
Stiles pov

I couldn't remember the last time I hung out with my friend as we dug hold for the body's...

Andrea still would not let anyone get close to amy... the girl was a ticking time bomb as it was...

Daryl sat at the truck with the bodies in it my eyes would catch his muscles flexing or sweat tick down his body or when he left his shirt to wipe away sweat his abs stood out I was push from behind and I growled at creepier wolf he was the only one willing to push me.

" what the fuck" I said as I threw the shovel down.

" claim down stiles." Liam said i was pissed off...

" don't tell me what to do." I growled and liam look guilty.. but peter didnt.

" it's your fault their gone." Peter said as he slam his fist into my side causing me to groan in pain.

" no it ain't... they kick me out remember... they called me a pathetic little human and said I was nothing peter...."i growled

" no they called you back... you just wouldn't come..." peter yelled as he drove at me.. I land on my back with a cry of pain when something stab through my skin... claws peter was using his claws...

" stop it peter you will hurt him." Liam yell at peter but he didnt care it

I had to shift to my wolf form to dislodge peter as he stood up he still charge at me trying to kill me I whimper as Peter's claws dug into my chest as I buck him off.... i rolled over trying to crush him with my weight and once he was off me i stood up and shift back my chest was bleeding and the other male was unconscious...

" stiles your bleeding pretty bad." Liam said

I hadn't notice Daryl had gotten my dad and he stood watching me I brought my hand up touching my chest to fine blood i whine at it and look down at peter...

" it not my fault.. they kick me out... scott and derek want me out of the pack liam you where there when they said those awful words to me... " stile started to cry" peter was friend with my mothers why would he attack me"

My fathers arms wrapped around me as I cried harder i could not understand why peter said those thing or why he treated me that way all I wanted was to be a brother to him and he hurt me....

I sat there as dad clean my wounds and i look down at my hands.... why... was all I could think..

After my wounds where clean I shift back to my wolf form and crawled under the Rv...

I still was scared to face anyone.. the Rv wasn't as spacious and it was a tight fit for a 10 ft wolf. But I made it due.. I would whimper every once in a while as memories play though my mine it was a way to self torture...

I was break with each memory....

One when Scott and I played detective and I got caught in the woods by noah and he gotten bit..

Or the time derek and I was in my jeep when we where tracking the crazy alpha... or when lydia and allison and scott went ice skating...

Or when we went to partys..

A set of army boot stop in front of my face and the only person to wear them was peter .. he kneel down. And look at me I whimper and push my self farther under the Rv...

" stiles I'm sorry... burying those people reminds me of bury my nephew and the pack... I'm sorry" peter said ...

I still did not make a move forward... I was scared that he would hurt me again and his toxic in me hurt too. And my omega side didn't trust the blue eye alpha anymore.. whimper in destress it was Daryl that came to the rescue he pulled peter way from the Rv and out of sight before pushing a bowl of meat mix with water under but I still didn't have appetite so it just sat there..

My tail cover my nose as I fell asleep


stiles was back , the spirt was back only to cause him more pain

Stiles hated this place. He looked around the never ending vast white room. He had no desire to ever be here again but still would end up here on occasion. Every few dreams or so it would happen. Most of the time Stiles would end up running and running as he tried to find a way out, even though he knew there wasn't one. Now though, with everything that happened, Stiles wasn't in the mood for this crap. With a huff he sat down on the floor. He gasped, startled when his butt hit the surface. It didn't feel like tile. Long fingered hands dropped to his sides and ran over the rough texture.

It felt like wood.

Stiles knew before he even looked down that he was sitting on the Nameton.


"That's no way to greet an old friend."

The young man looked up and saw a deathly pale version of himself looking back at him with a smirk. But it wasn't him. Stiles knew exactly who it was. Or what.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Stiles growled. "We locked your voided ass up!" The Nogistune nodded and looked down at the Go board between them and set down a white stone.

"Funny thing about the end of the world," it said looking back at Stiles. "...you humans need to loot and scavenge. Open things you shouldn't."

Stiles glared at the creature wearing his face. It watched him back expectantly. With a huff Stiles placed a black stone on the board. There was nothing else to do.

"So what, you're here for revenge?"

The Nogitsune huffed and placed another stone.

"I'm over 1000 years old, Stiles. I'd like to think I'm above petty things like revenge. No. I'm here to visit the only human to ever best me."

Stiles shook his head and put down another stone.

"So in addition to the world ending you're gonna add some chaos to it?"

The Nogitsune laughed and shook its head.

"End of the world, Stiles. There's enough suffering, pain, and anarchy around the world that I'm sated for the first time in my existence and could probably stay that way for another century. No I'll be around but imagine my surprise to find you and your friends in this little predicament." The creature placed another stone on the board.

"Your gloating leaves something to be desired," Stiles grumbled as they continued their game. He ignored the steam that left his mouth as he spoke. It wasn't a stretch since he'd been ignoring the frigid air for a while.

"It's not gloating. This is genuine concern."

Stiles looked at him critically. It would do no good to show his emotions as the creature could read him like a book.

"Why would you have any concern for me when all you wanted to do was kill me," he nearly spat at the spirit. The Nogitsune smirked and gestured down to the board. Impatiently, Stiles placed another stone. He was so so close to flipping the damn thing over but he knew this was a tit for tat situation. As long as he played the game he would get answers. Truth be told though he'd rather do this crap with Hannibal Lector. At least with that guy he knew where he stood.

"That was to win a game. That's beside the point. No one has ever survived being possessed by me. Ever. That makes you special, Stiles. That keeps us connected. With that connection comes..." Another white stone was placed on the board. "...benefits."

Stiles narrowed his eyes and slowly placed a stone down.

"The dead... They are your prey." Another white stone down. Stiles gave the creature a disgusted look that only seemed to amuse the spirit.

"You're talking about those zombies? I'm supposed to eat them?"

Black stone.

"No. You are their destroyer. The world is about balance. And you will be the bringer of that balance."

"Stop with your riddles. Talk plainly, you stupid fox!"

White stone.

"Think of the dead as dust. You are the broom."

Black stone.

"Dust? DUST!" Stiles snapped. "Most of my friends are dead. Malia. Dead."

Black stone.


Black stone.


Black stone.


Black stone.


Black stone.


Black stone.

Black stone.

Black stone.

Black stone.

Finally, the memories of the dead overwhelmed the young man and it was too much. He flipped the board and got in the creature's face, glaring straight into the spirit's eyes.

"They're all gone. I watched them die then come back and kill others and this is all a game to you. A buffet!" The whole time the Nogitsune seemed impassive in the face of Stiles fury. The pair stared at each other. and now adding to that his ex pack mated it made him hate this dream but what happen next hurt stiles more...

the white room started to fill up with people he loved

Scott, derek, Isaac, Lydia, maila, allison and some many more it wasn't until Noah and his mother appeared that they started to move toward him and once they reach him their hands tearing through stiles body as teeth met his flesh... crying out for the pain and the poeple he love to stop... but they didn't


dream ends

stiles was crying when arms pulled him from under the Rv he scream and hit the person still in his night mare yelling for his old pack and yell for scott and derek and his mother to come back, but when they didn't he sat there sobbing in the arms of someone he still hasn't open his eyes to see who it was afraid to see the camps look.. he cried himself to sleep