
As in battle center Ritsuka was on God sift and Kadoc was infit ice as Ritsuka kicked him away, as Anastasia on the side line was going to attack but mash stopped her

Get up. Ritsuka said looking at him. Get up Kadoc

Kadoc groaned as he pushed himself up, the cold energy swirling around him. "I'm not giving up," he muttered, his breath visible in the frigid air.

"That's the spirit," Ritsuka said, a determined smile on his face. "You have to push beyond your limits if you want to get stronger."

Anastasia, watching from the sidelines, glared at Mash. "Why are you stopping me? I should be helping him!"

Mash shook her head. "This is Kadoc's fight. He needs to learn to stand on his own. Just like Ritsuka did."

Kadoc charged at Ritsuka again, his ice claws glinting dangerously. Ritsuka met him head-on, their powers clashing violently. "You're getting better," Ritsuka noted, parrying a strike. "But you need to think more strategically. Use your environment."

Taking the advice to heart, Kadoc created a field of ice spikes around Ritsuka, trying to trap him. Ritsuka leaped into the air, avoiding the trap, and sent a blast of sun energy down at Kadoc. Kadoc barely dodged, the heat singeing his side.

"Come on, Kadoc," Ritsuka encouraged, landing gracefully. "Show me what you've got!"

As Kadoc went for an attack Ritsuka grabbed his face and slammed him to the ground.

Nice try. Ritsuka said looking at him. But you still not strong enough, no office but for how long have you had your Infiti ice form for 1 year and a half

Kadoc grunted, struggling to get up from the ground. "Yeah, about that long," he admitted, rubbing his face. "But it's not just about the time, it's about the training and experience."

"Exactly," Ritsuka said, helping him to his feet. "You need more than just raw power. You need control, strategy, and experience in real combat situations. That's why we're doing this."

Anastasia watched with a mix of concern and frustration. "He needs more help," she insisted. "Just pushing him like this won't be enough."

Ritsuka nodded. "True, but he also needs to learn to rely on himself. The more he pushes his limits, the better he'll get. You can't always be there to protect him."

Kadoc took a deep breath, his icy aura flaring up again. "Alright, let's go again. I won't back down."

Ritsuka smiled, readying himself. "That's the spirit. Keep pushing forward, Kadoc. You'll get there."

As they resumed their training, the intensity increased, with Kadoc slowly showing signs of improvement. Anastasia, though still worried, started to see the value in Ritsuka's approach. Kadoc's determination and Ritsuka's guidance were beginning to make a difference, one step at a time.

The training continued with Kadoc gradually improving, his movements becoming more precise and controlled. Each clash between Kadoc's icy attacks and Ritsuka's divine power filled the training center with a whirlwind of energy. On the sidelines, Mash and Anastasia watched closely, ready to intervene if needed.

"Alright, Kadoc, let's ramp it up a notch," Ritsuka said, his eyes glowing with a fiery determination. "Try to keep up."

Kadoc nodded, his expression steely. "Bring it on."

Ritsuka charged forward, his sword gleaming with a radiant light. Kadoc met him head-on, his icy claws clashing against the holy blade. The impact sent shockwaves through the room, but Kadoc held his ground.

"Good! Now, try to anticipate my next move," Ritsuka instructed, moving with lightning speed.

Kadoc focused, trying to predict Ritsuka's movements. He managed to dodge a few strikes and countered with a powerful ice blast. Ritsuka deflected it with ease but smiled approvingly.

"You're getting there," Ritsuka said. "But you need to be faster."

As they continued, Anastasia couldn't help but feel a pang of pride seeing Kadoc's progress. "He's really giving it his all," she murmured to Mash.

Mash nodded. "Senpai's training methods might seem harsh, but they're effective. He's pushing Kadoc to his limits to bring out his true potential."

Meanwhile, Da Vinci and Romani were observing the session from a control room. "Ritsuka's really taken on a mentor role," Romani commented. "It's impressive."

Da Vinci nodded. "Indeed. His ability to inspire and train others is remarkable. Kadoc has a lot of potential, and with Ritsuka's guidance, he might just unlock it."

Back in the training center, the battle reached a fever pitch. Kadoc unleashed a flurry of icy attacks, forcing Ritsuka to step up his game. With a swift move, Ritsuka disarmed Kadoc and pinned him to the ground.

"Enough," Ritsuka said, panting slightly. "You've improved, Kadoc. But remember, it's not just about power. It's about using that power wisely."

Kadoc, breathing heavily, nodded. "Got it. Thanks, Ritsuka."

Ritsuka helped him up, giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Take a break. You've earned it."

As Kadoc and Anastasia took a moment to rest, Ritsuka and Mash discussed their next steps. "He has potential," Ritsuka said. "But he needs more time and practice."

Mash agreed. "We'll keep supporting him, Senpai. Together, we can help him reach his full potential."

Meanwhile, Kadoc turned to Anastasia. "Thanks for watching my back," he said, giving her a small smile.

Anastasia softened. "Always. Just don't push yourself too hard, okay?"

Kadoc nodded, feeling more determined than ever. "I won't. I promise."

With the day's training session concluded, the group began to plan their next moves. The battles ahead would be tough, but with their combined strength and resolve, they knew they could face any challenge that came their way.

Ophelia sat alone in her quarters, feeling a deep sense of frustration and helplessness. She longed to be on the front lines, fighting alongside Ritsuka and the others. But her inability to Rayshift during the Lostbelt incidents, coupled with her lack of a unique transformation like Kadoc's, left her feeling inadequate.

As she gazed out of the window, her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. She turned to see Da Vinci entering the room, her usual cheerful demeanor tempered with concern.

"Hey, Ophelia," Da Vinci greeted. "Mind if I join you?"

Ophelia sighed and nodded. "Sure, come in."

Da Vinci took a seat beside her. "I noticed you've been a bit down lately. Want to talk about it?"

Ophelia hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I just... I feel so useless sometimes. I want to help Ritsuka and the others, but I couldn't Rayshift during the Lostbelt incidents. And now, without a unique power or transformation, I feel like I'm just a burden."

Da Vinci listened intently before responding. "You know, it's not always about having the flashiest powers or the strongest transformations. Every contribution matters, no matter how small it may seem."

Ophelia shook her head. "But I want to do more than just be a support. I want to stand beside them, fight with them, make a real difference."

Da Vinci smiled gently. "I understand. And you can. There are many ways to contribute. Maybe we can explore ways to unlock your potential."

Ophelia looked up, hope flickering in her eyes. "You think so?"

"Absolutely," Da Vinci replied confidently. "You're stronger than you think, Ophelia. Let's figure this out together."

Meanwhile, in another part of the base, Ritsuka was reviewing the day's training with Mash. "Kadoc is improving, but we need everyone at their best," he said thoughtfully. "Ophelia has been feeling left out. Maybe we can help her find her own strength."

Mash nodded. "I agree, Senpai. Ophelia has a lot of potential. With the right guidance, she could become a formidable ally."

Just then, Da Vinci's voice crackled over the intercom. "Ritsuka, Mash, can you come to the lab? I have something that might help Ophelia."

Curious, they headed to the lab where Da Vinci and Ophelia were waiting. Da Vinci held up a small, glowing device. "I've been working on this. It's a catalyst that might help Ophelia unlock her latent abilities. It's not exactly a transformation like Kadoc's, but it could give her the edge she needs."

Ophelia looked at the device with a mixture of apprehension and excitement. "What do I have to do?"

Da Vinci handed it to her. "Just activate it and focus on your desire to protect and fight alongside us."

Taking a deep breath, Ophelia activated the device. A surge of energy enveloped her, and she felt a strange but exhilarating power coursing through her veins. As the light faded, she stood there, transformed. Her eyes glowed with a newfound determination, and a subtle aura of energy surrounded her.

Ritsuka smiled. "Looks like we have a new ally ready for battle."

Ophelia grinned, feeling more confident than ever. "Thank you, Da Vinci. And thank you, Ritsuka. I won't let you down."

With renewed determination, Ophelia joined the others in their preparations. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with their combined strength and unity, they knew they could overcome any obstacle.

But still. Ophelia said looking at them. This is not right with

She got an idea activated her mystic not in anyone but her, she was looking at many of her Destiny as she was looking at all, in so many she dies or lives to become a something, else she was looking for a something else as she found a golden string she took, As a golden aura surrounded Ophelia, her hair turning a radiant gold, the entire room fell silent in awe. The power emanating from her was palpable, and the transformation had given her a new level of confidence and strength.

Ophelia smiled, feeling the energy coursing through her. "This, this is my transformation. I did it! I call this Break Drive."

Da Vinci, never one to miss an opportunity for humor, chuckled. "So, is anyone going to say it? Fuck it, why not, she basically just turned Super Saiyan."

Ritsuka laughed, shaking his head. "It's definitely impressive, Ophelia. This transformation will make a huge difference in our battles."

Mash looked at Ophelia with admiration. "You look amazing, Ophelia. I can feel your power from here. I'm glad you found your own strength."

Ophelia nodded, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. "Thank you, everyone. I'm ready to fight alongside you now."

Ritsuka placed a hand on her shoulder. "We're all in this together. With your new Break Drive, we'll be even stronger. Let's show the Alien God and their apostles what we're capable of."

As they prepared for the upcoming battles, the atmosphere in Chaldea was filled with a renewed sense of hope and determination. Ophelia's transformation had not only boosted her confidence but had also inspired the entire team. They knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but with their combined strengths, they were ready to face whatever came their way.

Meanwhile, in the training center, Ritsuka resumed his sparring session with Kadoc. The intensity of their battle had increased, with both of them pushing their limits.

Kadoc, despite his exhaustion, managed to stand up again, his Infinite Ice form flickering but still holding. "I'll get stronger, Ritsuka. I'll stand by your side as an equal."

Ritsuka nodded, a proud smile on his face. "That's the spirit, Kadoc. We're all in this together. Keep pushing your limits."

Anastasia, watching from the sidelines, felt a surge of pride for Kadoc. She knew how hard he was trying, and his determination was evident.

As the days went by, the Chaldea team continued to train and prepare, each member growing stronger and more united. With Ophelia's new Break Drive, Kadoc's relentless training, and the unwavering support of their allies, they were ready to face the challenges ahead.

The next battle would be their toughest yet, but they faced it with confidence and determination, knowing that together, they could overcome any obstacle.

Anway Kadoc. Ritsuka said looking at Kadoc. Do you have any information about the other lostbelt

Yeah, no sense stayed/Forced to be in my lost belt. Kadoc said looking at Anastasia who was wishlist hearing that. I didn't check any of the lost belt, but I do know the servant, or there class the team B member one has an Assassin, Kirshtaria a Lancer, Akuta a rider, Pepe and Archer, Daybit a berserk, which you know about, team B number two summond a saber don't ask me name I don't know there name

Ritsuka nodded, taking in the information. "So, we have a general idea of the classes we're up against. That's a good start. Thank you, Kadoc."

Kadoc glanced at Anastasia, who was silently listening, a look of concern on her face. "I stayed in my Lostbelt for most of the time. I didn't get a chance to gather detailed information about the others. But knowing the classes gives us a strategic advantage."

Anastasia spoke up, her voice steady but laced with worry. "We need to be prepared for anything. The servants and the Masters we're up against are formidable. We can't afford to underestimate them."

Ritsuka turned to the rest of the team. "Alright, everyone, let's review what we know and come up with a plan. We need to be ready for whatever the other Lostbelts throw at us."

As the team gathered to discuss their strategy, Ophelia, now brimming with confidence from her new Break Drive transformation, joined the conversation. "With the information Kadoc provided and our combined strengths, we have a solid foundation to build on. We just need to stay focused and work together."

Mash nodded in agreement. "Our teamwork has always been our greatest asset. If we stay united and support each other, we can overcome any challenge."

Ritsuka smiled, feeling a renewed sense of hope and determination. "Let's get to work, then. We've faced impossible odds before and come out on top. This time will be no different."

As they continued to strategize, the atmosphere in Chaldea was filled with a sense of purpose and unity. Each member of the team knew their role and was ready to give their all in the battles ahead. With their combined strengths and the new information they had, they were prepared to face the challenges of the other Lostbelts and emerge victorious.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, Rasputin observed the Chaldea team's preparations with a calculating gaze. "They are growing stronger," he mused to himself. "But strength alone won't be enough to stop us."

He turned away, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "The real battle is yet to come. Let's see how they fare when faced with the true power of the Lostbelts."

As the forces of Chaldea and the Lostbelts prepared for the inevitable clash, the stage was set for an epic confrontation that would determine the fate of humanity and the world itself.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones