Chapter 68 I Was Wrong

Chu Nan figured that the only reason Hong Xiaochen could become a police officer was most likely because she leveraged her family connections to sneak through the back door and just coast along!

From this morning until now, no matter what she dealt with, this Dumb Girl didn't show a slightest bit of normal logic, and must have mishandled her fair share of wrongful cases in the past!

"Stand watch like a towering presence? My foot!!!"

Hong Xiaochen's eyes were nearly bulging out of her head with fury, she was on traffic duty precisely because she had previously screwed up, and that's why her superiors transferred her here!

Chu Nan hit a raw nerve without any warning, causing her to jump like a cat with its tail stepped on, baring her teeth and bellowing, "You're suspected of starting trouble and fighting right now, believe it or not, I can have you locked up for half a month straight away, where you'll die picking up soap!"

"Not interested."