Chapter 96: An Improper Place_1

Li Qing didn't need to harbor any doubts, this was definitely Hu Youyu's doing!

In the entire village, the only real enemies he had were Hu Youyu and Tian Laowu.

Taking Tian Laowu's character into account, he might be capable of pulling something like this off.

But he had been quiet lately and hadn't been looking for trouble with Li Qing.

It was improbable that he would choose today of all days to throw manure at his front door!

As for Hu Youyu, Li Qing had not only seen him today but also had a verbal spat with him.

Without a doubt, it was him!

Angered to the point of pacing in circles around the room, Li Qing stormed out and grabbed the ax from the woodshed, then after some thought, put it back.

A sneak attack needed careful planning.

There was no way he could pull it off tonight.

But the anger was lodged in his throat, making his head spin and his brain swell—it was unbearable to not take action against Hu Youyu right now.