New mystic coded

Hey guys can you come here. Da Vinci said looking at them. I have a mystic coded to checkout

As they go and the 4 id them sea a bagpipes, as they looked confused

I call it the Bagpipes of invisibility. Da Vinci said looking at them. If you okay your go invisible

That is cool da Vinci. Ritsuka said looking at her. But how does it help us

As Da Vinci went quite not knowing what to say at that moment, as eveyrone just looked at her.

Da Vinci scratched her head awkwardly, realizing she hadn't fully thought through the practical applications of her invention. She quickly gathered her thoughts and began to explain.

"Well, you see," Da Vinci started, "the Bagpipes of Invisibility can cloak whoever plays them in a shroud of magical invisibility. It's perfect for stealth missions or when you need to evade detection."

Mash's eyes lit up with curiosity. "So, if we play the bagpipes, we can sneak past enemies and surveillance?"

"Exactly!" Da Vinci exclaimed, relieved that Mash understood. "It's particularly useful in situations where direct confrontation isn't an option or when you need to gather intelligence without being noticed."

Kadoc raised an eyebrow skeptically. "And how long does the invisibility last? And can we move while invisible?"

Da Vinci nodded enthusiastically. "The invisibility effect lasts for about thirty minutes per session of playing. And yes, you can move while invisible, but any sudden or loud noises might give away your position."

Ritsuka grinned, impressed with Da Vinci's invention despite his initial skepticism. "Well, Da Vinci, you've done it again. This could be incredibly useful for our upcoming missions, especially if we need to gather information in hostile territory."

Ophelia, who had been quiet until now, spoke up with a thoughtful expression. "We should test it out in a controlled environment first to see its full capabilities. We can't afford any mishaps during a critical mission."

Da Vinci nodded in agreement. "Absolutely! I'll make sure everything is properly calibrated before we deploy it in the field."

That is good and everything. Ophelia said looking at Da Vinci. But let's talk about the elephant in the room the loud ass sound

Da Vinci chuckled nervously, adjusting her glasses as she addressed Ophelia's concern.

"You're right, Ophelia. The Bagpipes of Invisibility do emit a sound when played, and it's not exactly subtle," Da Vinci admitted. "The enchantment that creates invisibility also creates a slight hum that's audible to those nearby."

Kadoc crossed his arms, looking skeptical. "So, we'll be invisible but not exactly quiet?"

"Exactly," Da Vinci replied. "It's a trade-off between invisibility and audibility. The sound isn't deafening, but it's noticeable if someone is nearby and paying attention."

Ritsuka considered this. "So, we'll have to be strategic about when and where we use the bagpipes. In open spaces or during noisy situations, the sound might not be as much of an issue."

Mash nodded in agreement. "Perhaps we could use it to create diversions or during moments when a slight noise won't give away our position."

Ophelia raised an eyebrow. "And what happens if enemies hear the sound? Won't they know something magical is happening?"

Da Vinci shrugged. "It's possible, but they won't necessarily know the exact nature of the magic. They might think it's some kind of enchantment or illusion."

Kadoc smirked. "Could be useful for drawing attention away from our real movements or objectives."

"Exactly," Da Vinci said, encouraged by the group's brainstorming. "We can use it strategically to our advantage. With proper planning and coordination, the Bagpipes of Invisibility could be a game-changer for our missions."

With their concerns addressed and a plan forming, the group left Da Vinci's workshop with renewed determination. The Bagpipes of Invisibility might have its quirks, but in the hands of skilled operatives like themselves, it could prove invaluable in their ongoing battle against the threats facing humanity.

Ritsuka stood in the center of the training room, holding the Bagpipes of Invisibility with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. His master, Aozaki, was watching from the sidelines, a mischievous smirk on her face as she snapped photos with her phone.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Ritsuka muttered, glancing at the rest of the group who were stifling their laughter. He took a deep breath and began to play the bagpipes. The room was instantly filled with a loud, droning hum that echoed off the walls.

As he played, Ritsuka felt a strange sensation wash over him. He looked down and saw his body slowly fading from view, becoming transparent until he was completely invisible. The hum continued, a low, constant sound that reverberated around the room.

"Wow, it actually works," Mash said, her eyes wide with amazement. "We can't see you at all, Senpai!"

"Yeah, but we can definitely hear him," Kadoc added with a smirk, crossing his arms. "That's some loud magic."

Aozaki continued taking photos, clearly enjoying the situation. "This is going to be perfect for the family album. Your mom and dad will love seeing this."

Ritsuka's voice echoed, seemingly coming from nowhere. "Very funny, Master. How long does this last?"

Da Vinci stepped forward, her curiosity piqued. "The invisibility should last as long as you play the bagpipes, but be mindful of the mana drain. It's significant, so you can't sustain it indefinitely."

Ritsuka played a few more notes, then slowly stopped. As the sound faded, his form gradually reappeared, solidifying before their eyes. He lowered the bagpipes, feeling a bit drained but otherwise fine.

"Not bad," Ritsuka said, handing the bagpipes back to Da Vinci. "Definitely something we can use, though we'll need to be careful about when and how we deploy it."

Aozaki lowered her phone, still grinning. "You did well, Ritsuka. I think you've got a knack for this kind of thing. Just imagine the stories we can tell your parents."

Ritsuka sighed, shaking his head with a smile. "Let's focus on saving the world first. We can worry about embarrassing family stories later."

The group laughed, the tension easing as they discussed potential uses for the Bagpipes of Invisibility. Despite its quirks, it was another tool in their arsenal, and they were determined to use every advantage they had in the battles to come.

Dr. Romani coughed to get everyone's attention. "So, how do we fix the problem? And not just that, how is this even useful? None of the Lostbelts are Scottish. What do we do, make a Scottish Servant in a castle haunted by a ghost that plays bagpipes? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever said."

Ritsuka and the others exchanged amused glances. Da Vinci tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well, the Bagpipes of Invisibility do have potential, but we might need to refine the design. Maybe we can work on a way to dampen the sound or even channel the invisibility effect through a different medium."

"Perhaps we can use the invisibility effect in combination with other stealth tactics," Mash suggested. "The bagpipes could serve as a distraction while someone sneaks past enemies or infiltrates a stronghold."

"Right, and we can always customize our approach depending on the Lostbelt we're dealing with," Ophelia added. "Even if bagpipes seem out of place, the concept of creating distractions or diversions is universally useful."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We need to think outside the box. The bagpipes might seem odd, but if we can make them work for us, they could be a valuable asset."

Dr. Romani sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, you all make good points. We'll continue to refine the concept. But let's not forget our main goals here. We need to stay focused on the bigger picture."

Da Vinci smiled. "Of course, Dr. Romani. We'll keep experimenting and improving. Who knows, maybe the Bagpipes of Invisibility will become a crucial part of our strategy."

As they discussed further, the team brainstormed ways to integrate the invisibility effect into their tactics, considering how to make it more practical and effective for their missions. They knew that every little advantage could make a difference in the challenging battles ahead.

The next day, Ritsuka and Sion sat in the command center, surrounded by screens displaying various data points, timelines, and historical records. They were deep in discussion, trying to determine what the second Lostbelt could be. Kadoc had been unable to provide useful information, leaving them to rely on their own deductions and analyses.

Ritsuka scrolled through a list of potential Lostbelts. "So, we know it can't be the Norse Lostbelt because that's Kirshtaria's domain. And it's likely different from what we encountered before the reset. We need to narrow down the possibilities."

Sion nodded, adjusting her glasses as she examined the data. "Given what we know, we should consider Lostbelts that might align with the characteristics and historical deviations we've seen so far. Let's focus on major historical divergences that could lead to a radically different world."

Ritsuka pointed to a few key points on the screen. "What about ancient civilizations that might have persisted or evolved differently? We could be looking at something like an extended Roman Empire or a world where the Byzantine Empire never fell."

Sion tapped her chin thoughtfully. "That's a good start. We should also consider mythological elements that could have become dominant in certain regions. For example, a Greek Lostbelt where the gods still rule, or an Egyptian Lostbelt where pharaohs wield divine power."

"There's also the possibility of a Celtic Lostbelt," Ritsuka added. "A world where the Tuatha Dé Danann maintained control and magic remained a powerful force."

Sion nodded, her fingers dancing across the keyboard as she pulled up more information. "Yes, we should cross-reference these possibilities with any anomalies or disturbances we've detected in the timelines. That might help us pinpoint the next Lostbelt more accurately."

They continued their discussion, weighing different scenarios and historical deviations. The process was meticulous, requiring them to consider countless variables and potential outcomes. Despite the challenges, they were determined to uncover the truth and prepare for whatever awaited them in the second Lostbelt.

Olga entered the room with a determined expression. "I have an idea," she announced. "Did you consider France as an option?"

Ritsuka and Sion turned to face her. "France?" Ritsuka repeated, intrigued. "What makes you think it could be a French Lostbelt?"

Olga nodded, stepping closer to the central table where all the data was displayed. "Think about it. France has a rich history and numerous pivotal points where things could have diverged dramatically. The Hundred Years' War, the French Revolution, even earlier during the time of Charlemagne. Any of these periods could have created a very different world if key events had gone differently."

Sion quickly accessed the historical database, pulling up significant French events and their potential divergences. "That's true. If, for example, Jeanne d'Arc had not been executed, or if Napoleon had succeeded in establishing a lasting empire, the course of history would be vastly different."

Olga pointed to a specific anomaly on one of the screens. "We've detected strange temporal disturbances in areas that correspond with France. It could be a clue that the next Lostbelt is centered there."

Ritsuka leaned forward, his interest piqued. "A French Lostbelt... That would align with the kind of historical shifts we're looking for. We could be dealing with a world where the monarchy never fell, or perhaps one where France became the dominant global power."

Sion nodded, rapidly typing as she integrated this new hypothesis into their analysis. "This could also explain why we haven't been able to pinpoint it easily. France has undergone so many significant changes throughout history that the Lostbelt's divergence could be masked by multiple potential timelines."

"Exactly," Olga said, her eyes shining with determination. "We need to prepare for this possibility. If it is a French Lostbelt, we might be dealing with powerful figures from France's past, altered by the Lostbelt's unique conditions."

Ritsuka stood up, energized by this new lead. "Alright, let's gather all the data we have on French historical divergences and start formulating a plan. If we're right, this Lostbelt could be even more challenging than we anticipated."

In another place, Team B member Mason stood before the imposing figure of the French Lostbelt King. The king had striking black hair with streaks of white, a crown mixing silver and gold, and wore an armor of similar colors. He held a magnificent sword with a hilt of gold and a blade that was half red and half black, matching the royal cape draped over his shoulders. His piercing red eyes focused intently on Mason.

"I see," the Lostbelt King said, his voice resonating with authority. "Chaldea will come to my domain."

Mason nodded respectfully, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, King Charlemagne. They will arrive soon."

Charlemagne, the once and future king of a divergent France, stood from his throne. "Then we must be prepared. This world is under my rule, and I will not let invaders disrupt the peace and order I have established. Tell me, Mason, what do you know of these intruders?"

Mason took a deep breath. "They are formidable. Their leader, Ritsuka Fujimaru, has faced countless threats and emerged victorious each time. They possess powerful Servants and advanced technology. However, we have our own strengths, and with your leadership, I believe we can repel them."

Charlemagne smiled, a fierce glint in his eyes. "Good. We shall see if these Chaldeans are worthy adversaries. Ensure our forces are ready. We will greet them with the might of France and the power of the Lostbelt."

Mason bowed deeply. "As you command, my king."

As Mason left to carry out Charlemagne's orders, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and dread. The battle against Chaldea would not be easy, but with Charlemagne at the helm, he believed they stood a fighting chance.

To be continued

Hope people like this joke Ch yeah, this was kinda of a joke so yeah


Marie alter thought


She is very interesting especially sense she is a Pretender and I can say her Noble phatasam is also different from something I now

Dr Romani

Before I learn he was Solomon he just seemed like a good father figure to Ophelia and Ritsuka, not saying master father was bad, I really can't say that about my future father in law

Sharlock Holmes

The detective is something else, but I feel like he is being used with out him knowing

Da Vinci

The inverter is very funny, and I like her, plus she is from French just like me