Chapter 0330: Driving a Luxury Sedan

"Humph!" Hong Xiaochen snorted coldly, unable to resist rolling her eyes dramatically, a wave of anger rushing to her forehead. She wished she could just throw a punch and hit Chu Nan hard in the face.

However, Hong Xiaochen considered the environment to be a bit special at the moment and couldn't lose her temper at will. She had no choice but to swallow her pride and sit quietly on the side, pretending to obediently listen. In her heart, though, she was plotting to find a secluded place later to settle the score with Chu Nan!

"Oh dear, Senior Sister Hong, I have to say something about this. Today, it's rare for Younger Brother Chu to be in high spirits. Letting him have a few extra drinks is not a big deal. Just think of it as giving him a day off!" Cai Yingjie saw conflict brewing between the two and felt a surge of secret joy. He turned his head and saw Senior Brother Wang also smiling, giving him an encouraging nod.