Chapter 268: Lin Weiwei's Rejection_1

People change with their environment.

A city beauty, once becoming a housewife, may lose her luster in a month or so, turning into an ordinary woman. Her former admirers would no longer find her as sexy or charming.

An ordinary female employee, who might have seemed merely delicate in the eyes of others, can suddenly shine differently once she takes on a prominent position, excels in her work, and earns recognition, appreciation, praise, and even respect from everyone.

A new hairstyle, a change of clothes, can transform someone dramatically.

Lin Weiwei was such a woman.

Before, she was at most innocently pretty.

Now, in just a short two weeks, she had undergone a tremendous transformation.

Her entire demeanor was refreshed and, with a touch of makeup, her innocence was complemented by a professional sharpness, along with a fresh and lively vigor. Such beauty was enough to ensnare men, rendering them utterly captivated.