Chapter 0067: Did You Use Backdoor Connections?

"So, good citizen, hello, but with your tattoos of shrimp, scallops, little cats and dogs, how am I supposed to see any goodness in you?"

Chu Nan casually interjected a reminder, thinking that if Dumb Girl still couldn't discern right from wrong, then he was out of options.

"Does having tattoos make us bad people?"

The tattooed man became anxious and retorted, "What do you know! This is art! Body art, you understand? We are all a group of art enthusiasts!"

"Oh, knock it off!"

Hong Xiaochen nodded and glared at Chu Nan, watching him vigilantly, afraid he might slip away at any moment.

Chu Nan just shrugged his shoulders and said nothing, thinking that Dumb Girl's ability to distinguish between good and evil was lacking; she must have gotten her job through backdoor connections!

"Now, with both the witness and the evidence present, let's see what excuses you have left to offer!"

Hong Xiaochen coldly stared at Chu Nan, convinced of her judgement.