I think we can handle it. I'll cooperate with any tests you need to run."

As they wrapped up their discussion, Ritsuka left Romani's office, feeling a mix of excitement and responsibility. The crystals were a powerful asset, but understanding and mastering them fully would be crucial in the battles ahead.

As Ritsuka was in his room with Mash, as she was cutting an apple as Ritsuka just looked at the Crystal

I think I have idea which gave them to me. Ritsuka said looking at mash. Remeber what I said about the reset and gave to me

Yes I remember senpai. Mash said looking at him. You said it was God, maybe Zues or anyother head god as you said

That was my original Theory. Ritsuka said looking at her. But it is more clear to what god, especially sense the church decided to randomly train me and even Tezcatlipoca say I am his champion and these crystal I finally figured it out

Mash paused, looking up from the apple she was cutting. "What do you mean, Senpai? Which god do you think it is?"

Ritsuka sighed, his gaze fixed on the crystals embedded in his arm. "Given everything that's happened and the divine nature of these crystals, I'm starting to believe it's the Abrahamic God. The fact that the church trained me so intensely, and the immense power these crystals hold... it aligns with the idea of a singular, omnipotent deity."

Mash's eyes widened. "The Abrahamic God? That's... quite a revelation. It would explain a lot, especially the church's involvement. But why would such a powerful entity choose you, Senpai?"

Ritsuka shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. Maybe it's because of my potential, or maybe there's a greater purpose I'm meant to fulfill. Either way, it's a heavy burden to bear. But knowing the source gives me a clearer understanding of the power I wield."

Mash nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. If these crystals are truly from the Abrahamic God, then their power is unparalleled. But it also means we need to be even more careful in how we use them."

Ritsuka agreed. "Exactly. We have to ensure that this power is used responsibly and for the right reasons. The stakes are higher than ever, and we can't afford any mistakes."

Mash smiled warmly at him. "I believe in you, Senpai. You've always shown incredible strength and wisdom. Together, we'll make sure this power is used for good."

Ritsuka returned her smile, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Thanks, Mash. With you by my side, I know we can handle anything that comes our way."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones for that story