Chapter 0002 Iceberg Boss

Based on Chu Nan's judgment, she must be an ice queen beauty, not as easy-going as Li Mengmeng.

But Li Mengmeng leaned in to whisper in Ming Yue's ear with a giggle,

"Aiyah, Sister Ming Yue, don't be so picky. It's good enough that I managed to find someone for you in such a rush! First it was the job market, then the train station, and it was so hard to find someone who fits the criteria! You have no idea, the rest of them were so weird-looking it was unbearable to watch!"

"Then couldn't you find someone with a higher education level? Why did you have to choose a laborer?"

Ming Yue asked, somewhat perplexed.

"Sister Ming Yue, do you really expect me to bring you a highly educated talent? What if he finds out your identity and wants to turn the fake into reality by clinging to you? These kinds of migrant workers haven't seen much of the world; you can easily send them off with some money without causing any trouble!"

Li Mengmeng reminded her in a low voice.

Ming Yue thought about it, Li Mengmeng had a point and glanced at her sideways, "You're not using this as an excuse to keep a handsome guy around for yourself, are you?"

Li Mengmeng laughed out loud, "How could I? I'm completely thinking on behalf of Sister Ming Yue. With a transcendent beauty like Sister Ming Yue, who's as pure as snow, we've got to find a suitable heartthrob, right? Otherwise, no one would believe he's with you were we to go out!"

Ming Yue couldn't help but nod with a wry smile, "You make sense. Tell him what needs to be done, and also discuss the salary with him."

"Sister Ming Yue, why don't you speak to him directly?"

Li Mengmeng said with a smile.

Ming Yue coughed and replied, "Since you found him, it's your responsibility to explain the details."

It wasn't that she didn't want to speak; she was just too embarrassed to do so.

Li Mengmeng, on the other hand, had no such qualms. She sat down opposite Chu Nan, casually opened a bottle of juice, and asked, "Want some?"

Chu Nan, who had been thirsty and hungry on the way, lit up at the sight of the juice and was just about to reach for it.

But he didn't expect Li Mengmeng to pull back her hand, then tilted her head back and gulped it down, looking quite pleased with herself as she sighed "ahh".

Chu Nan was torn between laughter and tears. With his ability, he could have snatched it easily, but he didn't want to quibble with a young girl, especially since he was going to depend on her to make money in the short term.

"Mmm, that's refreshing. Listen up, I'm your beautiful boss now, ah... wait, the second beautiful boss. The number one beauty boss is sitting right over there."

After finishing the juice, Li Mengmeng continued, "Your job will be to become the boyfriend of the number one beauty boss!"


Chu Nan's eyes widened.

"Cough cough!"

Ming Yue was a bit embarrassed at this point too, and with a flushed face said, "Mengmeng, you should make things clearer!"

"Haha, it's just pretend, not for real!"

Li Mengmeng said with a laugh.

"Oh, pretend, I see!"

Chu Nan to himself almost died of shock, I was about to cancel an engagement, and now you're finding me a girlfriend, aren't you setting me up! But pretending is no problem. Although the situation was unexpected, Chu Nan had seen many dramas and knew city folks love to play such games.

Forced marriage by parents, renting a boyfriend or girlfriend to go home for the New Year, these aren't uncommon in big cities.

He guessed this ice queen beauty probably had high standards and couldn't find a satisfactory boyfriend in time, so she settled for a fake one to appease her family!

Chu Nan didn't think much of it. After all, jobs like these usually pay well and aren't too taxing.

Li Mengmeng looked at Chu Nan's calm demeanor with some surprise, "Such a great opportunity fell into your lap out of the blue, why aren't you happy?"

"There's nothing to be happy about pretending," Chu Nan replied.

Chu Nan was speechless.

"I didn't see it coming, but you have quite a good understanding, don't you think, Ming Yue? I didn't choose the wrong person, did I? Look at him, he's already showing a lot of awareness!"

Li Mengmeng was startled and then burst into loud laughter.

Ming Yue nodded without saying much, and Li Mengmeng continued, "Your job for the next while is to be on call. When called upon, you do what you're told, however you're told to do it. Understand?"

"Understood, but what do I do when you're not calling me?"

Chu Nan asked.

"When you're not called, you can do whatever you like! Consider it a holiday, isn't that great?"

Li Mengmeng said proudly, "Isn't this job good?"

"Pretty good..."

Chu Nan reached into his pockets and turned them inside out, saying, "Then, could you give me some advanced payment? Look..."


Li Mengmeng suddenly burst into laughter and said to Ming Yue, "Look at him, a total pauper! If I hadn't scooped him out of the sea of people in the nick of time to become your fake boyfriend, he may have starved to death by now!"

Chu Nan immediately felt a wave of frustration. Even if times were tough, he wouldn't starve to death, right?

Ming Yue didn't respond to the joke but coughed twice and took out a prepared bank card from her pocket, placing it on the table: "This job pays per occasion. I will pay you ten thousand yuan for each time I use you. This card contains the advance payment for two occasions, a total of twenty thousand yuan."

Ten thousand for one occasion? It feels almost like being a duck!

Chu Nan was surprised, though. Ten thousand yuan just to pretend to be a boyfriend for one occasion—that's a high salary!

He genuinely couldn't understand what these rich girls were thinking. They really knew how to play!

But it wasn't his concern. Taking the card, he nodded and said, "Then I'll be on my way."

"Wait a minute, how will I find you after you leave?"

Li Mengmeng quickly called out to Chu Nan: "What's your name? Show me your ID card!"

"Choo Nan, I don't have an ID card. Will a passport do?"

Chu Nan said.

"Choo Nan? Hahaha!"

Li Mengmeng burst into laughter upon hearing this: "That's such a funny name. A passport? Don't joke, if you don't have an ID card, then you don't. Are you undocumented? I've heard lots of people in the countryside don't have documentation, but it doesn't matter. I trust you. Just give me your mobile number!"

"It's not Choo Nan, it's Chu Nan. I haven't bought a mobile phone yet, so why don't you gift me one? Then you'll be able to contact me anytime."

Chu Nan said with an exasperated expression.

If this had been in the past, Chu Nan wouldn't have cared about the cost of a phone, but now he needed to save every penny he could.

Ming Yue glanced at Chu Nan, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Mengmeng, take him to buy a phone, and get him some clothes as well. I've decided to trust him this once; he doesn't seem like a scammer."

"I don't think he looks like one either."

Li Mengmeng said.

"You're infatuated."

Ming Yue stood up, walked quickly out of the private room, "I have to go back to the company. Once you're done here, come find me at the company!"

"Don't worry, Ming Yue!"

Li Mengmeng replied with a smile and then took Chu Nan to buy a mobile phone.