
Chapter Forty-Four: Aftermath

As Nullus began to shake and explode, he started to experience past memories.

Some time ago, in an unknown land...

"Come on. We can't disappoint the master."

"I know that! But trusting us to capture what he seeks? Why didn't he send an Elite?"

Ossix and Nullus debated their mission as they left their land, which was a massive region surrounded by tons of ocean. Large mountains could be seen in the distance, forests were everywhere, and the air felt much thicker.

The pair approached the boat. They looked human, wearing hoods and pants. "You think these disguises will work?" Ossix asked, scratching his neck.

Nullus got into the boat. "They don't know who we are, now. They'll have no reason to believe we're anything else than humans from Batango."

"True." Ossix got into the boat on the side opposite of Nullus. Ossix pressed a button on the back of it, and it sped across the waters.

"So, you think you actually found it? What we've been searching for all this time?"

Nullus sighed. "I hope. I witnessed the target, Dachii Jones, use Gravity Powers in battle. And the way he used them... it was chaotic."

Ossix's eyes widened. "Dachii...Jones?"

Nullus looked up. "Yes. We must retrieve him. This is one mission we can not fail. The dwarves failed to use the gift I brought them to weaken the Voltian Forces, so prepare for a fight."

"Got it. General Fujii won't be easy, especially if they call any other Squads for backup."

"That's why we'll slip in the Asuka Festival. It's an event they do, only reserved for the most elite in Asuka."

"Stealth mission, got it."

"You'll find a child to spy on the target and relay information. If they see us together, as 'humans,' they'll be alarmed. I'll take out their security to give them a reason to call Squad S-1."

Ossix just stared across the waters. "Dachii Jones...can he really have what we want? The most dangerous weapon in the entire world?"

"It's our best bet, and the Master seemed to agree."

"Well, let's do this right, this time. We pull a huge heist like this, no way we don't move up the ranks. Then those Elite snobs can stop hating on us."

"Indeed. I'll take a cover role when we get there. You stalk the target. If you engage him, make sure you call me for backup if you're outmatched."

"Heh. Me? Outmatched? It's been decades since I'VE been outmatched."

Nullus took a deep breath. "I hope it remains that way."

Nullus held out his hand. "For Zhari."

Ossix took his hand and shook it. "For Zhari, pal. For Zhari."

The boat got closer and closer to the other side, where the Nation of Voltiana dwelled.

Present Day...

"Well then, this time I lose."

Everyone watched as Nullus began to shake even more violently. He clenched his fist, looking at Fujii.

"Don't worry, General. I'll see you next time. Until then, watch your back."

Then he exploded and disappeared. Arata scratched his head, confused. "So wait, is he DEAD or not?"

Everyone collapsed and breathed a sigh of relief. Fujii leaned on his sword. "Doesn't matter, they've been stopped."

Akari stood up and gently picked up Dachii, who was now unconscious. "I doubt that was all of them, sir."

"Trust me, it wasn't."

He stood to his feet, taking in the destruction of the festival. "But I'd never dream they'd come HERE directly, not after all this time...."

Hikari picked herself up off the ground. "Sir, who were those people?"

Fujii stretched his bones and took a moment before replying.

"They're called Zharians."

Everyone silently stared at him, speechless. "What's a Zharian?" Hikari asked.

"Look. I'll say this: we're not the only ones who possess Elements."

"What? But everyone says that only Voltians, Dwarves, and Orcs can have them, and those other two races don't, so—-"

"Look. It's a lot of things you guys don't know." Fujii turned to look at them. "But now that they've targeted Dachii, whatever Deity is must be a damn GOOD reason for them to come out of hiding."

Akari, checking on Dachii, asked:

"But how do you know all of this, Sir?"

Fujii turned towards her, smiling. "Let's not worry about all that now, shall we? Who wants a beer? I'll pay!"


Saori walked up to him, fiddling with her hands. "What...what do I do now...?"

Fujii knelt down and softly smiled at her. "Sorry about your mother, kid. I'm sure she was a good person."

"She...she was."

Fujii tapped his chin, before gasping. "Wait! I have a good idea! How about YOU come to live with US? You can be an official member of Squad S-1!"

Everyone nearly fainted. Saori looked up at him, eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Yea! After that rainbow stuff you did, you 100% deserve a spot!"

"Alright! I'll join!"

Arata was behind them, fuming. "She gets a spot...over ME?!?"

Luca put a hand on his shoulder. "Did you defeat the bad guy?"


Hikari, in the process of healing Marachii's back, simply remarked:

"Well, this is a...unexpected change. What now, sir?"

"I have to call Yoritomo. Let him know about the entire situation." As he pulled out his watch, he heard a noise behind him.

"Kenshi! Everything is RUINED!"

"Oh! There you are, Yoritomo! How's things going—-?"

Yoritomo stormed up to him, pointing a finger right in his face. "Couldn't you have at least kept your battle's damage to a minimum? Now I have to spend billions of coins to fix all of this!"

Marachii's ears perked up. "Billions? How much money do you guys have?"

Hikari smiled, as she finished healing him. "Oh come on, you don't keep at least ten billion coins in your bank account?"

"I don't even have a bank account! I'm thirteen!"

"I got one when I was nine."

Yoritomo gave Fujii a firm hug. "Good to see you made it out though, old pal!"

Fujii returned it but then stepped back. "Yeah, but I gotta tell the King and Queen the news. Dachii is now a massive target."

Yoritomo looked at the unconscious Dachii. "Yeah, I've heard from Jun. It seems our suspicions were right. They sure did cause a lot of damage to try and get him. I wonder why."

"Something called...Deity."

"What's Deity?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure as hell going to find out. Guys! Make your way back to the mansion! I'll be back soon!"

He disappeared in a flash, leaving the rest of Squad S-1 on the ground. Marachii raised his hand.

"Maybe I can use that car to drive us home?"

Arata cracked his neck and charged his body. "Alright, see ya, LOSERS!"

He jumped away, causing a shockwave that shook the entire area, and Hikari shook her head. "He's gonna pass out from exhaustion, eventually."

Yoritomo ruffled his hair and looked around. "Well, I have to thank you guys for all your help. I couldn't imagine what would have happened if you didn't stop those guys."

He patted Saori on the head. "And you've saved this little girl."

"I'm a member of their Squad now!"

"You're WHAT?!?"

Akari brushed her hair out of her face, and made her way over to others, still holding Dachii. She gave them a brief, but soft smile.

"Come on, let's go back home."

Marachii focused his power and formed another car from his arm. "Everyone in!"

Luca got in the passenger seat, and Akari, Saori, and Hikari got in the back. Saori sat in Hikari's lap, while Akari let Dachii's head rest in hers.

"Okay, let's reverse this thing."

He tried to back up, but he ended up hitting the closest building, making everyone jerk.

"Marachii! There's a child and your unconscious BROTHER in this car! How can you not drive this outside of combat!" Hikari yelled as Saori giggled.

"Look, that was adrenaline! I don't know how to drive!"

Luca grinned. "Easy. Hit the gas and turn."

Marachii made the car speed forward, and made a sharp turn down the street at a high speed, as Hikari screamed and Saori cheered.

"Yay! This is fun!"

"No! No, it's not!"

Yoritomo shook his head and went back to studying the damage. "I'll need to have a make-up event for this disaster. That ALONE will cost billions."


"Breaking News! General Fujii and Squad S-1 have defeated the mysterious threats that attacked the Asuka Festival! Rumor has it they were after a certain boy! But who is this boy, and is there more danger on the horizon?"

Kia relaxed on her couch. "Thank goodness! My kids are okay!"

The door opened, and Morino came inside with some groceries. "Hey, dear. Brought back some stuff from the store—-"

She ran over to him and pointed a finger at him. "And where was your antenna when my kids were FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES?"

"Oh! What?"

She motioned towards the TV, which continued its report.

"Now then, the damage at the Asuka Festival will probably take some weeks to repair, but news has it a make-up is due soon, allowing families to revisit the festival without having to wait another year."


"My babies are coming home as SOON as they get back."

Morino set the groceries down. "Well, I'll be happy to have them back. They've done two missions now. I'm sure they'll turn out to be great soldiers. And hopefully, Dachii won't be executed.

"They aren't laying a HAND on my son, trust me."

Morino chucked and turned around, but he saw Kia's stern and furious face and yelped in shock.

Meanwhile, in an unknown castle...

A young man, with cracked black skin, black eyeballs with yellow pupils, and spiky yellow hair, walked into the throne from of a shadowy castle. He had on dark black armor, which went from his boots to his neck.

He made it to the throne room, and there were about ten people, shrouded in shadows, gathered at a table. A giant shadowy figure, who was barely visible, was sitting on the throne.

The young man knelt and spoke. "Master, I'm sorry, but Nullus and Ossix were...defeated."

The entire room turned their attention to him. After a moment of silence, one of the female figures spoke, with a gory and childish voice.

"Aww, that's so sad! I really liked those two! I wonder when we'll see them again..."

Another female, with a much colder voice, commented:

"Ridiculous. And you think you can measure up to our shoes. Begone, spark plug."

The young man clenched his fists. A male figure put a hand on the girl's shoulder, laughing.

"Come on, they did their best! Let the underdogs shine, won't you?"

Another guy, strumming his guitar, looked over. "Well now, did they go out in a cool way? I wanna make a new song about it."

The biggest figure that was seated slammed his fist into the table.

"Utter crap! You weaklings make us look bad! How can you be so incompetent?"

As the table shook, one girl at the end held up a hand.

"Guys. Let the master speak."

The man in the middle nodded. "She...is right."

The young man looked up at the one sitting on the throne. "Master? What should the next move be?"

A deep voice came out of him. "Do not worry...try again....send more out...I believe...you will succeed..."

A humming tune came from the entrance, and everyone turned their attention to it. Another young male, with cracked black skin and messy gray hair, walked into the room.

"Master! Send me to capture the Holder! I'll take a few of the guys with me! We'll get it done, I guarantee it!"

The figures seated at the table all gasped. The big one stood up.

"The Holder? You've found it?"

"Duh. You spend all your time mocking us, but we're the ones doing all the work!"

The girl with the cold tone spoke up. "Master, send US to capture the Holder! This is too important of a mission to leave in their hands!"

The figure on the throne waited a moment before responding.

"I'll...allow them...a chance...I trust...they will do it..."

The gray-haired man smiled. "Thanks, Master! We've got this, I promise!"

"You...may proceed..."

The two young men bowed and left the room. The figure sitting in the middle of the table got up and left.


Outside of the throne room, the spiked-haired guy grabbed the gray-haired one by the shoulder, nodding.

"You guys have to do this. We won't be the underdogs for long."

"No worries, man. They can't take us."

He walked out of the castle, and the lines on his forearm revealed his rank: 15th.

"Get ready, Dachii."
