
Stile was told no and that he was staying home.. he had a cub to take care of and they didn't know if they would make it back tonight but stiles was not happy about being told he was staying by his own mate and then his father agreeing. snarling stile was in wolf form pacing the rec room sasha and tara would glance at the omega when he stop to turn around...

A bowl of meat was place by the omega by beth.

" stile you have your dinner" Beth said backing up when the omega growl and turn to her red eyes. stiles was hungry scenting he need a release the other omega open the cell leading to the tunnels licking his sleeping cub stiles made his way into the tunnels killing anything that dear to come near.


stiles was called from the tunnel when beth need him walking to the cell he shook the blood from his fur in the room with his cub was three unknown people two alpha's well their gender any way the other was a beta. growl he step in the room the taller male look from the cub rolling around on the floor to the knew male.....

stiles shift and walking to him baby.

" Beth has my alpha called in yet" he ask the younger omega

" sorry no the thing been silent, i change Ajaxs for you."

" thank you.. is my brother around or is he back there"

" his still upset about your dad going to that place.." growling

" you have a cub" the older of the two ask

" is that a problem" stiles turn really fast.

" no.. it's just me and my friends haven't see one for along time"

" you stay here stay away from the cells and we don't have a problem.. you'll wait until my father get's back I'm an omega so i cant merge a pack" Stiles inform the three.

" yes sir" the smallest of them said.." I'm seth, this is my older sister Leah and or friend before the world ended Jacob"

nodding stiles emerge with our baby sister.

" I cant get her to stop crying" stiles said

" whos is that one" Leah ask

" my dad... his ex mate had her before she died...my little sister." stiles said" i bet she hungry.. grab morgan and merles pup and ill feed him too."

stiles moves to the blankets in the corner of the rec room and shifts the pup shift to and stiles laids down so the can eat..

sasha grabs daryl meal from the fidge and laid it beside the omega eatting too ...

once the pups are done carl takes judith and reedus back the the cells and stile hand beth the sleeping baby..

" im still mad at my father and mate im going to kill more walker in the tunnel, Coral watch those threes."

after that stiles didn't emerge from the tunnels until early morning when he heard tirers his brown and silver fur was coated in blood as he step out of the tunnels making his father and daryl look at him.

daryl rush over and parted his mated fur look for teeth marks causing the omega to snarl at him.

" Are you still made i told you NO." Daryl ask" I was trying to keep you and our cub safe babe"

stiles shift and look over his mates face..

merle standing behind him with a sheepish face" you did this didn't you." everyone knew the male omega was takeing beta pills.

" Im sorry I had no choice in the matter" Merle growls

" I was just asking you " Stiles Jumps to his feet not like the way his omega talk to him..

" Merle i wouldn-" Daryl didn't get to finish his words when merle push stiles and the omega shift and met the other .. stiles was standing over the other with his teeth around the other's throat , Merle whines and submits and stiles lets go and shifts,

"stiles is this Packs Theta" Daryl said as he took there cub from beth when she heard his voice

merle shift back and was eyeing the cub in his brothers arms.

" That cub don't look like reedus" the omega said

" it not this is Alax's his mine and stiles cub..."

Merle look shock " the hell im stuck to the roof and your poping your knot in this one..."

stiles growled

" WE WENT BACK FOR YOU.....AND YOU WHEREN"T THERE" the theta growled taking a step forward.

Daryl pulled his mate back and hand him their son." we did"

" IM joking baby brother." Merle said" can i "

stiles look from merle waiting hand to his son and back to the male before let merle take the cub. Morgan went in search of their cub and emerge with a little boy

Carol walk in with the three from yesterday and daryl had his cross bow level at one head.

" dad this is Jacob, Seth,Leah " i said before taking my mate crossbow and handing him the cub,

" Daryl here is my mate and rick is my father "

dad had decide to let the group stay while with us morgan and daryl and dad was going to look for us a new place we weren't safe here...


Carol and axle we're outside the building up the defenses of the gate when the first shot ran out Daryl was outside the fence tending to the last of the Embers and waiting for stiles to come back from his hunt Herschel was down in the yard giving the prime cover from any Walkers that might try to sneak up on him.

Carol and Axle we're talking about his first time in the prison while they watched the two men down by the fence

"don't you miss your brother ?"the lambda ask

" hell no!" Axel said " I had a real money problem!"

" how so?"

" he never let lent me any!" the two of them cracks up laughing " one time he ----"

axles blood painted Corals face she goes down with the body using it as a shield as more bullets Miss around her both Rick and Hershel hit the ground hiding in the Tall Grass Rick sees a yellow truck smells Alphas from the Woodbury men and throws his head back and Howls of anger and warning michonne had been on the first gate and the with the others and every last one of them takes aim at the shooters in the woods the governor's stays next to his truck aiming for the doors as more of the Rick's pack slip outside Glenn and Mickey both hiding under file cabinets and metal tables shooting at the yellow truck somehow one of the Woodbury men gotten up into the tower closest to the prison was shooting at Axel's cropse trying to get Carol.

Carl , Duane and Beth were against the wall and shooting at the man trying to lay down enough cover for the lambda to make a run for it Sophie came out and kneels at carls feet with her bow train on the shooter said she focuses her breathing blocking out all other noises like Darryl had taught her to taking aim she ignores the bullet that plan to self into the girl next to her niece she ignores her mother's Cry of alarm when she sees it gets close to her she ignores the sound of Duane growl as his warning at her all her attention was on the motherfuker who was shooting at her packmates.

A pink camo bolt and a trigger-happy finger later carol of was beside them with a machine gun shooting at the men outside the fences and one in the tower was hanging limp over the rail. Everyone was focused on the mentioning that they didn't notice the moving van coming until it was too late it rips the gate off their hinges and opens the yard up to the outside world Walker start flooding in from all the noises the guns were making Rick howls again noticing that Hershel was still laying in the yard and the yard that was now open to the Dead the one driving drops the tailgate and releases a herd of Walkers right in the middle of the yard the driver makes a run for it just completely in riot gear for production Andrea comes out from behind him against his head backstabbing up into his brain she makes it run for the gate along with the others everyone else that had been in the tower towers and on the fence she Yanks the door open just us the truck goes flying out into the yard Merle and Morgan makes their way to Herschel shooting all the Walkers that got to close which one was already in front of the Elder cutting down Walker's that got to close they pulled up beside them and Merle takes over shooting the Walkers by michonne got Herschel and his crutches inside the truck once they were in Merle turn the last place he saw their Prime "RICK"

the Walkers outside the fence start making their way inside the governors men leaves Rick still trying to get in was surrounded without bullets just when he was getting desperate enough to shift and kill them them with his claws and teeth.

An arrow goes through one of the eyes of the Walkers he was holding back stiles drops the deer he's hunting and slices the stomach open attracting more of the Walkers away from his mate.

Rick hears Merle call for him and howls again for the pack to regroup since the others were already inside and the inner Courtyard Morgan drives the truck away towards the prison Rick looks at Stiles and shifts he jumps across the river and lowers himself so his son could hop on his back when Alpha takes a running start and leaps. clearing the top of the barbed wire fences in 1 jump Rick Yelps when the wires Cuts in his underside of his belly sending him to the ground , stiles yelps gets to his feet the alpha grabs him taking off towards the inner yard standing on four legs Rick's wolf was almost two feet taller than Daryl's in human form and you could easily lifted off the ground running was a bit more difficult but he cleared the yard without running into any more Walkers and when the gate closes behind him he tucks stiles and Carland judith under him. All of them shifting and allowing themselves to be groomed....