Chapter 0012 Brother Leong Arrives

They quickly arrived at the school's security office. As they approached the door, Mashouzi suddenly became nervous, took a deep breath, and then carefully knocked on the door. Soon, a man's voice from inside said, "Come in!"

"Hehe, hello, Chief Zhou, right? I was referred by Third Master... No, no, I mean by Uncle Zhou. I'm here to help a friend with some auditing student paperwork!"

Mashouzi immediately squeezed out a beaming smile, opened the door respectfully, and handed over a slip of paper.

"Ma Wenpu, why is it you, kid?"

Chief Zhou seemed a bit surprised as he glanced at the slip on his desk.

He had originally thought it was a school teacher knocking on the door since it was rare for students to come to him so early in the morning. What caught him off-guard was the entrance of such a spiky youth!

Chu Nan also followed Mashouzi into the office and was somewhat astonished as he surveyed Chief Zhou, feeling that the middle-aged man looked quite familiar.

However, he quickly remembered that this Chief Zhou was none other than Lin Xuerou's father, whom Zhou Yuanyuan had mentioned!

"Hehe, Chief Zhou, I'm sorry for bothering you so early in the morning!"

Mashouzi tried to keep his smile as he said in a low voice, "About these auditing student procedures—"

"Enough, don't try to butter me up here. Since Uncle Zhou wrote a note, that means he's already reviewed it and there's no problem."

Chief Zhou was a bit impatient as he waved his hand, glanced at Chu Nan, and then opened a drawer to pull out a form and began filling it out quickly.

Upon hearing this, Mashouzi's face lit up with joy, and he reached into his chest pocket, ready to take out a pack of cigarettes to express his gratitude.

"And, Ma Wenpu, you better be careful in the future!"

Before Mashouzi could take out his cigarettes, Chief Zhou suddenly glared at him and said sternly, "Don't think I'm unaware of your little black market operation in the school dormitory. If it weren't for a heads-up from Third Master, I would've shut down your shop long ago!"

"Yes, yes, I'll be careful from now on!"

Mashouzi awkwardly withdrew his hand from his chest and discreetly winked at Chu Nan. As soon as Chief Zhou finished writing, Mashouzi quickly took the document, making sure to bow in gratitude: "Thank you, Chief Zhou! I'll take him to the student office to get the stamp right now."

"Mhm, go ahead!"

Chief Zhou replied, and as the two turned to leave, he suddenly spoke again, "Wait a moment!"

The two turned back around, and Chief Zhou gave them a cold warning, "You both better behave. If you dare cause any trouble in the school, having Third Master's backing won't help you. I have ways to deal with you! Do you understand?"

"Of course, of course!"

Mashouzi gave a sheepish smile, laughing it off while dragging Chu Nan out of the office and hurried to the student office for the stamp.

With Chief Zhou's signature, Chu Nan wasn't hassled at the student office and managed to get the auditing procedures done quickly.

By the time the two came out, it was already past nine o'clock, and half of the first big class had elapsed. Fortunately, the political thought class was during the second period, so it didn't interfere with their schedule.

Mashouzi simply took Chu Nan to the lecture hall early. At that moment, the classroom wasn't very crowded, with just a few students scattered about, studying on their own.

Mashouzi suggested sitting in the last row, and since Chu Nan wasn't there to attend the class anyway, the two agreed in unison and sat down in a corner at the back.

It wasn't long before Lin Xuerou also hurried into the classroom, carrying her backpack and heading straight to a seat on the other side of the last row, as if she was very familiar with the place.

As soon as Lin Xuerou sat down, she busied herself with opening her books, not even noticing the presence of Chu Nan and Mashouzi.

"Xuerou, slow down!"

Just then, a familiar female voice came from the doorway, "It's not like it's an important class, why are you so eager?"

Chu Nan and Mashouzi turned to look, only to see Zhou Yuanyuan bounding in with a pile of snacks so big that it almost completely obscured her vision.

She carefully stepped up the stairs and sat down next to Lin Xuerou.

"Isn't this girl exaggerating a bit? Is she here for class or a feast? She actually brought so many snacks; are you even allowed to eat in class these days?"

Chu Nan asked in astonishment.

In his mind, university classrooms should be very solemn places.

"Oh my goodness, of course, you can!"

Mashouzi slapped his thigh, saying enthusiastically, "I wish she brought even more snacks! The teacher doesn't care anyway, look, all those snacks in her hands are the ones I sold her yesterday. I hope she finishes them all in class so I can sell her more goods!"

"How do you know they're your goods? You didn't deliver them last night."

Now Chu Nan was puzzled, wondering if Mashouzi had some sort of special ability.

Or had he marked the snacks in some way that he could tell at a glance?

"Heh, you don't know? That banana milk she's drinking is only available for hundreds of miles around at our Ma's Department Store, a product exclusively distributed by me. How could I mistake it?"

Mashouzi pointed at the snacks in Zhou Yuanyuan's hands, boasting smugly.

As the two whispered about Zhou Yuanyuan, she felt the gaze from not far away and turned her head. She caught sight of Chu Nan and Mashouzi.

"Huh? What a coincidence!"

Zhou Yuanyuan immediately stood up, waved at Chu Nan, and cheerfully called out, "Hello, handsome delivery guy, you have class here too? Then from now on we're classmates! Take care of me, will you!"

"Yuanyuan, who are you waving to?"

As Lin Xuerou heard the voice, she turned to look, but when her eyes met Chu Nan's, she suddenly panicked, quickly grabbed Zhou Yuanyuan to sit down, and said anxiously in a low voice, "Yuanyuan, haven't I told you? That guy's just a thug from the streets. I can't avoid him fast enough, and you're saying hello?"

Oh, I just realised that they're in the same class as us. If I get to know them now, I might even get a discount next time I buy something."

Zhou Yuanyuan said nonchalantly, taking a sip of her banana milk and licking her lips.

"Why don't you listen? They are not good people. Just look closely, are these snacks fake, inferior knock-offs? It would be troublesome if you got sick from eating them!"

Lin Xuerou shook her head, recalling yesterday's shrimp sticks, and said with a serious face.

"Out of the way, out of the way! Don't you see Brother Leong coming? Still blocking the way, are you blind?"

Zhou Yuanyuan hadn't even had a chance to reply when a commotion came from outside the door, followed by Chen Youliang swaggering into the classroom surrounded by a group of lackeys.

After entering, Chen Youliang scanned every person in the classroom with his gaze. When he spotted Lin Xuerou in the back row, his pupils dilated and he immediately scurried over.