Chapter 6 Leave the door open at night, she is here!_1

"I'm going," Li Qing exclaimed, startled.

He had just made a passing remark, never expecting Yang Xuelan to actually go through with it.

Li Qing couldn't help but panic.

"Um... you're married, and if we sneak around and do that, what will we do if someone catches us?"

Yang Xuelan tossed her head, "What's there to be afraid of? Just be careful, and wait for me tonight."

Saying this, without waiting for Li Qing to respond, she quickly returned with her flashlight, which was nearly just for show.

Li Qing stood there, dumbfounded, his mind unable to process what had just happened.

What a situation this was.

What if Yang Xuelan really came over tonight? What then?

He went home restless, not in the mood to cook anything substantial. He hastily ate a bowl of instant noodles, brewed a cup of tea, sat in the courtyard to cool off, and incidentally cool his "little brother" down too.

The day's events had caused his "good friend" to make more than a few unexpected appearances.

"Qingzi, have you eaten?" Suddenly, Yang Xuelan's voice came from over the courtyard wall.

Startled, Li Qing almost let his teacup fly out of his hand.

"Damn, that woman came looking for me so soon? But at this hour, Gao Li should have just gotten home; how could she dare to come over so brazenly?" Now, Li Qing was both eager and afraid; he longed to experience a woman's touch, yet feared the consequences if their tryst were to be discovered.

If Gao Li found out, he'd be done for.

"Sister-in-law of the Gao family, I've already eaten," Li Qing hurriedly called back.

"Eaten? I heard your door only a few minutes ago; how could you be so fast? Hurry over. Your Brother Gao is calling you to have dinner at our house," Yang Xuelan said, appearing in Li Qing's courtyard before she even finished speaking.

"I really have eaten," Li Qing insisted.

Yang Xuelan twisted around, her rounded buttocks settling squarely into Li Qing's lap, "Didn't you say you liked me before? Why do you seem afraid to see me now?"

As she spoke, she gyrated her hips against Li Qing's waist a few times.

It was a hot summer, and everyone wore thin clothes.

Yang Xuelan was wearing a dress, and now, with her skirt raised, just a thin layer of panties separated her from him, the touch nearly skin-on-skin.

In that moment, Li Qing felt as though his soul was about to fly away.

His "little brother" reared up, wanting to explore the tempting crevice between those perfectly springy cheeks.

Feeling the heat from underneath, Yang Xuelan moaned softly, her panties creating friction as they moved up and down.

Li Qing, a virgin not worldly in the ways of intimacy, was overwhelmed by the display and started to breathe heavily. One hand lifted Yang Xuelan's sleeve and fumbled underneath, while the other hand frantically reached for her panties.

Just then, a coughing sound came from next door.

Like a startled doe, Yang Xuelan leaped up, hurriedly straightening her disheveled dress, and stealthily glanced over the wall. Seeing no one, she let out a sigh of relief.

Then she spoke loudly on purpose, "Since Qingzi has already eaten, then another day it is."

Afterwards, she leaned down, her breath like orchids in Li Qing's ear, whispering, "Little nemesis, teasing me is so tantalizing and maddening, I'll come over later, remember to leave the door open for me."

After ensuring her hair was in place, leaving no trace of the encounter, she hurried off.

Li Qing was still somewhat shaken.

The walls of his courtyard were low, and anyone tall enough could see over them with just a little stretch.

Yet before he could succumb to fear, the nibble on his ear sent his blood surging once again.

To hell with Gao Li or any ghost, all he wanted was to taste Yang Xuelan, that vixen.

The pair he had just touched felt more spectacular in his grasp than from afar.

They were too much for one hand, so tender and springy, and they felt fantastic.

Thinking of Yang Xuelan's seductive figure made the desire he had just suppressed flare up again.

He pressed his hand down, quickly found a bucket, and ducked into the toilet to thoroughly wash the pertinent areas.

Only then did he return to his room and lay on his bed to wait.

In a state of anxious anticipation, Li Qing waited until past ten o'clock.

He was nearly falling asleep, but Yang Xuelan still hadn't shown up.

"Maybe she's regretting her decision and isn't coming," Li Qing thought, feeling a touch of disappointment.

Just as he was growing impatient and about to sleep, a soft knocking came from outside the main room.

Li Qing sprang to his feet and barefooted, opened the door.

"Were you becoming anxious?" Yang Xuelan asked, nervous and expectant.

Li Qing stepped aside, eyes locked on her, "Yang Xuelan, are you really going to give me…"

"Little nemesis, I'm already here; are you still worried I won't give it to you?" Yang Xuelan giggled, her cheeks flushed pink in the lamplight, like someone tipsy.

She wore a black long dress that seemed to relinquish control of her ample bosom. With just a slight movement, they bounced cheerfully.

Seeing the plump pride before him, and thinking of what would follow, Li Qing's entire being burned with desire.

Yang Xuelan glanced at the tent Li Qing had pitched, chuckling as she reached for it, "You naughty boy, your desperation is quite hefty."

As her skilled hand slipped up, Li Qing groaned with pleasure, "Of course, isn't that enough to fill you up?"

At that, Yang Xuelan's eyes gleamed with allure as she tugged open Li Qing's belt and slid her hand inside, "You truly are a little nemesis, hot like an iron bar fresh from the furnace. If this goes in, I'm afraid you might wear me out."

"You won't break; you'll just scream louder," panted Li Qing, his hand plunging inside her neckline.


The woman wasn't wearing a bra, no wonder that pair looked so lively.