
Chapter Forty-Five: Nakada

In the castle of Voltiana...

The morning after the fight, Fujii slowly walked through the halls of the castle, and various guards bowed as he made his way through.

"Okay, this is BIG news. I wonder how they'll react."

He turned a corner, and the entrance to the throne room was right there, with Xar standing close by.

"The King is inside, General."

Fujii walked into it, and he found the King sitting by himself, deep in thought.

King Ayrad lifted his head as Fujii approached. "Kenshi! Morning!"

"Morning, sir. Where's the Queen?"

"Well...she and I got into a bit of an argument about the festival, so she's been avoiding me for the time being."

"The festival?"

"Yeah, we were informed it was an attack. She wanted to send more Squads to help, but I knew you guys could handle the issue by yourselves! You're not our top-ranked Squad for nothing!"

"Appreciate the vote of confidence, but that's exactly what I came to talk about."

King Ayrad sat up. "Hmm?"

"I'm requesting you up security, sir. The threats that attacked the festival, they're ZHARIANS, sir."

"Zharian? What's that, some new breed of monster?"

Fujii clenched his fists. "No. Something much worse. Something terrifying."

King Ayrad lifted an eyebrow. "And you...know these creatures?"

"I hate to admit it, but yes. The power they wield is nothing to joke about, and they didn't just attack for no reason. They were looking for something."

"The news did say they were targeting a boy..."

"They're after Dachii Jones. Please tell the government to focus on protecting Dachii, and inform the other Generals as well."

"Dachii Jones? Why would they want him?"

"Something called Deity. I'm going to look into it, but based on what I've seen, we NEED to keep it from their hands. I ask you to have them watch Dachii carefully in my absence. The battle is FAR from over."

"Alright, Kenshi. I trust your word."

He dismissed him, and Fujii left the room. King Ayrad laid back, sighing deeply.

"Zharians...Deity...humans with Elements...what a year it has been."

He stood up. "But what does it all mean?"

Later that day, news about the nature of the threat spread, and about the target they sought out. Various officials and Generals, including Himeka, Nakada, Shinjii, Toru, Naito, Kamenashi, Yonemura, Yakamochi, Hachiro, Ryuu, and even Queen Ayame were informed.

Each of them had varying expressions, ranging from shock to confusion, to curiosity. Queen Ayame looked at her watch, reading what was sent.

"What on earth...? Deity?"

Atomu walked into his mother's room, flowers in his hand. "Here, Mother. Father told me to give these to you."

"Thank you, son."

Atomu noticed the news she was reading. "It's all hard to believe. I saw the damage done to the festival. Why would someone go that far just to take possession of one human boy?"

"I do not know, but I know one thing. If they are so bold to attack our beloved Asuka Festival for Dachii, we are KEEPING him by ANY means."

Meanwhile, back at the S-1 Mansion...

Dachii slowly opened his eyes, and he found himself back in his bed. He looked around the room and found Marachii standing next to the bed.

"Thank goodness! You finally woke up!"

Dachii sat up. "Hey...Marachii...weren't we just fighting?"

"The fighting ended last night. You used some cool power to help General Fujii beat the bad guy!"

Dachii rubbed his jaw. "Really? Last thing I remember is getting my jaw sliced off."

"Yeah, that happened too. But we won!"

The door burst open, and Luca, Hikari, and Akari were sitting there, faces relieved. Dachii turned to look at them.

"Wow, YOU guys look happier than normal."

"We're just glad to see you're awake..." Hikari stated.

"Great job back at the festival," Akari remarked.

"They thought you were dead," Luka commented, scratching his neck. Both girls glared at him, and Dachii laid back down.

"Well, I got a call from Fujii," Akari said, pulling out her watch. "He's going to be gone for a while. He's leaving us to watch the mansion and Saori."

"Saori?" Dachii asked.

Just then, a giant rainbow flew into the room, embedding itself in the nearest wall and making everyone jump back.

"Sorry!" Saori ran inside the room and grabbed her rainbow. "That was an accident!"

Dachii rubbed his face. "Why is that little girl...wearing one of our uniforms...?"

Hikari picked her up. "Well, she IS one of us now, so..."

Luca shrugged. "You missed a lot."

Dachii closed his eyes, but he heard stomping coming from down the hall, which got the attention of the others.

"Is that the General—-?"

"Dachii! Marachii!"

The boys saw their mother enter the room, pushing past everyone else to get to the bed.

"Are you guys alright? Did anything happen to you? Did these things hurt you?"

"Woman, YOU CAN'T BE IN HERE—-!" Akari started to yell, but Kia stared daggers at her and the other Voltians.

"Hush, young lady! Princess or not, I don't care! If my kids get hurt, captured, or OTHERWISE UPSET, each of you will be dealt with accordingly!"

Akari began to summon energy from her fist. "Oh, really?"

Hikari put a hand on her arm. "Akari, it's not worth it."

She walked out with Saori, and Akari, after sizing Kia up, did the same. Luca pulled out some beef jerky and began munching on it.

"What's the deal with those nasty girls? I hope they haven't lured you boys into their trap," Kia stated, folding her arms. Luca wiped his mouth.

"They have Royal blood. Hikari is part of a high-ranking noble family, and her SISTER is a General. Akari the PRINCESS. They are simply just...better."

"And what are you, then? Their pet?"

"I'm a 'commoner,' as they say."

Kia rolled her eyes and turned back to her children. "Dachii, can you move, dear?"

"I...think so."

"Okay, because I'm taking you two home. NOW."

"We're allowed to go back?"

"Yes, you are, because *I* said you are."

Dachii slowly got out of the bed, and Marachii followed him as Kia went to the door. She turned to look at Luca.

"As for you...are you going to tell those girls or your General about this?"

"Doesn't matter to me."

"Good. So say nothing."

She took her kids out the door and left. Luca scoffed and walked downstairs. Akari and Hikari came from the training room, and Hikari's outfit had been partially destroyed. Saori was walking in between them, holding a rainbow in her hands.

"Well, did you blow off enough steam?" Hikari asked, trying to fix her hair. Akari grabbed some water out of the fridge.

"Yes. Thank you."

They noticed Luca, who tried his best to look oblivious. "Sup?"

"Where are the other boys and their mother?"

"Don't know. Maybe they finally got tired of us."

Akari slapped her head. "She took them, didn't she."

Outside the mansion, a car was waiting for them. A military member was sitting in the front, and he didn't even look at the group as they approached the car.

Kia got in the passenger seat. "You guys can get in. This is one of your grandfather's men, no matter how disgusting his men may be."

Dachii and Marachii got in. Kia closed the door and stated:

"Take us back to my house. ASAP."

The car drove off, and Akari, Luca, Saori, and Hikari watched. Akari turned her attention toward Luca.

"Go bring them back."

"Me? Why me?"

Meanwhile, in Batango...

Dachii looked out the window, taking in the familiar streets of Batango, which seemed to have gotten worse since the last time he had been there.


The car rolled up to Morino's house, and once it stopped, they got out. Dachii and Marachii thanked the man as they left, but Kia walked away without a word.

The man muttered under his breath and left. Kia opened the door to the house and she and her kids walked inside.

"It feels like it's been so long since we've been back here," Marachii commented.

Kia breathed a sigh of relief. "I know, I'm glad to have you..."

She saw what was going on in the kitchen.


Morino was sitting at the table. He immediately looked up once he heard them approaching. "Hey, boys! Glad you're safe!"

Kia pointed next to him, where a Voltian woman with long black hair and black eyes was sitting. "Why....is she...in...our home...?"

The woman cleared her throat and gave a polite wave. "Hello, ma'am. It seems there may be a bit of a misunderstanding. My name is Nakada Kiku, I'm the S-4 General of our Military."

"I know who you are, lady. What are you doing here?" Dachii and Marachii looked at each other as Kia stood firm. Morino put his hands in between the two.

"Now, Kia. I wanted her help since we have a new mission based on the information we've received."

Nakada nodded. "General Morino is an honorable man. It is only right for me to assist him."

She stood up, examining the two boys. "You two are... interesting. One of you can use technology, and the other has Gravity and another power I've never even heard of."

"Another power? Such as...?"

Marachii nudged him. "They call it Deity."

"So I'm a god?"

Nakada chuckled. "Regardless of what you are, I'd like you two to join us. By nightfall, we are heading to the Umego Region. It'll be a good chance to improve your skills in a safe environment."

Morino nodded. "Yep. It's a part of Voltiana. Only the most high-profile and classified individuals live there. We're going to help them clear out some thieving bandits, in exchange for their help with this new threat."

Kia immediately shut it down. "No, no, NO! No more dangerous missions for them. None. Nope. Nothing."

Morning rubbed his head. "It's not dangerous, Kia. It's just simple surveillance and protection duties."

"And what happened the last time my kids did something like that?"

Nakada offered her hand to Kia. "You have my word. Me and Sir Morino will protect your kids."

Kia brushed her off. "If it's not dangerous, I'm coming too."

Everyone gasped in shock. "What? But Kia, there could be monsters—-!"

"Oh? But you said it wasn't DANGEROUS, FATHER."

Morino ran a hand through his hair, looking at Kia, but she refused to back down.

After a moment of silence, he relented. "Fine. Dachii, Marachii, Kia, I'll need you all to stay with Nakada at ALL times."

Kia put a hand on both of her children's shoulders. "Hear that, boys? Your mother gets to come with you!"

They both gave a nervous laugh.

Morino stood up in his seat. "Well then, I'd best get my squad prepared. Nakada, meet us by the Shonora Gate by dusk."

"Of course."

Morino threw open the door and found Luca standing there. "Hello."

"Ahh! What the hell?"

"Sorry, Akari wanted me to come retrieve Dachii and Marachii."

Nakada examined him with a curious look. "Luca Mori. I admire your skills. You should join us on our mission!"

"Oh, sure. I got nothing better to do."

"Should we get Akari and Hikari?" Marachii asked.

"As far as they know, we're on our way back."

Nakada drew her Gunblade. "Then it's settled! Kia, Dachii, Marachii, and Luca, you will accompany our squads to Umego!"

Morino looked back one last time. "None of you die, okay?"

Then he left the house. Nakada gave a formal bow to the others and left as well. "I'll be back for you all!"

Marachii turned to Kia. "Mom, are you really coming with us?"

"Yes, son. Yes. I'm sure your grandfather will keep me safe, so don't you worry!"

Luca stretched. "So what are we doing?"

"Handling some bandits, I guess," Dachii replied.

"Sounds fun."

He plopped down on the living room couch, and Kia just shook her head. "Your people better not get me killed."

Later that day...

Nakada knocked on the door, and Dachii opened it.

"Ready, soldiers?"

Dachii looked behind him. Marachii was in the middle of eating, Kia was combing her hair, and Luca was sleeping on the couch.


"Then let's be off!"

One by one, they all left the house. Nakada stopped Kia as she attempted to leave.


"Put this on." She handed Kia a military uniform that had "S-3" on it. "Your father had a spare."

"Fine, as long as I get to stay with my kids."

Nakada laughed and she made her way out, and the rest followed her. "To the Gate, and then, to Umego!"

While they left, a figure, bathed in shadows, watched them, before whispering to a glowing purple crystal.

"Yes, they're leaving now. The target is on his way to Umego."

A voice laughed on the other end.

"Umego? Haven't heard of that place in centuries! Well, if that's where he's going, that's where WE'RE going."

The figure nodded and then jumped away, but not before tossing a small crystal at Dachii, which stuck to his back and glowed softly.

"Holder, lead me to you."
