Chapter 0013: Compensate Me

Upon reaching Lin Xuerou, Chen Youliang presented a smile he considered gentlemanly and spoke with extreme tenderness:

"Xuerou, you forgot to take the things you bought yesterday. I was worried you'd need them urgently, so I brought them over early in the morning especially for you!"

After speaking, Chen Youliang snapped his fingers, and a lackey immediately stepped forward, placing a plastic bag on Lin Xuerou's desk with great reverence.

Then he turned and, with the other lackeys, seized some seats, leaving the spotlight for Chen Youliang to bask in.

"Ah... Thank you."

Lin Xuerou carefully avoided looking at Chen Youliang. However, when she saw the bag on the desk, she felt something was amiss; she didn't remember buying that much, did she?

In addition to toilet paper and detergent, there seemed to be a lot of imported snacks that weren't her purchase, prompting Lin Xuerou to frown, "This... You must have grabbed the wrong bag? I didn't buy this much."

"Heh, no mistake, these snacks are gifts from me, all imported products I brought back from abroad, hundreds of times tastier than the junk food from the school's black market! Give them a try!"

Chen Youliang was inwardly pleased, but he still tried to maintain an air of nonchalance on the surface.

"This... I shouldn't... Actually, I don't seem to take well to foreign foods, so thank you for the thought..."

Lin Xuerou, a bit intimidated by Chen Youliang, was speaking almost incoherently.

She quickly extracted the toilet paper and detergent she had bought from the bag and then pushed all the other items back to Chen Youliang, bowing her head and nervously continuing with her reading.

"Don't be like that, Xuerou. Chen Youliang went to the trouble of bringing all these delicious treats, how can we let them go to waste? Since you don't want them, I'll reluctantly... oh no, I mean, I'll accept them!"

Zhou Yuanyuan's eyes were glued to the bag of snacks, shining with eagerness. Seeing Lin Xuerou decline, she snatched them up with lightning speed and stuffed them into her desk.

"Hehe, no problem, enjoy them together! If it's not enough, remember to ask me for more, I have plenty more imported snacks!"

The corners of Chen Youliang's mouth twitched as he forced a smile and thought, What's with Zhou Yuanyuan acting all high and mighty?

If it weren't for the fact that you share a dorm with Lin Xuerou, I would've slapped you to death already!

Don't think just because your dad is the head of the security department, that I'm afraid of you!

As Chen Youliang was pondering how to continue getting close, a lackey ran over, tapped his shoulder, and whispered, "Brother Leong, someone has taken our seats, do you want to check it out..."

"Look what, you idiot? Can't you drive them away yourself? Must you interrupt me while I'm talking to Lin the school belle?"

Annoyed at being interrupted, Chen Youliang glared at the lackey, scolded him a few times, and, not bothering to deal with him any further, turned his attention back to Lin Xuerou.

Because of the loudness of Chen Youliang's voice, the other students in the classroom heard him and adopted a posture eager to watch the drama unfold, curious as to how the two clueless guys in the corner would get beaten.

Students who frequently attended political education classes knew that the back row of the amphitheater classroom was Chen Youliang's and his underlings' fixed spot; only Lin Xuerou and Zhou Yuanyuan might be allowed to sit there occasionally, but no one else dared to even think about it!

Who would have thought that today, someone would have the gall to blatantly occupy them? Were they seeking death?

Having been scolded for no reason, the lackey nodded reluctantly, then walked away, fuming, to knock on Chu Nan's desk and angrily said, "Did you hear that? Brother Leong said you should leave, so get lost fast!"

"Yes, yes, yes, we're leaving right now!"

Mashouzi got a fright. Normally he was busy managing the supermarket and hardly ever attended classes. Today, he was just accompanying Chu Nan, and upon hearing his underling speak, he remembered the unwritten rules of the amphitheater classroom.

In a bit of a panic, Mashouzi stood up quickly and pushed Chu Nan, hoping he'd leave quickly too. But before he could even speak, Chu Nan sprang to his feet with a "whoosh!"

"Wow, you're quite sharp!"

Mashouzi exclaimed in admiration, thinking the kid was quick on the uptake and knew who the smart ones were!

Before Mashouzi could finish his sentence, he saw Chu Nan leave his seat and stride directly toward Chen Youliang.

"Hey, compensate me for the bike repairs!"

Chu Nan walked up behind Chen Youliang, tapped him on the shoulder, and said loudly.

In fact, as soon as Chen Youliang had entered the classroom, Chu Nan spotted him and thought to himself that he was in luck. He had been worried about where to find the guy and here he was running into him by chance. It looked like the bike that broke yesterday was finally getting repaired!

"Compensate for what bike? You're out of your damn mind, who the hell are you?"

Chen Youliang had been trying to hit on Lin Xuerou and was annoyed at being interrupted again. He turned around and cursed angrily.

But upon closer inspection, Chen Youliang suddenly realized that this was the same little bastard who had kicked him the previous night.

Chen Youliang was instantly delighted. Damn it, he'd been outnumbered and couldn't beat him yesterday; today all his underlings were here, and he was going to rough him up good: "Hahaha! Kid, I've finally found you!"

"Oh? So you feel guilty and want to find me to pay for the bike repairs? That's pretty decent of you. Fine, just cough up the money then, and I'll forgive you on behalf of Mashouzi!"

Chu Nan said, nodding gravely and pointing to Mashouzi.

Mashouzi was already stunned, realizing that it was Chen Youliang who had crushed his bike. There was no way he would go up to him and demand money with Chu Nan!

Seeing Chu Nan still saying things that could easily enrage Chen Youliang, Mashouzi became so frightened that he trembled, quickly went up to pull Chu Nan away, and while trying to signal with his eyes whispered, "Forget it, let's just go. It's not like there was a big problem with the bike, so there's no need to ask him for compensation!"

"How can that be?"

Chu Nan flatly refused, then earnestly explained, "Don't let his good attitude stop you from demanding compensation. Since he brought it up voluntarily, we can't just let it go! Didn't you say the repair costs were quite expensive? We're short on cash as it is; we should save where we can!"

Without waiting for Mashouzi to say more, Chu Nan turned back, stretched out his hand toward Chen Youliang, and said, "It's only two hundred bucks. Hand it over!"

"Hand over money? I'll take your life!"

Chen Youliang finally lost his temper and, with a wave of his hand to the underlings around him, bellowed, "Get him! Fucking hell, dare to extort Brother Leong, beat him to a pulp, so even his mother won't recognize him, and then give him some medical bills for plastic surgery!"

"Right on, Brother Leong!"

The underlings were quick to roll up their sleeves, their aggression palpable as they rushed towards Chu Nan.

Having issued his orders, Chen Youliang turned away from Chu Nan without a second thought. As far as he was concerned, Chu Nan was already a dead man. He turned back to resume his attentions to Lin Xuerou.