Chapter 0328: A Boyfriend for Once

Hong Xiaochen clenched her teeth so hard they "clicked" audibly, her eyes nearly bulging with bloodshot rage, yet she still dared not lash out.

After enduring for a long moment, she finally spoke up, "So, if you're not a bad guy, that should suffice, right? If you agree to pretend to be my boyfriend this time, then in exchange, as long as you don't engage in illegal activities in the future, I definitely won't trouble you again. How does that sound?"

Chu Nan considered for a while, thinking that this deal seemed quite worthwhile.

He would have to stay in Ming City for a long time before he found Hua Hua, and if this Dumb Girl kept picking fights with him, he wouldn't be able to get anything done. He might as well do her a favor to get her off his back for good!

With that thought, Chu Nan relaxed and nodded, "Fine, we have a deal then, but I'm only pretending this one time. After this, we go our separate ways, and don't you dare come bothering me again!"