Chapter 0192: Stingy Rich Second Generation

Chu Nan didn't want to listen to Brother Hu's rambling and simply kicked him in the face, only to hear Brother Hu scream miserably as he collapsed to the ground, his face imprinted with a black shoe sole, blood instantly streaming from his nose.

"Cut the crap, kid's got no patience to babble with you!" Chu Nan said impatiently, "You saw everything just now, right? If you don't want to die, then pay up obediently, and release Uncle Lin without a scratch!"

"Ah? Which Uncle Lin..." Brother Hu, dizzy from the kick, wiped the blood from his nose and asked somewhat puzzled.

When Brother Hu didn't hear an answer from Chu Nan after a while, he raised his head only to see his fist raised again, which scared him stiff! Like a flash of lightning, he quickly said, "Hero, you mean the father of your girlfriend, right? We let him go when we left! Second Master was so scared of you, what use would we have taking him with us? Didn't he go back?"