
rick and Daryl and Glenn gathering wood to burn the walkers bodies when they look up.

" NNNOOO." Rick yelled in horror

" beth , Maggie get them out of there"Daryl yelled

walker were pouring out form all the corners stiles grabs carl and sophia and look around in horror , walker where coming towards him , when the closes one went to reach for him a pop and it fell to the floor Maggie grab Stiles shoulder and pushes the frighten omega foward to safety.

Maggie lead the omega up the guard tower and leaves him , when the alpha looks around he see T-dog heading to the open fence with coral behind him a walker garb on to T-dog , coral starts crying as she stabs the walker in the head the fence is pulled shut and the to make their way back to the other hershel clean the blood off of the back of T-dog neck and examane the spot when he give the okay both Maggie and beth hug him.

" what happen" rick ask

" the fence was open" beth shouts

with that rick turns to the prisoner shift half way eyes turning red and yellow a color they havent seen. but before he could reach them the speaker start blairing a sound and rick and the group shoot at it but it doesnt help.

stiles told the two pup to stay as he run out of the watch tower he had to get to his nest... but as soon as he was down a few of the walker spotted him forcing him to go into the tunnels....

Rick goes into the cell block and starts shooting the Walkers still lingering there. "CARL! MAGGIE!"

When he gets no answer, he calls for the others, "SOPHIA! STILES!"

Nothing. He slams and locks the door at the back of cell block to keep more Walkers out.

"There was five out there." Glenn says.

"Four in here." Rick growls. "The others aren't though."

"They must have gotten pushed back into the prison."

"SOMEONE IS PLAYING GAMES!" Rick roars, shifting into his half form. He towers over the others and his eyes weren't just red; they had a hint of yellow to them. The three other Alphas backed away in awe and horror. No one had seen that coloring in an Alpha's eyes before. For Rick to be so pissed he was changing in such a way...

Glenn prayed anyone besides Rick found the one responsible for this. Their death at Rick's hands wouldn't even be able to count as murder.

"Find the generators and SHUT THEM DOWN!" Glenn and the prisoners charge into the tunnels after Rick.

They're chased into the generator room by a herd and Glenn, Axel and Oscar work to keep the door shut; as much as they could when it wouldn't latch. Rick goes looking for a way to shut the system off. "How do you shut these down?!"

"Go! We got this!" Glenn urges Oscar away. The big Alpha leaves the other two to hold the door and goes to help Rick.

"Here!" Oscar goes to flip the switch and Rick dodges an axe. Andrew. Tomas's prison bitch Beta had survived the yard of Walkers and was now trying to kill them all. He swings the axe at Oscar and sends him to the ground, then pushes Rick up against the box of controls. Rick throws him off and into another cabinet, where Andrew reaches for his gun. Rick growls and knocks the gun to the ground. Andrew hits him with the axe and sends him down as well.

Glenn rushes to his side, leaving Axel to hold the door. He knocks into Andrew as a full wolf, hackles raised, and pushes him off his Alpha. His teeth were bared in a fierce looking snarl, his ears pointed to the side and behind him. One for each prisoner.

Glenn's wolf looked beautiful; like a red and tan husky with a black stripe down his back. He kept himself between Rick and Andrew, growling at the Beta anytime he tried to move forward. The Beta was nervous to get closer to the wolf that came up to his chest, but his fake lunges had Glenn running at him, giving him the chance to kick the Alpha away with a yelp. Rick goes to reach for his gun on the ground and finds it in the hands of Oscar, pointed right at him.

"Shoot him!" Andrew yells at the other prisoner, "We can take this prison back. What are you waiting for, shoot him! It's our house!"

Glenn was still getting up and with the two prisoners on either side of him with weapons, Rick braces himself. A shot rings out and Andrew's body hits the ground, a bullet between the eyes. Glenn was on his feet, growling at Oscar, but refusing to move in case the other Alpha was trigger happy.

"No, it was." Oscar turns the gun around, offering it to Rick. "Now it's yours."

Rick takes it and shuts the generators off while Glenn shifts back. "Let's go back."


"HERSHEL!" Rick was sprinting towards them. Beth, Carol, T-Dog and Hershel were all still outside. Rick pulls each of them into a hug and scents them, then moves on so Glenn could as well.

"Rick?" T nods at the prisoners.

"Andrew; the Beta from before." Rick shakes his head. "This was all him. They saved our lives. If they don't give us a reason to kill them, they can stay."

The others accept it gracefully. Rick looks around. "Where are the others?!"

"DAD!" Carl was sobbing when he throws his arms around the Prime's waist. Sophia runs to her mom who holds her and wails into her hair with gratefulness. Maggie walks right up to her dad and sister and hugs them, then pulls Glenn into a dominating kiss. He wipes tears from her eyes and scents her, then turns to scent the two pups. Everyone was hugging and weeping, happy to be alive; Oscar and Axel even got a few hugs too.

"Where's STILES?" DARYL asks, his eyes still turned on the cell block door. Everyone looked at each other and then Maggie steps forward. Sophia and Carl were both hugging Carol, crying.

"He was with Sophia in the cafeteria." Maggie says. She steps in front of her Prime, so he could see her and the door. "They heard Glenn and everyone Howling and tried to make it back to the cell block, but they got cut off. We found Sophia in a cell with some dead Walkers, hiding her scent. She said stiles left to find me and Carl. We never saw him, but he didn't go back to Sophia. We don't know where he is."

"No." Rick whines, "NO!"

"I'm sorry." Maggie whispers, throat closing with tears. Rick pulls her into a hug and lets her cry it out. It wasn't her fault, she had to know it wasn't her fault.


it was Daryl who lose a mate and a baby.. but was him who lose his son."

When she calms down she backs away and Rick turns back to the prison. He Howls, calling for his Pack and reaching out with every bond he made. Some go further out than the prison, past the fences, faint but there. He's forced to ignore what that might mean while focusing on finding his son. The others answer his call, Howling right beside him. They all try to reach stiles, and the longer they go without a reply, the more desperate they got.

Daryl could feel the Theta in his head, their bond strong. He could feel the pain and fear and sadness echo through it. He Howls one more time then makes a signal to wait. He could still feel their bond, pulsing like a heartbeat, but it was getting weaker.

"No." Daryl's voice breaks. The world spins.

"Dad where's sti!" Carl. His pup still needed him, he needed to be strong for his son's. But when he turns to look at the boy, Carl's attention was on the door. That's right, Carl called him sti. He'd never called him sti before. Carl was starting to cry, "sti!"

Carl was calling for stiles. It broke Daryl too, almost as much as feeling the bond with his Mate go weaker, then silent. It could have meant many things; stiles was unconscious or asleep, or too tired to reach out to him as well. But Daryl could only think of one thing. He Howled once more.



Stiles heard Glenn Howling and knew something was wrong. Sophia couldn't hear it yet and was still loading up the carts with food. When Maggie and Carl started Howling though, she looked at the Theta, scared. Stiles's takes her by the shoulder and guides her out of the cafeteria. "We need to get to the Pack but don't Howl; it could draw more Walkers. We can come back for the food later."

"Ok."Stiles leads her down the tunnels towards the Howls, keeping an eye out for Walkers. When the tone and pitch of the Howl changes Stiles turns her away and they travel down another tunnel. Something had changed, and they needed to keep away now. He finds a cell that was locked with two Walkers inside and gets an idea.

"Sophia." He nudges the little Omega. They shoot the Walkers and Stiles opens the cell. They push the mattresses against the closed bars and then used the metal bunk bed to brace them. Stiles then takes the dead Walkers and shows Sophia how to cover their scent by rubbing the guts and blood on them and the walls. It was a gruesome sight, but the Walkers outside just passes them by without a hint of acknowledgement.

Another Howl echoes through the tunnels, bouncing off the walls. It was Carl's voice. Stiles whines; his brother was out there.

"Make sure you stay here." Stiles tells her, "Don't leave unless it's me or one of the Pack, alright? I don't care if the halls sound clear, you don't leave this cell at all."

"I promise Theta." Sophia lifts her crossbow and helps move the bed out of the way just enough for Stiles to get out of the cell. They move the bed back and Stiles breathes through another kick.

"Stay Sophia." Stiles hated himself. Every Lycan, every Alpha and Omega, had a Voice with a capital V. It was used to keep members of lower rank under control during stress or defiance in Traditional and Polkrato Packs. For stiles to use it on Sophia as a young Omega, a pup, just to keep her in the cell, to stay safe so she wouldn't run and get lost like at the farm.... He felt sick. Hopefully she'd forgive him when everything was over.

He grabs his crossbow and moves, trying to find his Packmates. He's only able to get down two halls before running into trouble. Turning the corner, he stumbles back when he runs into a Walker. He falls, turning and hitting his side. He takes out his knife and kills the Walker, the blood from earlier and the dead body helps to cover his scent as more Walkers come around the corner.

Stiles would have been fine laying there if it wasn't so hard to breathe. He had done the same thing on the highway when they lost Sophia, but it hadn't been this hard. He wasn't pregnant then though. Something was wrong. He wasn't scared yet he felt like he pissed himself. When he felt the urge to shift and get back to his nest, it hit him.

"No..." He whispers in horror. No. No, he was not about to give birth surrounded by Walkers, under a corpse and covered in infected blood. He feels the baby shift and pain. Fuck, shit, yes he was, NO! He sees an open door and focuses everything on that room. No Walkers, good. He waits out another contraction and forces himself to stay quiet.

He waits until there are only a few Walkers in the hall before pushing the corpse off him, calling attention to himself. Unable to walk with the contractions being minutes apart now, he shifts and lunges for the door, slamming it shut behind him. He collapses against it and shifts back, pulling all his clothes off and using them to wipe off the blood and slick between his thighs. More replaces it almost instantly.

"Shit." He whispers. The alarms were still going off, but he could here all the Walkers in the hall, more filling in. He'd never make it back to the cell block like this. Stripped bare he shifts again, reaching out with his bond to Sophia to check on her. He pushes the feeling of safety and caution to her. The command from his Voice won't let her leave but he didn't want her thinking she was in trouble. She sends love, safety and forgiveness back to him and he breathes easier.

Another contraction hits him and he screams, the Walkers outside bang on the door in retaliation. Something was really wrong. The labor was happening to fast, he wasn't fully dilated yet, but he felt the need to push. The contractions were coming in too close together. Then he felt the baby move and screamed again, this time in fear. That didn't feel right, the baby shouldn't have moved like that. There was too much pain. The baby, oh God, his baby....

The Omega was sobbing and screaming with each wave of pain, ignoring the Walkers that were heavy enough against the door now to push it in if they weren't fighting to get to food in such a narrow doorway. He finally gives in as the alarms shut off, letting his wolf and instincts take over. Maybe they could stop his body from trying to abort the baby.

His wolf goes to the back of the room, away from the Walkers and taking the clothes with it. He pushes them into the corner and sits on them, focusing his ears on the noise around him. He pushes past the growls of the Walkers and the sound of them moving. Stiles heaves when he hears heartbeats. The sound of his Pack. One stands out and he almost purrs. Daryl.

He listens until his own heartbeat calms down, then focuses on what was happening to himself. The clothes were drenched in slick and his water and his wolf starts rolling in it. The clear liquid stuck to him, but the blood ran right off; off his fur and the clothes. The wolf was making a clean bedding for him to nest with while at the same time covering everything in his scent. When the next contraction hit it was less painful; the wolf licking his opening helped ease more of the pain.

When he feels the need to push again, he does. At first, he felt like he was taking a huge shit, one you had to stop and start again to get out expect it wasn't coming out of his ass. It was coming out of an opening between his balls and anus. He lifts his tail and hind leg, so he could lick at the baby as it came out, helping it along and cleaning it. Because it wasn't an actual wolf cub it was bigger than normal, which caused it to hurt more. He could feel his Pack's fear and worry growing the more pain he felt. That had to mean he was projecting it to them, a silent plead for his Pack's help. When Daryl started Howling, calling for his Pack to give him their location, stiles could only listen as each member answered him, even Sophia; letting him know they were ok.

The Walkers had grown in numbers at his door. As his labor hadn't been the quietest and with the alarms shut off, each whine, scream, sob and growl was a beacon to draw them closer. The door was already groaning under the weight of all of them out there, and if he wanted to keep them out, he'd have to be silent from then on. He couldn't answer his Mate or his Pack. None of them knew if he was alive and they wouldn't until he answered them. But he couldn't risk his and the cub's safety though.

He cries through the rest of his labor silently, even as their Howls become more and more desperate, filled with gut wrenching fear and disbelief. They sounded like longing; like Simba in the Lion King when Mufasa died. It broke his heart when they went silent for a time, listening for him.

He stopped focusing on them when his little cub finally fell from his body, fully shifted. That wasn't something that happened often, if ever. It was a myth, a legend people told stories of from Before, when Lycans first started Mating with Sapiens. Biblical in a way. Wolf birthed children were strong beyond anything they could comprehend; world changers. Alexander the Great, Muhammad Ali, Helen of Troy, Sacagawea. Even Hitler had been said to have been a Wolf-borne. For his baby to be one as well, here in the apocalypse.... It made him wonder.

Stiles ignores all of that and cleans the little boy, 'his son' his heart raced. He chews on the umbilical cord, then nudges him towards one of his nipples for him to feed. The little cub was the size of a full grown human baby, or a small dog breed, though his fur reminded him of a snow leapord shepherd. he was going to make a beautiful wolf. He watches him whimper and turn towards the door, making small chirps. He listens for the Walkers, wondering if another herd was going to join the one outside. No, the Walkers were leaving. He smells his pup, picking him up by his scruff and bringing him back to him. he kept making the noise though he couldn't smell anything wrong.

He breathes out a laugh when he realizes what the sound he was making was; little ass kicker was trying to bark at the Walkers. His heart melts with love for his strong pup. He grooms him and gets him to feed with only a little trouble. Then a soul shattering Howl of pain echoes down the tunnels of the prison. Daryl.

Stiles hadn't responded due to the Walkers outside his door, which means they thought he was dead. He was tired from labor and couldn't reach out with his bond to let them know he was ok. He whines and the cub looks up, his head turn towards the door. he whimpers, then chirps, then tries to Howl back. he throws his head back and his body follows. he turns onto his stomach with a sneeze before curling up in Stiles fur. he attempts to Howl again but cuts himself off with a yawn. he falls asleep listening to his mother's purrs and his father's Howl of mourning for his Mate.

Stiles lays down next to him, his eyes never leaving the door. Sobbing and staring at the only thing keeping him and his newborn cub safe from the threat outside, Stiles can't help but think, 'I'm so sorry Daryl. Please, please. I'm ok. I'm so sorry.'