Chapter 191: The Aerial Acrobat

"Brother How… Brother How, the mess was all caused by Xiao Hu; he asked me to stand up for him and ended up offending the Mandarin Duck Hero here. He accidentally hurt his girlfriend, so that's why he's come to ask for money," Second Master trembled with fear under Chu Nan's intimidation and hastily explained.

"Go to hell! Why didn't you say so earlier? So it's for this matter, then hurry up and pay up!" Brother How stiffened, then cursed furiously.

Brother How had originally thought Chu Nan was here to settle scores with him because of Ri Shao's business. In his eyes, he was merely one of Ri Shao's pawns; whether Chu Nan killed him or not was of no consequence to the bigger picture. If Chu Nan had the guts, he should take on Ri Shao!

But Brother How never expected Chu Nan to be here for another matter entirely, and this realization made him go soft instantly.