Chapter 190

By this time, the man in sunglasses had also finally gotten a clear view of Chu Nan's face, and he couldn't help but feel a sudden "thud" in his heart, sensing that something was awry. Why was it this guy again?

He had just strolled back with his men from outside, hoping to discuss some matters with Second Master, when he heard cries coming from the Second Master's office. The man in sunglasses had a sharp intuition that something was off, so he directly ordered his men to arm themselves and barge in.

After recognizing Chu Nan, the man in sunglasses was a bit nervous, but wasn't overly scared because he had confidence today, feeling sure of victory.

The man in sunglasses casually pulled out a gun from his pocket, aimed at Chu Nan, and said, "Don't try to get cozy with me! Don't you believe I could blow you away with a single shot right now? This is my company; even if I kill you, no one would ever know!"