Chapter 0014 He's Even More Despicable

Hearing the clatter behind him, Chen Youliang couldn't help but feel secretly elated, boasting proudly,

"Xuerou, you've seen my strength, haven't you? If anyone dares to bully you, just say the word and I'll protect you. I won't let you suffer the slightest injury!"

However, if Chen Youliang had turned around at that moment, he probably wouldn't have said that.

Because at this time, Chu Nan was grabbing the collars of his lackeys and throwing them out of the window, one by one.

Fortunately, the tiered classroom was on the second floor, and below was soft grass. Even if those people fell, they wouldn't die; at most, they would be left with some bruises.

Zhou Yuanyuan almost couldn't believe her eyes. Her mouth agape, unable to speak, she could only point repeatedly behind Chen Youliang, urging him to turn around and look.

"What are you doing? Why are you pointing like that?"

Chen Youliang asked, visibly confused.

"Why don't you take a look and see?"

Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help but roll her eyes and thought to herself that Chen Youliang was really an idiot. His lackeys were getting beaten up, and yet he was still so calm, she truly didn't know if he was dull or just stupid.

"There's no need to look. What big scene haven't I, Brother Leong, seen before? I've seen plenty of people beaten to a pulp; I've grown tired of it long ago!"

Chen Youliang said dismissively, with a touch of arrogance.

No sooner had he finished speaking than there were a few pats on Chen Youliang's shoulder. He was so annoyed he was nearly fuming—what was wrong with these lackeys? Could they not sense the situation?

After the beating, why were they interrupting his chance with a girl?

"After they're crippled, just throw that kid out of the window!"

Chen Youliang said impatiently, "Don't report back to me about this. Go play around!"

"Oh, I've already thrown your lackeys out, but you can't be thrown out yet. You haven't paid me back yet!"

Chu Nan gestured the twirling of money with a relaxed face and a smile.


Upon hearing Chu Nan's voice, Chen Youliang was so shocked he nearly lost his soul, and inadvertently let out a duck-like squawk from his throat.

Turning around incredulously to stare at Chu Nan, he then realized his lackeys had disappeared and shouted furiously, "Where are they? Where have they all bloody gone?"

"Hey... Brother Leong... we're down here..."

Following Chen Youliang's shouting, a wail came from outside the window.

Quickly walking to the window and looking down, Chen Youliang finally saw his several lackeys lying sprawled on the grass below, each grimacing with their faces swollen like pig heads and their bodies covered in bruises.


Chen Youliang was at a loss for words. He stared at Chu Nan and snorted coldly, his face looking quite bad. He weighed the situation and said through gritted teeth, "Kid, well done! We'll see about this—we're not done yet!"

After dropping the harsh words, Chen Youliang quickly made himself scarce and ran out of the classroom.

"Hey, wait! My money..."

Chu Nan naturally couldn't let him get away, and just as he was about to give chase and yelled out, he suddenly felt someone hugging his thigh.

"Brother Nan, you're seriously amazing!"

The voice of Mashouzi, filled with utmost admiration, reached Chu Nan's ears, "You're almost more badass than the top dog in Tsim Sha Tsui, Brother Ho Nan! I should have known from the way you were carrying stuff yesterday, you're not some Choo Nan, you're a total tough guy!"

Caught off guard by Mashouzi's actions, Chu Nan was immediately embarrassed.

The other students in the classroom also cast admiring glances his way, many whispering and embellishing the scene that had just unfolded.

These students, usually oppressed by Chen Youliang, never imagined that today someone would manage to take down the guy. They immediately idolized Chu Nan, with quite a few girls even clamoring about having his babies.

"Lin Xiaohua, finally, someone even tougher than Chen Youliang has appeared by your side!"

Zhou Yuanyuan blinked excitedly, whispering into Lin Xuerou's ear, "I think this handsome guy isn't bad, definitely a lot more handsome than Chen Youliang, why don't you consider it?"

"Humph, although he's a bit tougher than Chen Youliang, he's even more despicable!"

Lin Xuerou pouted, speaking indignantly, "Yuanyuan, you really should stay away from him. Not only is he very cunning, but he seems to be some gangster from the streets too! Keep your distance to avoid any trouble!"

Lin Xuerou really couldn't understand why Zhou Yuanyuan kept speaking highly of Chu Nan. What was there to praise about this guy?

Besides, she had no intention of dating in college, all she wanted was to focus on her studies, aim for the scholarship every year, find a high-paying job after graduation, and ease her parents' financial burden at home!

As Chen Youliang's figure disappeared at the classroom door, Chu Nan became anxious and tried to move his leg, "Mashouzi, what are you doing? What kind of look is that for a grown man to be lying on the ground? There are so many people watching here, stand up quickly!"

"What for? I haven't finished admiring you yet!"

Reluctantly, Mashouzi stood up, brushing the dust off himself, "This is what you call 'five-body prostration' out of admiration!"

"That guy took off, who am I going to ask for money to fix my bike now?"

Chu Nan sighed helplessly.

"Forget the bike for now!"

Mashouzi immediately straightened up, looking at Chu Nan with stars in his eyes, "Now that I've found my god, with Brother Nan like you here, if any thugs come to my shop to collect protection money again, you can just take them down for good! I won't have to be bullied anymore!"

In fact, Mashouzi had to give away at least half of his earnings every month to the thugs who came looking for trouble. Now that he had Chu Nan as a backer, he naturally feared nothing!

Hearing this, Chu Nan felt both frustrated and amused, surprised by the chaotic atmosphere even within a university.

The thugs were collecting protection money even here, wasn't there anyone to manage this?

In fact, he was mistaken. The official supermarkets and cafeterias on campus were naturally off-limits, but Mashouzi's 'black market' store was the perfect place for these thugs to prey upon.

And Mashouzi certainly wouldn't dare report to the campus security, blowing up the issue wouldn't be good for anyone.

"Quiet down, everyone. Students at the back, close the windows, and those standing up, please take your seats, let's begin our class!"

Before Chu Nan could say anything, the 10 o'clock class bell had already rung punctually, and a middle-aged man with glasses walked into the classroom, placing his thick books on the lectern and pointing to the windows at the back that were open.

As Chu Nan was about to close the window, Mashouzi hurriedly escorted him back to his seat and scurried over to shut the windows tightly, then returned beside Chu Nan to sit down, resting his chin in his hands and dreaming of a brighter future.