Chapter 0001: Recruiting Handsome Men

Looking at the train station in front of me, which fifteen years ago was still a mud-walled shack, had become a three-story luxury waiting hall now, Chu Nan felt rather reflective.

He patted his shrunken pockets and couldn't help but curse under his breath. Old buddy, did you really have to freeze his bank card?

His journey hadn't been easy; he was almost reduced to begging.

"Hello, handsome, do you know how to get to Ming City University?"

Chu Nan decided to walk to his destination.

"Are you sick?"

The little boy he had asked was startled by Chu Nan, hurriedly dodged, and ran away as if he had wheels on his heels.

"Little girl, do you know where Ming City University is?"

Chu Nan paused, then approached another seemingly innocent little girl.

"Wah, wah, wah, mommy, a creepy uncle is talking to me, so scary..."

The little girl ran away.

"You damn drifter, why scare my child!"

A furious mother stormed out and started berating Chu Nan.


Chu Nan was at a loss for words. Sure, his clothes were a bit tattered, but who wouldn't look the worse for wear after making such a long trip from an island near the Middle East?

It wasn't like he had become a drifter.

With no other choice, Chu Nan had to stand there, looking around to see if there was a police officer passing by…

"Handsome, handsome, calling for a handsome guy..."

Mengmeng had been running around all day. Her feet were blistered from the effort, and yet she hadn't found a suitable candidate. Suddenly, she stopped about a yard in front of Chu Nan and blinked, "Eh?"

Chu Nan had also seen Mengmeng, but he didn't know what this beautiful girl wanted and didn't dare to strike up a conversation carelessly.

Mengmeng was about 5'5" tall, with a well-toned and shapely figure, her curves full where they should be, and harmonious elsewhere, resembling a yoga instructor from a fitness center.

Some girls may have gorgeous figures but plain faces, however, Mengmeng was an exception; her delicate face framed by shallow dimples, sparkling eyes blinking, one could even mistake her lashes for fake, if not looked closely.

The girl's skin wasn't very fair, but it had a healthy wheatish tan, showing she was a woman who enjoyed sports.

"Hey, you..."

Mengmeng looked at Chu Nan, somewhat unsure.

"I... Please speak!"

Chu Nan never expected someone to finally talk to him, and voluntarily at that; he was instantly ecstatic!

The fact that Mengmeng had an off-the-charts appearance was already ignored by him.

"You seem quite polite and genteel!"

Mengmeng sized Chu Nan up and down and then asked, "Are you here in the city for work?"

"For work?"

Chu Nan was taken aback at first but then realized what she was implying and nodded, "Yes, I am here for work, may I ask..."

Chu Nan didn't feel like explaining his situation. After all, he didn't look any different from the construction workers at the moment. He'd better ask for directions to Ming City University quickly.

"Haha, you're looking for a job, right?"

Before Chu Nan could finish, Mengmeng immediately said, "That's right, I'm actually hiring right now, are you interested?"

"I... actually wanted to ask..."

Chu Nan quickly said.

"Actually what? You're not looking for a job? Then never mind, don't waste my time!"

Li Mengmeng was about to leave after finishing her words.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Chu Nan panicked, finally having someone to talk to; he couldn't let her leave just like that, "I wanted to ask about the salary and benefits!"

In a split second, Chu Nan also thought that his current state was too embarrassing, wasn't it?

The matter he had to deal with was significant, calling off an engagement, the first time in his life, and possibly the only time—no way he could disgrace his master, that old man!

Since he could find a job and earn some money to dress more decently before breaking off the engagement, that would be better.

"You should have said so earlier!"

Li Mengmeng turned back, patting the chest that almost left Chu Nan's vision spinning, "The salary will definitely be no problem. Do I look like someone who lacks money?"

"Not at all."

Chu Nan nodded.

"But let me take a good look at you first."

Li Mengmeng then reached out and started to touch Chu Nan's face.

Chu Nan was startled, "What are you doing? You're pretty, but... just touching me and not letting me touch you, that's a huge loss for me!"

"Pfft, you're quite funny!"

Li Mengmeng laughed, casually fiddling with Chu Nan's hair and adjusting his face, surprised, "Wow, the loss is mine for discovering you first. If some talent scout saw you, then it would be none of my business!"

"What talent scout?"

Chu Nan realized something was amiss. What was this beautiful woman up to?

After feeling him up and saying strange things like that, she couldn't be offering some special service, could she? Taking him to be a male escort?

"It's nothing. You've got good looks, and there are muscles too. You must have done a lot of farm work at home, right?"

Li Mengmeng even gave Chu Nan's pectorals a pat as she spoke.

"Not bad..."

Chu Nan grinned, thinking to himself that her pecs were... not bad either.

"Come with me!"

Li Mengmeng walked ahead.

Chu Nan hesitated but followed anyway; he was penniless and had nothing to lose. If she really took him to be a male escort, he could always snatch some money and run.

However, Li Mengmeng didn't take Chu Nan to any nightclub or the like but to a café across from the bus station, where they weaved through to a private room.

Li Mengmeng knocked on the door, then turned to Chu Nan and said, "I'm taking you to see the big boss. Put on a good show, and you'll get the job, with a salary you'll definitely be happy with!"

"Oh, sure..."

Chu Nan thought to himself that this was odd, meeting the big boss in a café, as if they were doing some underground work.

"Come in."

To Chu Nan's surprise, a voice as pleasant as a lark's song came from the room; he had thought the big boss would be a man.

Li Mengmeng pushed the door open and called out loud and proud, "Ming Yue, I've got some good news for you! Check out this match I found for you—aren't you satisfied?"



Chu Nan was instantly stunned, staring blankly at the youthful and beautiful girl in the room, called the big boss!

The girl named Ming Yue examined Chu Nan from head to toe, her brow slightly furrowing upon seeing his attire.

When she saw his face, her brow relaxed a bit, but she gave Li Mengmeng an annoyed glance, saying, "Mengmeng, you fan girl, can you even handle this? He may look handsome, but look at his clothes, he's like a migrant worker fresh in the city! It's not that I look down on him, but this matter is too important. What if he messes up the act?"

Though the girl in the private room was very pretty and exuded a classical beauty, for some reason, she made Chu Nan feel she was very aloof and hard to approach!