Chapter 7 Sister Feeds You_1

"Come, let me feed you!"

Yang Xuelan's eyes were hazy, her right hand gently hooking the strap and slowly pulling it down.

In an instant, a smudge of snow-white emerged, her fair shoulder revealed before Li Qing.

Her right hand continued to move downward, sliding the dress down to her waist before stopping.

Those two full peaks jumped restlessly into Qin Feng's view.

So big!

So soft and supple!

On the snow-white peaks, the lines of blood vessels were clearly visible.

A gentle pinch seemed as though it could squeeze out water.

Li Qing swallowed nervously, feeling as if a flame had ignited inside his chest, leaving his mouth dry and tongue parched.

"Come! Let me feed you!"

Yang Xuelan's gaze was like rippling water, her eyes shimmering with seduction, as she cupped those two peaks and brought them to Li Qing's face.

Li Qing, teased by Yang Xuelan's moves, was like a tightly strung bow, unable to restrain himself any longer!

He lunged forward and clamped down on them.


Yang Xuelan moaned comfortably.

One hand clasped Li Qing's heat, the other holding tight to his head.

She pressed so firmly as if she wanted to knead Li Qing's head into her fullness.

"Yes, that's it, put a little more strength into it."

Li Qing, who had still been somewhat reserved, suddenly intensified his effort, relentlessly savoring without mercy.


Yang Xuelan's plump body trembled, her blush-stained face a picture of intoxication.

Hearing that voice that sent tingles down the spine, Li Qing instinctively extended his hand, gripping those two full mounds.

"Buzz... buzz buzz buzz."

But just then, a low vibration suddenly sounded.

It was the vibration of a cellphone.

Li Qing, startled, quickly lifted his head from Yang Xuelan's front.

"Your phone!" he pointed at Yang Xuelan's cellphone that she had placed on the table upon entering.

Yang Xuelan, her face flushed, took a moment to steady her breathing before picking up the phone calmly.

"It's Gao Li, don't make a sound."

Li Qing, at this point, dared not make a sound.

Even if it hadn't been Gao Li's call, he wouldn't have dared to utter a noise.

Yang Xuelan answered the call, asking irritably, "What is it?"

"Where have you gone in the dead of night?" Gao Li's voice came through the phone, "I just got thirsty and realized you weren't there."

"Too hot to sleep, went out for a sneaky man," Yang Xuelan replied irritably.

"Ah? What, what did you just say?" Gao Li's voice suddenly shot up.

Li Qing hadn't expected Yang Xuelan to be bold enough to blurt it out so openly.

But unexpectedly, the next moment Yang Xuelan opened her mouth and cursed, "You dog, you really think I've been cheating, huh?!"

"I've been telling you to install a fan, but you, such a cheapskate that you'd even skimp on coffin boards, just wouldn't do it. Sleeping at night feels like lying in a coffin. I came out for a breath of fresh air and to see if that lame guy at the grocery store had gone to bed yet, planning to buy an ice pop to cool off, and here you are, blabbering on the phone. Do you want to set up a camera to watch me all day long?"

Li Qing: ...

Yang Xuelan's tirade left Gao Li speechless, and he couldn't utter a word for quite a while.

A moment later, he stammered, "I... was just asking."

"Asking my ass, go to sleep, I'll be back soon!" Yang Xuelan cursed.

"Alright, alright, I won't ask anymore, just come back soon," Gao Li clearly caved in on the other end of the phone, hastily instructed, and then hung up.

Li Qing watched, dumbfounded.

He had heard that Yang Xuelan was the boss at home and had Gao Li completely under thumb.

But when they were out in public, they seemed harmonious, and he hadn't noticed anything off.

Today he had witnessed it for himself.

At this moment, Yang Xuelan obviously looked unsatiated and insatiable, but she seemed genuinely worried that lingering might arouse Gao Li's suspicion. She dawdled, straightening her skirt, and touched Li Qing's cheek reluctantly, saying, "My little foe, I couldn't satisfy you today, and your sister-in-law is frustrated too, but there's no helping it. I'll find another chance another day."

"Please don't, this one time has been scary enough," Li Qing shook his head and said.

To be honest, that phone call from Gao Li had made him feel guilty as sin.

Seeing Li Qing's embarrassed and uneasy look, a flirtatious glint appeared in Yang Xuelan's eyes, and she licked her lips, "You little adversary, all gutsy desires and no bravery, now it's not up to you. You've looked and you've touched, and just like that, it's over? You might not need to take responsibility for me, but you must quench the fire in you."

"I'll head back first, and come over another day."

Li Qing nodded hastily and personally saw Yang Xuelan out of the yard, then stealthily locked the front gate.

That frightening call had indeed scared him quite a bit.

Lying in bed, Li Qing's heart was still pounding erratically.

But as the tension subsided, the image of Yang Xuelan slipping off her skirt flashed before him once again.

The alluring vision of her pale skin ignited a quiet heat within him.

"Really do have the desire but not the guts..." Li Qing muttered mockingly to himself.


The next day, the sky was clear.

Awoken by the chirping of birds outside his window, Li Qing came to.

He remembered he had plans to accompany Han Mei to town to check out the Huang Apricot prices and rose early.

After washing up and hastily eating a couple of pancakes, he left the house.

Just as he locked the front gate, Li Qing saw Yang Xuelan, wearing a sun hat and carrying a sickle, coming around the corner.

"Sister Xue Lan, what are you off to do?" Li Qing asked, his eyes roving mischievously over Yang Xuelan from head to toe.

Yang Xuelan, feeling a tingle from Li Qing's gaze, chided softly, "Keep your eyes in check. My man's right behind me, so don't let him catch sight of you and get suspicious."

"Today I just want to look and can't see a thing," Li Qing said helplessly, as today Yang Xuelan was covered up too thoroughly.

"Serves you right! When you had the chance to look, you were just too timid," Yang Xuelan huffed lightly.

Remembering the half-finished business of the previous night, she felt a tantalizing itch and unexpectedly grew moist.