Chapter 269 Take Care, I Won't See You Out_1

Lin Weiwei's words almost choked Lin Beichen to death.

She likes to be just an assistant, therefore, she wouldn't take the position of deputy director! The assistant position that Bai Xiaosheng offered you is golden!

Lin Beichen couldn't help but wanted to ask the question.

This Lin Weiwei is just too ungrateful!

Facing Lin Weiwei's refusal, Chen Changqing was also stunned, a trace of surprise flashing across his eyes.

However, he quickly regained his composure, his face still wearing a gentle smile.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, my invitation always stands!" Chen Changqing said to Lin Weiwei earnestly.

"You have your persistence, and I have my choices!" Lin Weiwei, always known for her etiquette, rejected the offer for the first time with a hint of firmness.

This time, not only did Lin Beichen's face look somewhat ugly, but Chen Changqing's smile also sank a bit.

What kind of magic soup did Bai Xiaosheng use to make such a beautiful and capable woman so devoted here?