
Daryl couldn't sleep the poor male omega was under the Rv the whole day after what happen to him and i couldn't leave the kid there by himself. that peter guy had blame his packs death on the kid and it didn't sit right with him...

the kid had went on about scott and derek not wanting him in their pack and that they called him awful things, and when stiles denied have anything to do with the down fall of that pack peter shift into a humanoid wolf and attack the kid.. stiles had no choice but to shift to.. i went to find rick and when he gotten back stiles shift back naked as the day he was born and look down at peter and start to sob. Liam look like a hurt puppy as his best friend cried. rick move forward taking the omega back to camp to treat his chest wound take the other male cause. Liam bent down to pick up peter

" you know they kick him out... why did you do that... you just like the day we met you a phyco killer... it was stiles that covence the pack to give you another chance, and a third when you try to kill scott for the alpha title.... i dont think he'll let you near him his and omega and you knew that.. you knew what an alphas toxic from your kind do you a omega and a wolf of his kind.. your toxic are burning him from the inside out until a alpha of our kind clean the wound out and im just a beta... there is no away your getting close to him" Liam said

Daryl just realize the other was awake the whole time as he spoken" shut the hell up ... my family is dead they ask for his help he left us to die and you ran away with him... leaving your true alpha for a omega" peter sneer causing liam to kick the other male

" do not piss me off IED remember " Liam sneer and left

Daryl watch peter for the rest of the day


Later that day

Rick and Shane were digging graves near the campsite after Rick got Jim situated in the RV with one of the Omegas watching him. Shane was shoveling the dirt with excessive force and growls, sneaking dirty looks at his Prime. Fed up, the Alpha stops digging and leans on his shovel, snapping at the other man, "Say it."

"Okay." Shane puckers his lips and clicks his jaw to keep himself from baring his teeth, "If you had stayed here, if you'd have been here to protect camp and OUR left. If you had stayed..." Shane shakes his head and goes back to digging.

Rick scoffs at the Alpha and rumbles back, voice raised, "If we hadn't gone off and brought those guns would have been a lot worse. Maybe the entire camp!"

Shane spits at the ground and glares at Rick. "At least I was here! What would have happened if I had gone with ya, huh?! What would have happened to your pup... to Lori? She's your wi- your Mate and you left her."

"You mean your Mate." At Shane's wide eyes and whine, Rick turns to look at the Alpha. "What? You really think I wouldn't notice?"

"Now, brother... I can explain..."

"Explain what Shane? I told you when you submitted to me back in high school that she and Carl were mine. We agreed to that. I get it, if ya'll thought I was dead and that is what you do in a Traditional Pack, but me and Lori were having trouble before all this. We haven't been TOGETHER like that in years. The first night I come back she doesn't let me Scent her but then she wants me to take her with Carl right there..." Rick clicks his tongue and shakes his head, "I knew somethin' happened. Then I smell you on her... Take her if she wants you. I refuse to have a cheating Mate. But if you force her man, I will make you submit like a Traditional Omega. Understand me, brother?"

Shane whines and bares his throat completely to the Prime, agreeing to whatever the Alpha wanted. Rick purrs softly and the two guys go back to digging, "I'll talk to Lori and Carl. Tell them about this discussion. But Carl is MINE... he is my pup. Try to claim him as your own, and I will bury you."

Daryl drives the truck to the graves, tailgate first, cutting off the Alphas discussion. As Daryl gets out of the driver seat he huffs, "I still think it's a mistake not burning these bodies. Burn 'em all, wasn't that the idea?"

Shane sighs as the rest of the camp comes up the hill and agrees, "At first."

"So, what, Korea over here gets all emotional...we just follow him along? Who the hell's in charge here? What are the rules?"

"There are no rules, Daryl. Not anymore." Rick sighs, standing up while he addresses the Omega.

"Well, that's the problem." Lori interrupts with a huff as the rest of the camp arrvies, "We haven't been able to hold onto anything from the old world. We need time to mourn... we need to bury our dead. Its what people do."

The group bury the dead campers, placing families together because of the lack of holes. Amy's body was the last to go in the ground, Andrea crying as she drags the Omega's body in. Dale moves to help but the Beta waves him off. Everyone goes back to camp once everyone has had the chance to mourn. Rick goes into the RV to check on Jim, while Lori sits outside. Carl was hanging out with Sophia and Carol, trying to keep the two Omegas calm and distracted in his own way.

Ed was dead; Sophia's father and Carol's Alpha Breeder. His face had been destroyed from where Carol had taken Daryl's axe and smashed his face, letting out all her hurt and anger at the Traditional Alpha from over the years. The abuse she had suffered from him and his family had taken its toll on her; the sleepless nights worrying about how her pup was going to present and what would happen after. Years of mental, sexual, and physical abuse was released into the man's face, and the Omega had almost told them to burn the body with the Walkers. Not wanting Sophia to see that though, she allowed the Alpha to be buried with the others.

The Omega archer had had to pull her away and calm her down; she had been sobbing and covered in his blood.

"Have you talked to Rick?" Outside the RV Shane joins his Mate. Lori shakes her head, and glares at the Alpha. "The C.D.C... Lori, it's a mistake, help me talk some sense into him."

Lori sighs, standing, and shakes her head again. Shane huffs in astonishment, "What...So you're backing him, now? Rick and the CDC, that's our plan?"

Lori sounds tired as she replies, "What else would I do? He's my husband."

Shane gets in her face, nasty, "You bare MY bite, you are MY MATE. I protected you and your pup, not Rick. And you trying to... fix... your broken marriage is not worth the lives of the group."

"I am Rick's WIFE, not your Mate. And I think folks around here can make up their minds without bringing my marriage into it. It's one of the habits you need to break." Lori snarls back at the Alpha with a whisper.

"What habits?" The two turn to see Rick standing in the doorway of the RV, having heard most of the conversation.

The Alpha smiles and tries to joke it off, "My need for a plan, man. Are we leaving or not?"

Lori steps up next to Rick and lays one hand on Rick's arm, staring her lover down while talking to her husband, "I was just telling Shane I think we should trust your gut. To go to the CDC or wherever else you think would be safe."

"Really? You think so?" Rick tries to call her out on her bullshit. Lori just smiles at him and nods. Rick rumbles his displeasure and moves the Beta's hand off his arm, calmly dragging the two behind the RV, "Both of you, come here. NOW."

Turning to his wife, Rick pulls out a wad of papers stapled together and highlighted in multiple places. He keeps his eyes on Lori as he hands them to the Alpha.

"I stopped by the house before comin' to Atlanta and found these. The date is about a month before I was shot and entered the coma. Going by how long I was told this shit started, that was three months ago, I didn't read them until I got here. After the first night... finding out my Mate had been unfaithful... that would have been something we could have worked on if you BOTH had come to me and explained the situation. The trying to hide your Scent and have me Mate you without Scenting though... and then I pull theses out to calm down, thinking it was something of Carl's from school..."

Lori tries to grab the divorce papers from her lover. Shane holds them out of her reach while he stares at the signatures. Lori's was older than Rick's, meaning the Alpha had only signed them recently. But it was true. Lori had given up on Rick when the Alpha would have needed his Mate the most. Flipping through the pages, Shane holds up the one page not signed; the custody papers of Carl.

When Rick holds out his hand for the papers, Shane gives them back to his Alpha without hesitation. Rick rumbles his thanks and puts them back in his pocket. "I signed them this morning since you were kind enough to fill out the rest. All except for Carl's that is. As far as I'm concerned, you're not my wife anymore. I'm not your husband or your Mate. Your Shane's so don't act like you're still mine. I will be discussing this with Carl and we'll figure out what to do about it later. But because you are both still part of my Pack, I will still be protective of you two."

Rick takes off his wedding ring and gives it to Shane. "Carl is still my pup and if you try to take him from me, I will make you regret it."

Lori bites her lips in frustration and walks away sniffing back tears, saying something about checking on Carl. The two Alphas depart to sweep the forest for Walkers.

Daryl sat by the Rv not realizing he had fallen alseep under sobs and screams met his ear the boy had shift back and was in a nightmare scream names of people to stop the name that caught him was derek and scott and mom..

stiles was crying when Daryl pulled him from under the Rv he scream and hit the daryl still in his night mare yelling for his old pack and yell for scott and derek and his mother to come back, but when they didn't he sat there sobbing in the arms of daryl he still hasn't open his eyes ... the kid cried hisself to sleep as rick and the others race toward Daryl and the kid..

Rick has seen this before and so has liam as he look at stile.. rick look to liam

" it the same dream he been have them since Scott went inside his mind to pull him out and it set the nogitsune free to hunt stiles... Rick it a panic attack he get them when he scared... before it was derek hale... Peter's nephew that was able to bring stile back from the night mares.... " liam stop talking.

" what happen if he cant get out of the nightmare.." Rick ask liam..

Liam look down at the dirt.

" liam answer me" rick demand...

" he goes void again.. it happen before when noah died... he was stiles step father....he almost killed a bunch of people.. he put a werewolf in the hospital... the nogitsune is a evil spirit that will trap Stiles in his own mind so the nogitsune can take over the body... it would look like stiles but it will never be stiles....." liam said " and the only one to be able to go in his mind would peter he is that alpha . He would have to us his claws and stab them in the back of Stiles neck....."

At that both alpha look down at the omega asleep gripping Daryls vest.


" It looks like you are his new anchor " liam said to daryl...



he next day

At dawn, Rick tries to reach Morgan, explaining that they were going to the CDC. They leave a note and a map on the sports car for the Alpha, so he could follow them if he wants to. Morales and his family leave, wanting to be with their own Pack in Birmingham. They leave Jim on the side of the road to turn when the ride becomes too much for the Beta.

When the caravan arrives outside the CDC, the group gasp at the sight. Surrounding the building are a lot of corpses, as well as swarms of flies. The military had been overrun, their vehicles and camps are buried under the hundreds of bodies lying on the ground. The group approaches the building quickly, quietly, and carefully, making sure to check each body to see if it'd move.

Rick and Daryl watch the group from the back and the side, Shane and T - Dog leading. Carol keeps the pups under her arms with hands over their eyes enough, so they can't see the massacre but not trip over the bodies. When Rick notices that the Omega was taking care of his pup instead of his mother, Rick growls at Lori. With a scowl, the Beta takes her son's hand and pulls him along behind her. Daryl pushes the omega male forward gently with a purr.

"Best stay closer to the middle of the group, it's safer there. Try to herd Mrs. Queeny over there too... don't want to lose one of the pups in this mess." Daryl huffs, readjusting his grip on the crossbow. He keeps it aimed at the bodies but could hear his Omega thank him and move closer. 'His omega' Rick catches his gaze and nods his thanks as well, showing his throat a little. Daryl copies the gesture and shuffles over to the Alpha, hesitantly rubbing his hand on Rick's arm.

"Let me know if you change your mind." The Alpha smiles. Daryl swallows and nods his consent, knowing the Alpha was offering a place in his Pack to Daryl.

Shane leads them to the doors, rifle raised and cocked, "All right, everybody. Keep moving. Go on. Stay quiet. Let's go. Okay, keep moving. Stay together."

They reach the building, gagging and gasping, tears in their eyes from the sight and smell. Shane pounds on door which is locked and shuttered.

"There's nobody here."

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick tries to find a way in.

"Walkers! You led us into a graveyard Rick!"

"He made a call Dixon!"

"It was the wrong damn call Walsh!"

Shane turns to his Prime Alpha, "Rick, this is a dead end. Do you hear me? No blame. Fort Benning, Rick... Still an option."

"We can't be here this close to the city after dark."

"On what? No food, no fuel. That's 100 miles."

"125. I checked the map."

Rick catches sight of the security camera's movement. "The camera... it moved. I saw it move."

Shane tries to drag Rick away from the doors, "Rick, it's dead, man. It's gears, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go, Rick."

Rick slams on the shutters. "I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, pups, no food, hardly any gas left. We have nowhere else to go. If you don't let us in, you're killing us! Please!"

Shane tries to drag his Alpha away, with the help of his Mate. "Everybody get back to the cars now! Come on, buddy, let's go. Let's go!"

Rick ignores his Pack and pounds on the door. "Please help us. You're killing us! You're killing us! You're killing us!"

Shane drags Rick away from the doors, his shirt fisted in his hand. Ready to man-handle the Alpha to the car, Shane starts towards the rest of the group. Just as they're about to leave, go back to the cars and hide in the RV until morning... the door to the CDC opens, drowning the survivors in light.