Lostbelt Detected

Olga and Sion were huddled over the main console, their faces illuminated by the glow of the monitors. They had been analyzing the readings for hours, trying to pinpoint the exact location and time period of the next Lostbelt.

"We've got it," Olga announced, her voice tinged with excitement. "The coordinates and temporal markers place it firmly in France."

Ritsuka leaned in, examining the data. "France, huh? Given the era and the scale of anomalies, any guesses on the king? Napoleon seems like a strong candidate, but I could be wrong."

Sion shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "Napoleon is a possibility, but the readings suggest something even older, possibly more entrenched in myth and legend. We should prepare for a king with both historical and possibly mythical significance."

Ritsuka nodded, considering the implications. "Alright, let's gear up. We need to be ready for anything."

The team quickly assembled in the briefing room. Mash, Ophelia, Kadoc, and the others listened intently as Ritsuka laid out the plan. "Our next mission is the French Lostbelt. We're not entirely sure who the Lostbelt king is, but we have to be prepared for a formidable opponent. Any questions?"

Kadoc raised his hand. "Do we have any specifics on the Lostbelt's characteristics? Climate, terrain, possible Servant encounters?"

Olga tapped a few keys on the console, bringing up a holographic map of the Lostbelt. "From the preliminary scans, it looks like a mix of medieval and early Renaissance France, but with some significant deviations. The terrain is varied, with fortified cities, dense forests, and potentially enchanted regions. Expect strong, disciplined forces."

Mash nodded, gripping her shield. "We should be prepared for anything. This could be our toughest challenge yet."

As the team began their final preparations, the atmosphere was tense but focused. They knew that the French Lostbelt could hold untold dangers, but they were ready to face them together.


In the heart of the French Lostbelt, King Charlemagne sat on his throne, his red eyes gleaming with anticipation. Beside him, Mason reported the latest developments.

"Chaldea has detected our location, my king. They will be arriving soon."

Charlemagne smiled, his expression both regal and fierce. "Let them come. We will show them the true power of my kingdom. Prepare our forces and fortify our defenses."

Mason bowed. "As you command, my king."

As the preparations in both Chaldea and the French Lostbelt continued, the stage was set for an epic confrontation. The fate of this distorted world hung in the balance, and only the strongest would prevail.

As the Shadow Border arrived, it materialized in a dense forest. The canopy above was thick, allowing only slivers of sunlight to pierce through, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere. Ritsuka, clad in his Demon Commander mystic code, stepped out first, feeling the weight of the mana in the air.

"This place... it feels ancient," Ritsuka muttered, his senses on high alert.

Romani followed, adjusting his glasses as he stepped out of the Shadow Border. "Yeah, I feel that as well," he said, a note of awe in his voice. "The mana here is on the same level as the Age of Gods."

Mash emerged next, her eyes wide with wonder and caution. "The density of magical energy is incredible. We need to be careful."

Ophelia nodded, her new Break Drive transformation still fresh in her mind, ready to be called upon if needed. "This is unlike any other Lostbelt we've encountered. We should proceed with extreme caution."

As the team moved through the forest, they noticed the flora and fauna were vibrant, almost pulsating with life. It was clear that this Lostbelt was heavily influenced by powerful magical forces. The deeper they ventured, the more they felt the presence of something grand and formidable.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shook, and a powerful gust of wind blew through the trees. From the shadows, figures began to emerge. Armored knights on horseback, their armor gleaming with a golden hue, rode out to confront them.

"Who goes there?" one of the knights demanded, his voice echoing through the forest. "State your business in the realm of King Charlemagne!"

Ritsuka stepped forward, his stance firm. "We are from Chaldea. We seek an audience with your king."

The knight studied them for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Follow us. But know this: any treachery will be met with swift justice."

As the knights led them deeper into the forest, the team couldn't help but marvel at the majestic scenery. They passed by grand castles, fields of magical crops, and rivers that sparkled with an otherworldly glow.

Finally, they reached a massive fortress, its walls towering high into the sky. The gates opened, and they were escorted inside. In the throne room, sitting regally on his throne, was King Charlemagne. His presence was commanding, his red eyes gleaming with intelligence and power.

"Welcome, Chaldea," Charlemagne greeted them, his voice both warm and authoritative. "I have been expecting you."

Ritsuka stepped forward, bowing slightly. "Thank you for seeing us, King Charlemagne. We have come to understand more about this Lostbelt and its purpose."

Charlemagne nodded, a knowing smile on his lips. "You seek answers, and I shall provide them. But first, I must test your resolve. Only those worthy shall gain the knowledge they seek."

With a wave of his hand, the doors to the throne room opened, revealing an arena outside. The team exchanged glances, understanding what was to come next.

"Prepare yourselves," Charlemagne declared. "The trials shall begin, and through them, you shall prove your worth."

As then Ritsuka made a wall fo flames as blast of rainbow light almost hit and e everyone, as Ritsuka just curse

Damm it. Ritsuka said pulling out Albion. This is a trap

Ritsuka said looking at Charlemagne as he was holding his sword, which was glowing with rainbow light like in the legend

I see. Charlemagne said looking at Ritsuka. Was it that easy to figure me out last master of humanity

Ritsuka narrowed his eyes, gripping Albion tightly. "It wasn't hard to figure out. The overwhelming mana and the sudden attack were a dead giveaway."

Charlemagne smirked, his presence radiating authority and power. "You have keen instincts. But instincts alone won't save you here."

Mash stepped forward, her shield ready. "Senpai, what should we do?"

"We fight," Ritsuka said, determination clear in his voice. "We need to prove our strength."

Charlemagne raised his sword, the rainbow light intensifying. "Show me, then. Show me the power that makes you worthy of saving humanity."

With a roar, Charlemagne charged, his sword aimed at Ritsuka. Ritsuka met his charge, Albion clashing with the legendary sword. The impact sent shockwaves through the forest, the ground cracking beneath them.

"He's strong," Ritsuka grunted, pushing back against Charlemagne's assault.

"Hang in there, Senpai!" Mash shouted, moving to his side. She raised her shield, blocking an attack from one of Charlemagne's summoned knights. "We've got this!"

Ophelia, in her Break Drive form, unleashed a barrage of magical attacks, targeting Charlemagne and his knights. "We need to find a way to break through his defenses!"

Charlemagne's eyes glinted with admiration as he watched their teamwork. "Impressive. But you must do better than that."

He summoned more knights, each one wielding weapons infused with the same rainbow light. The forest was now filled with enemies, all ready to test Chaldea's resolve.

Ritsuka, Mash, and Ophelia stood their ground, prepared for the fight of their lives. "We can do this," Ritsuka said, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "For Chaldea, for the future, we won't lose."

The battle raged on, the clash of steel and magic echoing through the forest. Each member of Chaldea fought with everything they had, their resolve unshakable as they faced the trials set before them.

As then Ritsuka summoned Edmond. Edmond Dantès landed gracefully beside Ritsuka, his dark aura swirling around him. "Master," he greeted with a slight bow.

"Edmond, get us out of here," Ritsuka commanded.

Without hesitation, Edmond's shadows enveloped them, and within moments, they found themselves back in the Shadow Border. The sudden change in scenery was jarring, but they were safe for the moment.

Mash looked around, catching her breath. "That was close. Thank you, Edmond."

Edmond nodded, his eyes still sharp and vigilant. "It was necessary."

Ritsuka turned to the group, his expression serious. "We need a new strategy. Charlemagne is not going to be easy to defeat, especially with his knights and that immense mana."

Sion, observing the situation from the control room, chimed in. "We need to gather more information about his abilities and weaknesses. Rushing in without a plan will only get us killed."

"Agreed," Ritsuka said. "We'll need to prepare ourselves better and find a way to counter his rainbow light attacks."

Ophelia, still in her Break Drive form, stepped forward. "I can use my abilities to scan for any weak points in his defenses. We just need to buy enough time for me to complete the scan during our next encounter."

"Good idea," Ritsuka replied. "We'll need everyone's help to make this work. We can't afford to lose."

With a determined nod from everyone, they began their preparations. The battle with Charlemagne was far from over, but Chaldea would be ready for the next round.

"Okay, let's get things clear, alright?" Olga said, looking at Ritsuka. "We at least know that Charlemagne is the Lostbelt King, which means we probably also need to fight the Twelve Knights of Charlemagne."

"So, I guess I have to go after all," Kadoc said, with Anastasia standing behind him. "And here you said you could handle it on your own, Ophelia and Ritsuka."

"It's not about handling it alone," Ritsuka sighed, rubbing his temples. "We need everyone working together to stand a chance against Charlemagne and his knights. This isn't going to be easy, and we can't afford any missteps."

Ophelia nodded. "Ritsuka's right. This requires all of us. Kadoc, you and Anastasia are valuable assets. We need your support."

"Fine," Kadoc relented, his gaze serious. "But don't expect me to just follow orders without question."

"Nobody expects that," Ritsuka said with a small smile. "We're a team. We discuss, we plan, and we fight together. Now, let's start planning our next move."

Da Vinci spoke up from her workstation. "We need to gather more intel on Charlemagne's knights. Knowing their abilities and weaknesses will give us a significant advantage. I'll start working on that."

"I can help with that," Sion added. "We have some records on the Twelve Knights. It won't be easy, but we should be able to piece together enough information to formulate a plan."

"Good," Ritsuka said, looking around at his team. "Let's get to work. We have a Lostbelt to save."

"But first," Dr. Romani said, looking at everyone, "what were the changes that made this Lostbelt... a Lostbelt?"

Ritsuka nodded, considering the question. "We need to figure out what divergence led to Charlemagne's world becoming a Lostbelt. Understanding that could give us crucial insights."

"Right," Olga agreed. "If we know the nature of the alteration, we can better prepare for what we might face."

Sion brought up a holographic map of the Lostbelt. "From what we can gather, this world diverged significantly from ours. It seems to have a much higher concentration of mana, similar to the Age of Gods."

"Charlemagne's reign must have extended or evolved in a way that allowed for this immense accumulation of mana," Da Vinci speculated. "Perhaps he never faced the decline of the Roman Empire or saw an even greater unification of Europe under his rule."

"Or it could be that the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne became something more akin to divine beings," Ophelia suggested. "Their legendary status might not just be stories here—they could wield true, god-like powers."

"Anastasia and I will gather more localized data," Kadoc offered. "We can use our abilities to probe deeper into the Lostbelt's history and nature."

"Good," Ritsuka said, nodding. "But we need to be careful. Charlemagne and his knights will not be easy opponents, and we can't afford to underestimate them."

"One more thing," Dr. Romani added. "Let's not forget the potential involvement of Team B and their Servants. Mason and his Assassin, and Ayaka with her Saber, could pose additional threats. We need to be ready for anything."

With that, the team broke off into their respective tasks, each preparing in their own way for the challenges ahead. The stakes were high, and the path ahead was fraught with danger, but they were determined to face it together.

To be continued