Chapter 20 Truly a Monster_1

All the equipment, the technical department had already adjusted.

Bai Xiaosheng was to report and needed to use the projector, so a technician pushed a laptop over to him.

Bai Xiaosheng brought a USB drive, inserted it into the computer, and operated it step by step.

The entire meeting room was dead silent as everyone waited in the silence.

Wang, Song, and Yezi, the three of them had ugly looks on their faces. So-called work progress was nearly at zero!

It was Bai Xiaosheng who came, and only started recently, in just these two days, how much could one person do!

Even if he worked late every night, how much more could he achieve!

The workload was truly enormous, and the power of one person was far too small.

And this time, for the report, both bosses were personally listening to the report!

It was like rain pouring into a leaking house!

Wang and the others were on pins and needles, such an uncomfortable feeling.

Wu Qiuyan's complexion also turned somewhat pale.

This sort of thing, Li Mingtong should have informed her beforehand.

But he hadn't!

Was Li Mingtong really willing to sacrifice her and the Promotion Department to bring down Chen Daya? Wu Qiuyan slightly lowered her head, biting her lower lip.

Chen Daya saw the expressions on the faces of the Promotion Department people, and his heart felt as if it had turned to ash!

Li Mingtong's excitement was already overflowing!

While everyone's expression varied, Bai Xiaosheng was ready.

"These are the materials we've collected and summarized," Bai Xiaosheng opened a Word document, the font as small as sesame seeds, but the rows were neatly arranged.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, I reduced the font to adjust the page layout," Bai Xiaosheng scrolled the mouse, dragging it all the way to the bottom.

It was over a dozen pages long.

"Nonsense, is this the material you've produced! With each line so short, barely over a dozen pages, is this even fifty thousand words!" Li Mingtong, unable to contain his impatience, slammed the table and shouted.

Seizing the opportunity to cause trouble, Li Mingtong couldn't wait any longer.

Chen Daya's complexion turned deathly pale, and he didn't make a sound.

"Of course, it's not fifty thousand words, it's just over thirty thousand words," Bai Xiaosheng glanced at Li Mingtong.

"Only thirty thousand words?"

"Is the Promotion Department joking?"

"Exactly, it's way too less!"

The managers of the various departments immediately started discussing.

"How could there be so little!" Wang Ye's face darkened.

"This is the table of contents," Bai Xiaosheng responded flatly.

The table of contents?

The murmuring stopped abruptly, and the managers looked shocked.

Just the table of contents, and it was over thirty thousand words!

Many people gasped, Li Mingtong looked completely astonished, unable to stop himself from glancing at Wu Qiuyan.

Wu Qiuyan was also shocked.

Where did this table of contents come from?

As Bai Xiaosheng enlarged the font, everyone could clearly see it.

The layout was tidy, the entries clear, the numbering explicit.

This was indeed a table of contents.

However, if just the table of contents was this detailed, then the content must be...

Wang Ye slightly frowned, this seemed different from what Li Mingtong had described.

Wasn't it said that nothing had been done?

Li Mingtong also couldn't help but glance at Wu Qiuyan.

Wasn't it said that nothing had been done?

"Where is the content?" Wang Ye asked in a deep voice.

"Right, where is the content!" Li Mingtong couldn't help but blurt out.

They couldn't be fooled by just a table of contents!

Wang, Song, and Yezi became nervous again, Bai Xiaosheng's table of contents had surprised them, but if Bai Xiaosheng took the time to create this, no time was left to work on the content!

"With this table of contents, I can explain more clearly," Bai Xiaosheng explained.

"We want to see the content!" Li Mingtong was energized.

It was all a bluff!

Bai Xiaosheng shrugged, closed the table of contents, and opened another document.

Everyone held their breath in anticipation.

However, for a long time, that document showed no response at all.

"Why isn't it moving?"

"Could it be broken?"

"I think, there might be nothing at all, right?"

Department heads began murmuring among themselves again.

"Tech department, go check it out!" Chen Daya couldn't help but shout.

"A broken document is no different from not having done anything!" Li Mingtong said.

"Hmm, that makes sense," Wang Ye nodded.

"Mrs. Wang, don't worry just yet!" Shang Wenshu spoke up, "We've already been waiting so long, does it matter if we wait a bit more?"

This statement had a double meaning.

Wang Ye's eyes flashed, and she chuckled.

The two CEOs said no more.

The tech manager fiddled with the laptop with a troubled expression, "This laptop seems to have too low specs; the document is too large!"

"Tech department, go, bring me the best laptop there is!" Chen Daya yelled, "No, bring over my new one, quick!"

The tech manager ran out and soon returned, sweating profusely, and handed Chen Daya's computer to Bai Xiaosheng to switch out.

The document finally responded.

Dense black typeface was projected onto the screen, tiny as sesame seeds, and among the swathes of text were interspersed charts and images.

With such vast content, it was no wonder it wouldn't open!

Bai Xiaosheng zoomed in on the page.

"Segments are clear, rich in graphics and text, page numbers are precise, and there are even source links for verification," Chen Daya couldn't help but tremble, feeling an urge to cry!

It was too beautiful!

Wang, Song, and Yezi stared straight at the screen, unable to utter a word.

Wu Qiuyan's eyes filled with disbelief; if she didn't distinctly remember the framework and outline, she would have thought Bai Xiaosheng copied content from several books to pad it out.

Three days, he only spent three days, all by himself!

Was it even possible?

Was he still human? A monster!

Wu Qiuyan started trembling.

This couldn't possibly be the work of one person; he must have had an entire team behind him!

Wu Qiuyan was convinced.

It must have been Shang Wenshu who assembled a team of several people behind the scenes!

"I will now give a brief explanation of these materials, which are divided into five main categories and thirteen subcategories: text, data, charts, images, and audio. The audio isn't here. The thirteen subcategories are...," Bai Xiaosheng pointed with a laser pen at the projection, speaking fluently and unhurriedly.

His voice was clear, his diction precise, and he spoke neither too fast nor too slow.

For a full hour, the meeting room was silent as a graveyard!

Bai Xiaosheng had finished.

"Does any of the leaders have questions? You can ask me," he said.

No one spoke.

Just listening to this material was enough to make everyone dizzy, let alone have any questions.

Bai Xiaosheng looked around at everyone regretfully; if someone had asked a question, maybe he would have scored even higher.

"Really no questions? You leaders have worked on projects longer than I have!" Bai Xiaosheng looked around encouragingly with his eyes.

The various department heads immediately looked down.

What immense effort must the marketing department have put in to gather and organize materials to such a perverse extent!

The department heads couldn't help but steal glances at Wu Qiuyan.

What was going on?

Li Mingtong's eyes were practically shooting fire.

Wu Qiuyan felt like crying but had no tears.

On the other hand, Shang Wenshu's eyes shone with excitement.

Bai Xiaosheng!

Initially, he wasn't concerned about this young auditor's abilities, only his background; however, now Bai Xiaosheng's performance profoundly shocked him.

If you told him the promotion department had created today's presentation, Shang Wenshu wouldn't believe it. He knew some of the facts; the only possibility...

Was that Bai Xiaosheng had done it!

To achieve this in just a few days was beyond the scope of mere talent!

It was monstrous!

Shang Wenshu was filled with astonishment and admiration.

"Ding-dong, task goal achieved, reward of twelve points, current total, forty-nine points," a voice suddenly echoed in Bai Xiaosheng's mind — it was Red Lotus.

Only twelve points? Bai Xiaosheng was somewhat dissatisfied.

He had been looking forward to a full score within the five to fifteen point evaluation range, but it seemed scoring wasn't so easy!

At this moment, Wang Ye's face darkened.

This wasn't what he had planned!

But if he chose to create trouble, who could stop him?

Wang Ye's gaze was cold.

"Is this your achievement, marketing department?" Wang Ye suddenly asked harshly, "Is this what you want to show me, a compilation of material? It's utterly disappointing!"