Chapter 2: Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique

Su Linglong was the class monitor of Fang Bai's class and was said to come from a wealthy and prominent family in the city, but none of the typical aloofness associated with rich girls could be seen in her.

On the contrary, she was cheerful, lively, playful, and cute, always blending in with her classmates, making her extremely popular among them.

Like Fairy Spirit Qin's nickname "Fairy Qin," Su Linglong also had a nickname, called "Big-Eyed Cute Sister."

This was because Su Linglong's eyes were large, with clear-cut black and white sections, crystal-clear like water, beautiful and charming. In addition, she usually liked to wear clothes with cartoon patterns, which always gave people an adorable feeling.

Every year, Zhongzhou Medical College would select the top ten school beauties, and in the three years since Su Linglong had entered Zhongzhou Medical College, she had consistently ranked at the top of the list.

Before the body snatching occurred, Fang Bai, who had recently suffered the double blow of family tragedy and betrayal by his first love, had become dejected and despondent. Class monitor Su Linglong was one of the very few who encouraged and comforted him.

Therefore, before the body snatching, Fang Bai had always been grateful to this beautiful class monitor with snow-white skin and adorable big eyes.

"Class Leader Su, what would you like to instruct?"

Watching Su Linglong approach with light steps, Fang Bai's mouth curved slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

In the past few months, Su Linglong was seeing Fang Bai's smile for the first time. She paused for a moment and then spoke crisply,

"Fang Bai, it was wrong of you to fall asleep during class, and Teacher Qin scolded you for your own good... Listen to me, after school today, go to Teacher Qin's office and apologize to her... Teacher Qin has a sharp tongue but a soft heart. As long as you sincerely apologize, she'll definitely forgive you..."

With a delicate and sweet voice, Su Linglong spoke while looking at Fang Bai with her beautiful and charming large eyes, showing both concern and slight reproach in her gaze.

In Su Linglong's view, Fang Bai was meek and naturally not bad. If he dared to challenge Teacher Qin in class, it was likely because he had a nightmare while sleeping and was startled awake by Teacher Qin, reacting subconsciously.

However, no matter what, Fang Bai had offended Teacher Qin this time. If the leaders of the medical college found out, the consequences would be severe, which was why Su Linglong advised him to apologize to Teacher Qin, in the hope of a turnaround in the situation.

"Class Leader Su, thank you for your concern."

Listening to Su Linglong's soft and sweet voice, looking at her Ruhua delicate face so close to him, and smelling the light fragrance coming from her body, even Fang Bai, who had seen countless beauties in his past life, couldn't help his heart skipping a few beats.

But immediately after, Fang Bai's brows furrowed, and then his left hand shot out like lightning, seizing Su Linglong's right hand.

Su Linglong's skin was smooth and soft, feeling like premium silk in his hand.

"What are you doing?"

Su Linglong was startled and tried to pull her hand back, but without success. Her cheeks flushed with a blush, she bit her cherry-red lips lightly, and she glared at Fang Bai with some annoyance.

"Don't move, I'm taking your pulse for you."

Fang Bai said, as two of his fingers quickly landed on the inner side of Su Linglong's wrist.

"Taking my pulse?"


In just a few seconds, Fang Bai confirmed that his judgment was correct.

"Class Leader Su, have you been feeling unwell recently? Like... do you often have headaches?"

Fang Bai looked at Su Linglong with a hint of pity in his eyes and asked softly.

"How did you know?"

Su Linglong blinked her bright large eyes, showing some surprise.

Her response virtually confirmed that she did indeed have a problem with frequent headaches.

"Listen to me, go to the hospital after school and get your head checked."

"Have my head checked?"

Su Linglong was stunned and then seemed to realize something. She forcefully withdrew her hand, stamped her foot, and spat, "Well, Fang Bai, I kindly advised you, and you suggest I'm sick... Bah, bah, bah, you're the sick one! You have a mental illness!"

Fang Bai said with a wry smile, "Class Leader Su, you really are sick..."

"Hmph, I just haven't slept well these past few days, so I've been feeling a bit unwell... Fang Bai, you're cursing me with illness, I don't want to bother with you anymore! Goodbye!"

Su Linglong lifted her slender hand and swept a lock of smooth hair behind her ear, leaving Fang Bai with a scornful look, before turning away and gliding off lightly like a swallow.

"A kind reminder unheeded... It's a pity that I'm now no different from an ordinary person. Although I can diagnose your condition, I'm unable to treat you. Class Leader Su... best of luck to you!"

Watching Su Linglong's graceful figure fading into the distance, Fang Bai shook his head with a face full of regret.

Although the current Fang Bai lacked Essence Energy and Divine Sense, he had entered the path to medicine in his previous life, treated countless patients, seen all kinds of diseases, and his experience was extremely rich. He had truly reached the supreme realm of diagnosing patients' conditions accurately and without error using the "Four Diagnostics."

It was also through the "Four Diagnostics" that Fang Bai determined the high possibility of Su Linglong suffering from a brain tumor.

Although he did not know whether Su Linglong's brain tumor was benign or malignant, having such a disease was no small matter. If it was not diagnosed and treated in time, her life could be in danger at any moment.

It's just that his well-intentioned reminder had been misunderstood by Su Linglong, and Fang Bai felt very helpless.

The last class in the afternoon was physical education. The gym teacher spoke briefly to everyone about the importance of exercising the body and then, with a grand wave of his hand, let everyone go off for free activity.

Fang Bai didn't have many friends in the class. The other students gathered in small groups to chat and frolic, while he pocketed his hands and walked aimlessly forward alone along the small path by the playground.

Unconsciously, he reached the artificial lake at the northwest corner of Zhongzhou Medical College.

Located in a secluded area, the place was seldom visited by anyone other than couples. Now, with most classes in session, it was even more deserted.

Fang Bai actually enjoyed this secluded and quiet atmosphere. He stood among the trees on the north side of the artificial lake, took several deep breaths of the fresh air mixed with the scent of soil and vegetation, and suddenly a glint of sharpness flashed in his eyes.


Fang Bai exhaled and began to move and punch.

His steps were steady.

His punches were as fast as the wind.

What Fang Bai was practicing were the "Divine Elephant Eight Desolate Steps" and the "Tiger Roar Thunder Fist."

The "Divine Elephant Eight Desolate Steps" and the "Tiger Roar Thunder Fist" were both part of the "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique," one being a movement technique and the other a boxing method.

The "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique" was a very popular body refining cultivation technique in the Cultivation World before Fang Bai ascended to the Immortal Realm.

This body refining technique subjected one to masochistic, high-intensity training to break through various physical limitations, thereby achieving the purpose of tempering muscles, bones, and flesh, and strengthening one's physique.

The "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique" had a total of nine levels; with each level broken through, one's strength would multiply. Once a certain realm was reached, one could possess the power of dragons, tigers, lions, and elephants, as well as a body as tough as steel.

For Fang Bai, in this world with its sparse Heaven and Earth Origin Energy and limited Cultivation Resources, practicing the "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique" couldn't be more appropriate.

When practiced to a profound level, each punch of "Tiger Roar Thunder Fist" would produce the sound of a tiger's roar and thunder, capable of smashing even steel, its might astonishing.

The "Divine Elephant Eight Desolate Steps," not only profound and exquisite but also possessing a tremendous deterrent effect, when a step is taken, it was like a divine elephant treading on the earth, kicking up dust and cracking the ground, causing the opponent to lose courage before the fight even began.

But the current Fang Bai hadn't even touched the threshold of the "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique," and naturally, there was no strength or might to speak of in his punches and steps.

Besides the "Divine Elephant Eight Desolate Steps" and "Tiger Roar Thunder Fist," the "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique" also included the "Dragon Soaring to the Heavens" movement technique and the "Lion's Roar Sonic Wave."

However, both "Dragon Soaring to the Heavens" and "Lion's Roar Sonic Wave" required the cooperation of True Yuan, which Fang Bai was currently unable to perform.

Fang Bai circulated the "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique," stepped in the "Divine Elephant Eight Desolate Steps," struck with the "Tiger Roar Thunder Fist," and felt his blood surge continuously faster in his body, growing hotter by the moment and even starting to emit wisps of white steam.


Carried away by his practice, Fang Bai let out a loud shout, casually discarding his jacket and wearing only a tank top.

He repeated the set of boxing and stepping techniques over and over until the end-of-school bell rang, at which point he finally stopped.

Although tired and gasping for breath, sweating profusely, Fang Bai felt invigorated and exhilarated, as if he had just recovered from a long illness.

Fang Bai knew this was a sign that his body was improving. As long as he persisted in the practice of the "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique," it wouldn't take long for his frail constitution to be completely transformed.

"To regain my peak strength and take revenge in the Immortal Realm, I must start practicing step by step again. Tomorrow morning, I'll officially begin body refining!"

After adjusting his breath on the spot, Fang Bai put on his jacket and left the small lake.

A few minutes later, Fang Bai arrived at the teacher's office area on the east side of Zhongzhou Medical College and pushed open the door to Qin Yaorao's office.

"What are you doing here?"

Qin Yaorao was looking down at a lesson plan. Seeing Fang Bai at the door, her expression immediately turned cold.