Chapter 329: Very Good Tolerance for Alcohol

Don't be fooled by the high alcohol content of vodka; for Chu Nan, drinking five or six bottles was no big deal, since there are countless foreign liquors stronger than vodka—this was child's play for him.

Sure enough, as expected, Senior Brother Wang and his brothers were stunned as they watched Chu Nan chug down three glasses of vodka without pause. Some of their mouths hung wide open, unable to close, while the eyes of others looked like they were about to pop out.

Originally, they had indeed conspired to punish Chu Nan with drinks for being late, but they didn't expect that before they could act, Chu Nan voluntarily offered to take the punishment, and with vodka no less!

The few of them, previously so fierce, suddenly didn't know what to do, and the atmosphere that was tense a moment ago turned somewhat awkward.