Chapter 0245 President Chang Comes Knocking

Moreover, Lin Xuerou didn't look injured at all. Could it really be a hallucination? What in the world was going on?

Tao Keke glanced around and noticed that more and more students were gathering, many pointing and talking about the scene, and quite a few had come from afar after seeing the post.

Although Tao Keke felt there must be something fishy about this incident, she also knew that if she continued to confront Lin Xuerou here, not only would she fail to get to the bottom of it, but she might even accidentally blurt out her own medical condition!

After weighing her options for a while, Tao Keke, unable to come up with a solution, could only leave Ma's Supermarket dejectedly on her balance scooter.

Filled with frustration, Tao Keke returned to her dorm room. After much hesitation, she finally gritted her teeth and deleted the post from the campus forum before quickly posting a new one.