Chapter 19 Impending Storm_1

"Okay, okay, I understand."

In the large conference room, Chen Daya was on a call, his expression adopting an added gravity.

Heads of various departments were all watching him.

"Quick, set up the video conference for the tech department—Mr. Shang and Mrs. Wang are going to join our meeting now," Chen Daya ended the call, urging the technical manager.

The technical manager immediately stood up to find someone to adjust the equipment.

The other department heads exchanged glances, displaying a variety of expressions.

The recent stir in the project had finally alarmed the top brass at Century Construction, with both General Manager Shang Wenshu and Vice General Manager Wang Ye personally attending the meeting!

When Wu Qiuyan returned to the large conference room, she suddenly felt that the atmosphere was amiss!

She noticed at a glance the two additional portraits on the projection screen!

One was the refined and dignified Shang Wenshu.

The other was a middle-aged man with an undercut, lounging in his chair with a face that carried a mix of laziness and authority—it was Century Construction's Vice General Manager Wang Ye!

The two executives were attending the meeting!

Wu Qiuyan's heart jolted.

Li Mingtong hadn't given her a heads-up!

"Where were you up to in your meeting?" Wang Ye asked, sounding utterly indifferent.

His voice was slightly hoarse, his delivery neither hurried nor slow, but his aura, even more formidable than Shang Wenshu's!

Typically, when both the company's top leaders attend a meeting, the vice general manager speaks first—clearly, this was an overstep.

However, Wang Ye didn't care.

It seemed neither did Shang Wenshu.

"Mr. Shang, Mrs. Wang, we are about to hear from the last department, the Promotion Department," Chen Daya quickly responded, "Promotion is our most critical task at this stage, so we scheduled it last!"

"Since it's the most important department, then the promotional work must be very well prepared, right?"

Wang Ye said languidly, drumming his fingers on his desk.

Chen Daya didn't dare to answer and instinctively glanced at Li Mingtong across from him.

The Promotion Department was under Li Mingtong's charge, and as to the actual situation, Chen Daya truly didn't dare to vouch for it.

"Mrs. Wang, all aspects of our project involve Manager Chen overseeing personally; I believe that under his leadership, the promotional work will certainly have no issues!"

Li Mingtong suddenly spoke up, unusually distancing himself and elevating Chen Daya to an unaccustomed height.

Chen Daya furrowed his brows.

Li Mingtong was behaving oddly today!

Vice General Manager Wang Ye's sudden participation in the meeting—this wasn't some kind of setup, was it?

They couldn't possibly be looking to sacrifice the Promotion Department to get at me, could they?

Chen Daya discreetly looked to Shang Wenshu, but alas, with everyone watching, it was impossible for Shang Wenshu to signal anything to Chen Daya.

The unease in Chen Daya's heart grew stronger.

"Mrs. Wang, the promotional work has actually always been handled by Vice Manager Li," Chen Daya steeled himself, intending to bring Li Mingtong into the line of fire.

"I'm just a vice manager—the one in charge is still you, Manager Chen, so don't be modest!" Li Mingtong countered with a chuckle, kicking the ball back.

Chen Daya opened his mouth to speak again.

"Alright, alright, Chen Daya, you're the overall project leader; if anything goes wrong, I'll be coming to you first! Teles Square is a core project of Century Construction, and we cannot afford any mishaps!" Wang Ye's gaze sharpened.

"Ability aside, if you lack this much ownership, then what use are you as a leader!" Wang Ye seemed to glance at Shang Wenshu.

Chen Daya couldn't help but swallow.

Today's developments were turning sour!

They were likely to exploit the situation!

"Mrs. Wang, isn't uncovering issues a good thing?" Shang Wenshu finally spoke up, "Like Chen Daya, he has been finding and solving problems these past days; that's precisely the kind of leader we need."

Shang Wenshu was advocating for Chen Daya.

"But when problems arise, leaders can't shirk responsibility!" retorted Wang Ye, not conceding any ground.

"Fine, let's listen to the report first, then discuss," Shang Wenshu didn't continue to argue with Wang Ye.

Deep within his calm gaze, a hint of unusual brilliance was faintly discernible.

The next to report was the Promotion Department.

Bai Xiaosheng was in the Promotion Department!

If Wang Ye was looking for a pretext to make a move...

Shang Wenshu was beginning to feel a tinge of anticipation!

Wang, Song, Yezi, and Bai Xiaosheng, one after another, walked into the large conference room.

As soon as they entered, they sensed that the atmosphere was amiss. Chen Daya, Li Mingtong, Wu Qiuyan—all the department heads were eyeing them. Not only that, but two portraits were also displayed on the big screen of the projector.

General Manager Shang Wenshu, Vice General Manager Wang Ye!

The expressions on Wang and the other two's faces changed instantly.

Although Bai Xiaosheng had not met Wang Ye, he guessed his identity immediately.

"Both of our leaders are busy, and time is pressing, let's start," Chen Daya said brusquely.

Fortune or misfortune, instead of enduring such torment, better to face the music!

"Wu Qiuyan, let your department report first!"

All eyes converged on Wu Qiuyan.

At this moment, Wu Qiuyan no longer had her previous arrogance. Under the scrutiny of the senior leaders, she was also very cautious.

"Bai Xiaosheng, you speak!" Wu Qiuyan called on him.

All eyes then turned towards Bai Xiaosheng.

"A new man?!" Wang Ye chuckled.

He knew. Bai Xiaosheng was brought in by Shang Wenshu, and his identity also piqued Wang Ye's interest.

Li Mingtong was restless, full of expectation.

Today, they only needed an excuse, and Chen Daya could forget about being the project manager! Even if the excuse came from this newcomer, it would do the trick!

Shang Wenshu's gaze was profound.

Chen Daya's face was tense.

Li Mingtong, Wu Qiuyan, as well as Wang, Song, Yezi—everyone's expressions were solemn.

This was no longer a simple report. Everyone could feel the heavy, oppressive atmosphere—the calm before the storm.

Perhaps, a change was about to come to Teles Square today!

In the eye of the storm, Bai Xiaosheng was considerably calm and composed compared to the others.

The matter didn't concern him. He felt no pressure, and likewise, he lacked the passion and motivation to perform.

"Let's begin!" Chen Daya said, steeling his heart.

"Let's begin!" Li Mingtong couldn't help but urge.

Anxious, nervous, uncertain, expectant—various gazes came together, focusing on Bai Xiaosheng.

"Ding dong!" Suddenly, a prompt tone rang in Bai Xiaosheng's mind.

"Participating in the report of an important project by a subsidiary of the group, affecting personnel decisions, the preliminary judgement is obtaining points between five and fifteen depending on the performance,"

The calm voice of Red Lotus suddenly sounded.

Bai Xiaosheng's tranquil eyes finally began to brighten, no longer subdued, like a spark being lit.

Previously, it wasn't his concern, but now it was different!

It was about points, about Bai Xiaosheng's future, his goals, his unwavering efforts!

Five to fifteen points!

Now, after completing data searches and organization, Bai Xiaosheng had already amassed more than thirty-seven points.

Should he gain fifteen points, his progress towards a managerial position would be more than half complete!

Bai Xiaosheng was suddenly full of vigor.

"Let's begin!"

That was the voice in Bai Xiaosheng's heart, speaking to himself!