Shit Happens

Shit Happens

Stiles keeps the crossbow on the five prisoners even as his Alpha stands up and growls at them.

"Who the hell are you?" Stiles demands from the group. He touches Rick's elbow to let him know he's got it and the Prime turns his attention to trying to stop Hershel's leg from bleeding.

"Who the hell are you?!" One of the prisoners yells back.

"We got to go back, he's bleeding out." Rick tells the others. He pulls Maggie to him, "Put pressure on the knee, hard."

"Daryl help me left him"

"Why don't you come on out of there." Stiles urges the prisoners, "Nice and slow."

"What happened to him?" One of the Alphas step forward. He was the Prime for the little group; Stiles would have to be extra careful around him.

"He got bit." Stiles tells them.

"Bit?" The Alpha pulls a gun out. T-Dog raises his with a growl and teeth bared, which sends the group stepping back in shock.

"Easy now." Stiles levels the crossbow with the Alpha's head, stepping in front of the Beta, "No one needs to get hurt."

"Do you have medical supplies?!" Glenn walks right past the group to the kitchen, trusting his Pack to have his back when walking past the new group.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going?" The Alpha points his gun at Glenn, then turns it back on Stiles and T-Dog. "Who the hell are you people, anyway?"

"Don't look like no rescue team." Another Alpha says.

"If a rescue team is what you're waiting for, don't." Rick snarls from where he was holding Hershel up, trying to move him. "Come on we got to go!"

Glenn comes back out with a wheeled table and the get Hershel onto it. "T get the door!"

"You crazy, don't open that!" The Beta yells.

"We got this!" Rick yells.

T-Dog opens the door and body slams the one remaining Walker into the wall, shoving the crowbar under the mask and through the brain. The dead Walker goes down and they wheel Hershel out. Daryl calls for his lover as Stiles was keeping his bow on the group, daring them to follow. Rick leads the way, guiding them through the maze and following the arrows to get back to C block, were the rest of their Pack was. Daryl leading them as T-Dog and Glenn move Hershel and Maggie keeps pressure on the wound, Stiles brings up the rear, watching for Walkers and the prisoners.

"Stop, stop." Rick calls them. Everyone waits while they watch to see who was following them.

"Follow the flashlight man. Come on." The prisoners. Rick leads them forward again and has Daryl unlock the door for them.

"Open the door!" Rick calls to Carl. The young Alpha opens it and the Pack closes it behind them.

"He got bit." Rick tells the others. They move Hershel into the cell he claimed as his own and Carol starts to instruct everyone to get towels.

"Can you stabilize him?" Rick asks the Lambda.

"I need to keep his leg elevated. GET SOME PILLOWS!" Maggie hold Beth while they cry. "He's already bled through the sheets."

"We could burn the stump; try to clot the blood. I can start a fire." Glenn tries to help.

"No, that could send him into shock, which would kill him. Besides, it won't stop the arteries from bleeding. We just need to keep it dressed and let it heal on its own." Carol jumps when a loud yell echoed around them. Stiles was upset.

"What was that?" Beth asks.

"Prisoners; survivors. Stiles and Daryl are distracting them, but I got to go before they shoot at one of us." Rick leaves the cell, Glenn following. Rick turns to the other Alpha. "I need you here. If he dies-"

"I got it." Glenn nods to the door. "Go."


Stiles and Darylstay outside and wait for the prisoners to come out of the tunnels. Their Prime is the first one out, the Beta following and the other Alphas behind him. Daryl took note of that; the Beta was the Prime's prison bitch.

"That's far enough." Stiles call to them once they were all just inside the door. He stays behind one of the tables, hiding the swell of his belly.

"Cell block C. Cell 4- that's mine, gringo. Let me in."

"Today's your lucky day, fellas." stiles levels the crossbow at them, "You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go."

"What you got going on in there?"

"It ain't none of your concern." Stiles growls shifting his crossbow landing on the table as he was ready for a fight.

The Prime grabs his gun, "Don't be telling me what's none of my concern."

Daryl stands up fully and growls, turning the bow on the Alpha only. T-Dog steps up too, his gun pointing at the Alpha.

"Chill man." One of the bigger Alphas says, "Dude's leg is messed up. Plus, you heard the Omega, we're free to go. Why are we still in here?"

"Omega?" The Alpha looks at Stiles with a new eye, "I don't see a Mark. You this Pack's Breeder? Open to use for whoever? Who let you out of your bed and gave you a weapon?"

"The fuck you just call my mate?!" Daryl snarls. He moves from behind the table and gets closer to the Alpha to get a better aim. T-Dog pulls him back with a growl, putting himself between them.

"Damn it Tomas, why don't you think with your head and not your knot." The last Alpha speaks up. "Look at him; he's pregnant. Far enough along to be nesting. That's why they're so protective of the cell block."

"This is my house, my rules, and I'll go where I damn well please." Tomas points his gun at T-Dog. Rick comes out of the cell block with a warning rumble, the prisoners catch a glimpse of Carl through the bars, locking the door and glaring at them. The pup's eyes flash red and then he's gone from view. Rick makes his way between his Pack and Tomas; he places a hand on the back of T-Dog's neck and the Beta falls back, gun lowered. He places a hand on Daryl's bow, and the Alpha points it at the ceiling with a scowl. Daryl didn't like it but this way the prisoners knew who was in charge here. He look to his son..

" stile claim down, don't... not yet.. Your bother is okay and i am not losing a son or a grandpup." rick said to his son

"There a problem here?" Rick rumbles.

"How many of you are there?"

"Too many for you to handle."

"Can't you take that guy to a hospital?"

Rick and his Pack exchange glances. "How long you guys been locked in that cafeteria?"

"Going on month ten." Tomas looks at his Pack.

The big guy speaks up, "A riot broke out. Never seen anything like it."

Then the Beta, "Heard about dudes going cannibal; dying and coming back to life."

"One guard looked out for us, locked us up in the cafeteria. Told us to sit tight, threw me this piece, said he'd be right back."

"That was 292 days ago."

"294 by my count-"


"We figured the National Guard, or the Army would be showing up any day now."

"There's no Army." Rick tells them.

"What do you mean?"

"No government, hospitals, police. It's all gone." Rick rumbles.

"For real?"


"What about my mom's?" Big Tiny asks.

"My kids? My Mate? Do you got a cell phone or something we can uses to call our families?"

"You don't get it do you?" Daryl huffs.

"No phones, no computers. As far as we can see, half the population has been wiped out, at least. Probably more."

"No way." Tomas huffs.

"See for yourself." Rick leads them outside. The quiet gets to them first. All the white noise people never thought about before was gone; cars, planes, the hum of electricity in the powerlines. The bugs and birds were silent and the only sound for miles was the creek outside the fences.

"Damn the sun feels good."

"Good lord. They're all dead."

"Never thought I'd be so happy to see these fences."

"How the hell did you get in here anyway? You never said." The Beta says.

"Cut a hole in the fence by that guard tower." Daryl tells them.

"That easy huh?"

"Where there's a will there's a way."

"Easy for you to say."

"Is this like a disease?" Big Tiny pokes at one of the Walkers with his stick.

"Yeah. And we're all infected." Rick tells them, "It's airborne; you die, you turn. Don't have to be bit."

"What do you mean infected?" Axel asks, "Like AIDS or something?"

"If I was to kill you," Daryl lifts his bow, "shoot an arrow in your chest, you'd come back as one of those things. It's gonna happen to all of us."

"Ain't no way you and yours are responsible for killing all these freaks." Tomas huffs.

"Most be 50 bodies out here." Andrew agrees.

"Where'd you come from?" Tomas looks at Rick.


"Where you heading?"

"As of now, nowhere."

"I guess you can take that area down there near the water." Tomas points to the corner of the yard. "Should be enough room for your Pack."

"We're using that field for crops." Rick growls.

"We'll help you move your gear out."

"That won't be necessary." Rick bares his teeth at Tomas; a challenge. "We took out these Walkers, this prison is ours."

"Slow down cowboy."

"You snatched the locks off our doors." Andrew growls at Rick.

"We can give you new locks if that's how you want it." Rick looks at the Beta.

"This is our prison." Tomas shrugs, "We were here first."

"Locked in a broom closet." Rick scoffs. "We took this place, set you free. It's ours, we spilled blood."

"We're moving back into our cell block."

"You'll have to get your own."

"It is mine. I've still got personal artifacts in there. That's about as mine as it gets." Tomas pulls out his gun and Daryl sets his loaded crossbow against the Alpha's temple. As stiles gets ready to pounce

"Cell four, right?" Daryl huffs, "Two minutes and your shit will be over the fence. Got anything else you want to say?"

"Wait, please." Axel looks at Rick.

Stiles growles and snaps hid jaws and step forwards.

Tomas looks at the other Prime. "Call off your Breeder."

"Excuse me?" Daryl growls.

"What kind of Omega knows how to use that shit anyway?" Andrew huffs, "You one of them New-School fuckwits?"

Daryl pulls out his pistol and points it at Andrew. He had both of them under his weapons and still waited for Rick to give him the signal.

"My MATE." Daryl emphasizes the word, "Will kill you the next time you say some shit like that. And yeah, we are New-School."

"I don't see a bite yet he's carrying." Tomas growls, "It's what he is."

"Man did you not see what happened to that guy's leg?" Big Tiny asks, "He got bit and they cut it off. Bites are dangerous now, that's probably why he doesn't have one."

"Your friends smart." Daryl growls, "Maybe he should have been the Prime."

Tomas snarls and flashes his eyes at Alpha. Rick pulls out his own gun and points it at Tomas.

"Wait!" Axel gets between them, "Maybe we can find a way to make this work out, so everyone can win."

"I don't see that happening."

"Neither do I."

The two Packs come to an agreement; half the food in the cafeteria goes to Rick, and they help the prisoners clean out a new cell block for them. Rick and the others go back to the cafeteria and load up their half of the food, carrying everything into the cell block. The prisoners help, and when Tomas gets too close to the door, Carl slams it shut with a growl. Glenn comes out of one of the cells, followed by two females, an older Alpha that share his bite and a little Omega barely present. Daryl growls at him and gets in front of him until he backs away from the door. They set the rest of the food in the rec room, stiles not moving from the entrance to the Pack's home in human form with his bow level at the primes head, and Carl refusing to unlock the door while they're there. Daryl staying back to watch the pack.

They wait until they're about to leave before giving the prisoners weapons, all blunt. Tomas picks up a crowbar and huffs. "Why do I need this when I have a gun?"

"You don't fire guns unless your back's against the wall." Stiles tells him, "One shot and you'll bring a herd down on you. They're drawn by noise."

"Make sure you go for the brain; a headshot is the only thing that takes them down." Rick reminds them.

"Don't have to tell us how to take down a man."

"They ain't men." T-Dog huffs, "They're something else."


The three from Rick's Pack just watch the prisoners as they ignore everything they were told, and go prison riot like on the two Walkers, stabbing at the stomach and hitting it with the objects.

"Let's just leave them." Stiles huffs, "Ain't like we owe them shit if they ain't gonna listen."

"Can we Alpha?" T-Dog looks at Rick.

"Come on." Rick goes up to the first Walker and takes it out, Stiles shoots the other on the ground once the prisoners get clear of it. Rick turns to the group. "We do it like we said, or we leave you to it yourself. The head and stay in formation. No more of that prison riot crap."

They keep going and find more Walkers. They lose Big Tiny when he gets scratched by a Walker; Tomas kills him without a second thought. T-Dog leads them further down the tunnel and Stiles gets close to Rick.

"You see the look on his face?"

"He makes one move-"

"Just give me the signal."

They get to the laundry room and Stiles tosses his keys to Tomas. Tomas ignores Rick's warning to only open one door, and the herd comes pooling into the room.

"I said only one!"

"Shit happens!"

Tomas keeps close to Rick as he takes out the Walkers. He takes a couple of swings at Rick, and the Alpha is careful enough to dodge many blows that could have taken his head off. The Prime knew what was going on; Tomas was Traditional. When it came to territory, taking out a competing Alpha means the winner gets everything from that Pack. Food, shelter, members. Tomas was after Rick's position, and his family. And from the looks he was sending Stiles....

Tomas throws a Walker on top of Rick and Stiles quickly saves his Alpha, driving the knife into the Walkers head. He helps Rick to his feet and the Alpha flashes his eyes at the Omega. The signal to take out Tomas. Stiles waits until he's on his feet, then turns his bow on the prison bitch Beta. T-Dog keeps the others in his sight, gun safety off.

"It was coming at me, bro." Tomas tries to play it off.

"Yeah I get it." Rick growls, "Shit happens."

Rick drives his axe into Tomas's head, kicking him off the blade. Andrew takes off running and Rick follows. Stiles has Oscar get on his knees with no protest. The Alpha didn't want to upset a pregnant Omega, he remembered how his Mate was with their little one. T-Dog has Axel get to his knees as well.

Rick chases Beta into a courtyard filled with Walkers and locks the door behind him. "Come on man, let me back in, please!"

"You better run." Rick flashes the Beta his red eyes. The prisoner turns around and makes a break for the fence. Rick leaves him there, making his way back to the laundry room.

"Rick." Stiles breathes. He goes up to his Alpha with a purr, scenting him. T-Dog keeps an eye on both prisoners while the Prime and son take a minute.

They continue to D block and leave Oscar and Axel to clean out the Walkers with a set of keys. Each prisoner had been zip tied and shot in the head. They remind them of the deal, that the prisoners would stay away from Rick's people, before heading back to their block.

They find everyone in good enough condition, though Carl had left and cleaned out the infirmary by himself without telling anyone. That earned him a lecture from his dad and a pop on the ear from Stiles. Hershel had stopped breathing but Carol had brought him back; and Sophia and Beth had brought in all the food and organized it.

Rick checks on the older man just as he starts to wake up. They prepare to take him out if he turned but he just smiles at his daughters and takes Rick's hand.

"Thank you." The Elder breathes, "For saving me."