
I hate these guys

we reached home and i helped mom get up from her seat as dad is taking our stuff from the car.

we entered and first took mom to her room cause am sure she was really tired.I made her lay on her bed and asked her if she needed anything but she just shoke her head plus giving me a warm smile..I told her if she needed anything later on she can call me anytime then I closed the door and went straight to my room..I went and fell on the bed and i was looking forward to sleeping,the bathing part we shall see that in the morning...I had just closed my eyes when someone knocked on the door and I know its dad so I said come in.

dad; uhm sorry to disturb you son I know you are hell tired but ain't you going eat dinner with me?? ain't you hungry??

no dad am fine I just want to sleep..its already late don't bother preparing anything..if I want I will come and get maybe a glass of milk.

dad; okay then,have yourself a good night..and make sure you set an alarm I don't want us to be late

no worries dad am going to set it...he closed the door and left.

ohh let me set the alarm I had even forgotten..I put down my phone but then I remembered I had to text rayan but texting takes alot of time so i decided to just call him before i sleep..so dialed his number and he picked up

him; hey man what's up

uhm sorry about your girl,I know I had a wrong timing

him; no its okay bro,,so where are you at??

am home..my mom is sick so am going to be here for a while

him; oooh okay,,quick recovery to her..am going to miss your silence though

(I just smiled from this side)..okay we shall be in touch

him; alright.

I hang up and threw my phone on the bed and slept....I heard my alarm but its like I had just slept for minutes,I switched it off and got up,,,I went to the bathroom fast and since I don't sing while bathing I don't spend much time in there..I got out and put on my clothes then headed to my parents room.I was going to knock but the door opened and dad was also moving out..so I asked him how is mom and he assured me that she is going to be just fine..he had woken up long time ago and prepared breakfast for all of us..he was holding a tray with a bowl and a cup which means he is from feeding mom..jeez am useless how can I sleep this much and didn't help him..I was still blaming myself when he told me to pack my breakfast I will eat from the car on our way cause we don't have time to sit down and eat.

I went to the kitchen and packed it then went back to my room and picked my back pack..I also went to kiss mom goodbye and found her still sleeping..I kissed her on the forehead and moved out but I was going when she whispered,"greetings to your boss."

jeez mom she is not my boss

her; whatever,,go your dad is waiting for you.

okay mom I love you.

her; love you too

I moved out and went straight to the car,dad was already in the driveway and I sat in..I started eating my breakfast,dad prepared pancakes and damn he is good at this cooking game...I dropped me at my work place and he left,I entered the building but i guess it was really early even this flirty receptionist was not yet in her place..I checked my watch and I was ten minutes early..so I decided to go to boss' room so that he directs me where his daughter sits..I reached there but it was locked..so I decided to go back to the waiting area and wait there..time passed and it was now 8;30am and this receptionist was not here..something is not right..and am not seeing anyone coming...what is going on?? I was still wondering when one of the cleaners came and I went to him..

excuse me sir,,where is everyone??

him; you came here for a job interview or what??

no no no I work here but am wondering why no one is coming for work today.

him; you work here and you don't know??

don't know what??

him; there's this awarding ceremony at the backyard

ohh its today??

him; yes sir maybe that is why no one is in here..if you could excuse me..he went ahead and started cleaning...like what the hell?? on such days people in my sector dont report to work cause its usually awarding people who did well during the course of the year and those in the sales and marketing sector go to that ceremony..now I really hate these guys,they knew the function was today but still told me to come...I was burning with anger when I saw a lady approaching me witha big smile but I was too angry to pay attention to her..she reached me and folded her hands only to hear her say,"so you came??"

so its her??