who is that

More Walkers were starting to line up on the fence had started lining up on the fence where the Alpha was holding the basket. Rick kept staring at her, growling, and Carol, T-Dog, Oscar and Axel were running down to him.

The Alpha on the other side of the fence winces and grabs her leg. The smell of fresh blood draws the Walkers to her and she draws her sword, killing all of them that come near her. The other Pack members already had gate ready to open to help her.

When the female goes down after a hard swing and doesn't get back up T-Dog throws open the gate so Rick can jump out, shifted. Oscar and Axel lay cover fire while Carol and T-Dog put the Alpha on Rick's back. Carol hops on to keep her steady, holding Rick by his scruff, while T grabs the basket and the woman's sword. Axel closes the gate behind them and locks it, the others already sprinting to the cell block.

Stiles was inside with Carl, Sophia and the baby while Beth and Hershel set up the fenced in and cleaned out weapon storage in the rec room as a med bay. They had moved a table inside and laid down a blanket with another one rolled up for her head.

Carol and T-Dog move her to the makeshift bed while Rick shifts back, checking on stiles and the pups before grabbing a water bottle and cleaning the Walker guts off the Alpha. Hershel was looking at the wound on her leg when she comes too, stitching it up.

"Hey." Carol whispers, moving hair from the Alpha's face, keeping her voice gentle. "Hey it's ok. What's your name? Who are you?"

The Alpha reaches for the sword and Rick kicks it away, moving the woman's arms back as gentle but firm as he could. Hershel moves away, finished with the stitches. "We're not going to hurt you, unless you try something stupid first, ok?"

"Daryl ." Stiles calls. He comes out of the cell with the baby in his arm, Carl and Sophia behind him. The Alpha freezes, her eyes locked on the Theta. "Who the hell is this?"

Daryl turns to the Alpha. "You want to tell us your name?"

"You have a cub?" She whispers.

Carol looks at her confused. "You brought a basket of baby formula to us without knowing why?"

"My Pack." The woman jerks up. "They were with me. Where are they?"

"The only one that was at the fence was you." Rick tells her.

"They were in a car, further up the road. I need them here, I ain't tellin' you shit without them."

"Howl." Stiles tells her, to the surprise of the others. Then he picks up the doll from the basket and hands it to the giggling cub in his arms. The female Alpha seems surprised at the resemblance between the Omega and the doll. "Our Packmates made this doll and had it with them this morning when they went on a run. Now you have it, and they're an hour late getting back. Howl for your Pack, now. I want answers."

The female waits a moment but when stiles growls at her she throws her head back and Howls, calling for her Pack loud enough to be heard outside the prison walls. A car can be heard pulling up and the gate opening and closing. Then car doors, and then the car driving up to the inner yard. Oscar and Axel come in leading two females, another Alpha and an Omega. All three tenses up until T-Dog takes them and leads them into the room with their Packmate and everyone gives them room to scent each other. They watch Rick's Pack, wary, but thankful that they weren't separated.

"Well good, now that all of you are here." Stiles hands the cub to Daryl who tickles the giggling baby's feet, much to the amusement of their Pack mates and the longing of the others. The look fades from their eyes when stiles gets in their faces, red eyed. "I want answers. Where is my Pack?!"

"Hey." Daryl hands the baby to Carl and pulls his Mate back. "Hey, we'll find them. With or without their help. We'll find Glenn and Maggie."

"Glenn and Maggie?" Sasha asks. "An Alpha pair; one Asian male and a female with a heavy accent?"

"You know them?!" Carol sits up. Daryl places himself between stiles and the new group, causing the Omega to pace. T-Dog takes the Omega and guides him away and Carl hands the fussy baby to its mother. Stiles takes the baby and moves away, setting the cub down on a blanket and shifting. He nudges the baby to one of his nipples and he shifts as well, whining while he eats. When the Theta sees the new group gawking at the little pup who by all standards was too young to shift, he growls and flashes his eyes at them. They look back at Rick.

The Alpha turns back to the three females, "You know our Pack mates?"

"Another one of our Pack knew them." The dark Alpha steals a glance at stiles, "My Mate described them to us and our Luna named Glenn."

"Your Mate?" T-Dog asks.

"Andrea." Silence. Even stiles had stopped growling, ears perked up.

"You know Andrea?!" Sophia gets closer, Carl a step behind her, "She's alive? Is she ok?"

"Last I saw her." The Alpha shakes her head. "She was taken. We were running from the group that's holding her and that's when we saw your Pack mates get nabbed. The same guys, all Alphas from a settlement just north of here called Woodbury. It's run by a guy named the Governor; they kill other groups and take their supplies. We were heading back to our home to warn our Prime when we saw Glenn and Maggie get ambushed."

"Our Luna went undercover to keep them away from their home." The Omega adds, "Me, Tara and our Pack met Andrea and Michonne on the road and they took us in. Andrea was sick, and we ran into the Luna trying to find her medicine; he took us to Woodbury for help and we had to escape over the walls. Some of our Pack is still trapped there."


"No Michonne." The Omega looks to the first female Alpha, "They can help us get our Pack out of there; your Mate, my brother, and the others. Besides if we help get their Pack out then maybe we can merge, no offence to the Prime but these guys have a better set up here. Space for cubs to grow."

"You have cubs too?" Rick asks.

Michonne nods reluctantly. "Our Prime has a son about you boy's age. And our Luna just adopted a cub, going on two months old now."

"You smell like him." Everyone stops and looks at Tara who was staring at Daryl. Stiles had shifted back and was changing the cub's diaper. He looks up confused.

"Who smells like who?" Stiles asks. The bond he had felt outside the fence when calling for stiled three days ago, pluses. No.... please please.... Let it be him, please.... For Daryl....

"Your son's mate." She nods at Daryl, "He smells like our Luna, Merle."

Silence. Everyone was holding their breath. Rick sighs shakily. It was him.

Daryl whines. Stiles's lets Carol take his baby from him and walk to Daryl helps balance him while he stands up. He was near hysterical when he turns on them, "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?!"

Stiles gets in front of them and tries to calm his Mate but when nothing works he demands that they describe him. Tara scrambles to gather her thoughts, her eyes on the distressed Omega trying to claim his mate "Blonde, thinning hair and blue eyes; square chin; broad shoulders; uh.... prosthetic on his right hand, he cut it off after he was handcuffed to a roof in-"

"Atlanta." Stiles cuts her off. He turns to his Mate and purrs, trying to calm him. They collapsed to the ground and Daryl holds onto him while he cries. "Shh, shh. It's him, sweetheart. He's alive."

"When?" Daryl sees the look on their faces and sobs, "WHEN DID YOU LAST SEE MY BROTHER?!"

"Hey hey hey, it's ok!" Tara pulls off her watch and hands it to stiles, lowering herself to be on Daryl's level, chin jutted to the side to make her appear less threatening. The other two watch in shock, Michonne even smiled. They had found Daryl Dixon, their Luna's lost baby brother. "The time on the watch says 4:15 pm, right? We saw him last at 2:03 this afternoon. A little over two hours ago. Just two hours ago he was alive, with Glenn and Maggie, heading back to Woodbury."

"Two hours?" Daryl was holding the watch like it was a lifeline, with it was in a way; it was the only lead he had on his brother.

"Two hours." Michonne agrees.

Stiles helps both Tara and Daryl up, seating the alpha at one of the tables with the watch. Tara sits next to him, explain everything Merle had told them to the group. Afterwards she pulls out a piece of red paper from her pocket and hands it to the alpha. Merle had been ambidextrous, though his right hand was stronger, but Daryl immediately recognized his hand writing.

"He told us to come here." Sasha tells them, "Said his brother was here and that the Prime, Rick, was a good guy and might be willing to give us shelter?"

Everyone looks at Rick, who seemed insulted they'd asked. "Of course, you can stay here! You're Pack; I've scented both Andrea and Merle before. But I can't set you guys up in the cell block until Merle or your Prime is here. I won't split a Pack, I can't do that to them."

"Our Prime is in King County." Michonne says, "Let us go, and we'll bring them here."

"You act like you're a prisoner." Daryl huffs through his tears. "We'll get the gate on your way out."

"What about our weapons?" Sasha looks at Oscar who was holding the sword and guns they brought in with them. Daryl takes them and hands them back.

"The doors are locked for a reason. Not all the hallways are cleared of Walkers, so to go anywhere in here without a weapon is a death wish." He hands them their weapons plus three knives, to their surprise, "Firing a gun is dangerous though because of the noise. Try to keep the kills as silent as you can and never bring Walkers back to the cell block. Try to lose them in the tunnels or hide there until they move on. Plenty of open doors."

Stiles whines and hugs Daryl to his chest, scenting his hair. The three women seem to have a silent conversation with their eyes, then Sasha nods.

"Sasha will stay here." Michonne tells them. "Think of it like insurance; she stays, and you can guarantee we'll come back. If she thinks it safe enough then we'll bring the rest of our Pack here. If not we come get her, return to Woodbury for our Pack, and we'll bring Glenn and Maggie back here, then leave for King County. We'll leave a map, so you and your brother can stay in contact. Deal?"

Stiles looks at Daryl. The Theta bites his lip but nods; it was the best they could offer. Oscar and T-Dog help Michonne and Tara bring all their stuff in from the car. Sasha organizes it in the weapons storage area while the two Alphas prepare to leave. They get to the gate and Daryl knocks on the window, Rick right behind him.

"You said Merle had a cubs"

" said he had to get them you a rick Grimes found lori... he want to keep one though a boy if that okay with you." Michonne said. " the girl smell like you and the boy smell like another alpha so he claimed the male"

" he can keep the boy... the girl will be mine."

With the group part leaving Daryl with his omega who had his cub in his arms again.