Chapter 246: Who Should I Beat Up?

Cai Mingyue's face darkened. While she could tolerate insults directed at herself, she could hardly bear them when they targeted her father!

But before Cai Mingyue could explode in anger, Chang Xiwen simply waved his hand, too lazy to entangle with her any further, and pointed at Yuan Huiqiang, ordering, "Since she's deducting my salary, draft me a document right now and deduct a hundred thousand yuan from her wages into my account. I want to see this matter settled today!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll get on it!" Yuan Huiqiang nodded obsequiously, his face ingratiating as he scurried off, dog-like, to prepare the paperwork.

After uttering those words, Chang Xiwen didn't bother with further chit-chat with Cai Mingyue. He swaggered out of the office, his triumphant silhouette appearing particularly deserving of a beating.