Chapter 1: The Rebirth of the Immortal Emperor


Half a white chalk head flew out in mid-air, drawing a lengthy parabola before striking Fang Bai's head with precision, followed by Qin Yaorao's crisp and authoritative voice:

"Sleeping during class... Fang Bai, stand outside!"

The previously quiet classroom stirred as students turned their heads to look at Fang Bai, who was seated in the back row's northernmost corner, and then burst into laughter.

Fang Bai lay sprawled over the desk in front of him, emitting soft snoring sounds, his eyebrows relaxing then furrowing intermittently, his expression changing endlessly as if immersed in some thrilling dream.

The chalk that hit his head, Qin Yaorao's stern shout, the giggling and laughter of his classmates—none succeeded in waking him.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qin Yaorao felt her authority challenged. With a grim face, she walked over to Fang Bai and sharply knocked her ruler on the desk in front of him.


The ruler struck the desk with a crisp sound, and the sleeping Fang Bai jolted awake and abruptly stood up.

"Fairy Spirit Qin, I am going to fight you!"

Fang Bai roared as he stood up and launched a punch towards Qin Yaorao.

If not for the desk in front of him, his punch would have undoubtedly landed on Qin Yaorao.

"Fang Bai, what... what do you think you're doing?"

Seeing Fang Bai's clenched fists and his angry glare filled with a thick intent to kill, Qin Yaorao was shocked to the point of losing color, and she instinctively stepped back two steps.

She could hardly believe that this usually polite and timid boy would dare to shout and make a move against her.

The students in the classroom were also stunned, staring at Fang Bai in disbelief, thinking whether he had lost his senses from sleep because how could he dare to act so rudely and violently towards Teacher Qin?

Even calling out Teacher Qin's nickname "Fairy Spirit Qin" was practically courting death!

Fang Bai's punch was weak and feeble, devoid of any Immortal Essence, and the expected vision of stars shattering and the void collapsing did not materialize.

"Where... where am I? There's almost no Immortal Essence fluctuation here, could it be that this is no longer part of the Immortal Realm's Nine Heavenly Domains?"

Fang Bai realized something was wrong, withdrew his punch, and started to look around him in confusion.

The beautiful woman with a strange dress and a face full of shock in front of him, she was an ordinary person without any Immortal Essence...

The dozens of young men and women around, they were all made of mortal flesh...

No exotic flowers or herbs, no Immortal Birds or Spirit Beasts, no Auspicious Clouds swirling around...

This place, indeed, was no longer the Immortal Realm's Nine Heavenly Domains!

Fang Bai vigorously shook his dazed head.

He vaguely remembered that in the Immortal Realm, during his attempt to break through and ascend to the Divine Realm in the Ninth Heavenly Domain, he was suddenly attacked by the eight Immortal Emperors of the Immortal Realm.

After a fierce battle, the void shattered, the Heavenly Domain collapsed.

In the end, due to an excessive loss of Immortal Essence, during an attack against a Female Immortal Emperor named "Fairy Spirit Qin," his physical body was destroyed, and his Primordial Spirit was seriously damaged.

Fortunately, after his physical body was destroyed and his Primordial Spirit was at the brink of collapse, it slipped into a torn spatial rift, floating aimlessly for who knows how long before taking possession of this current body, thus achieving rebirth.

However, what greatly disappointed Fang Bai was that not only was Essence Energy extremely scarce in this unfamiliar world, but also the body he had taken possession of was weak and frail mortal flesh.

In such a world lacking in Essence Energy, with such a frail mortal body, how long would it take to regain peak strength, return to the Nine Heavenly Domains in the Immortal Realm, and seek revenge against the eight Immortal Emperors who attacked him?

Thinking of this, Fang Bai sighed softly, with a hint of a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

His smile, to Qin Yaorao, seemed like mockery and provocation.


Qin Yaorao took a deep breath as a reminder to stay calm.

"Fang Bai, I'll say it again, get out... stand outside immediately!"

Qin Yaorao's face was frosty as she pointed outside and coldly said, "Also, I will inform the school and your parents about this... Prepare yourself for the consequences!"


Fang Bai was taken aback, then his brain felt as if it had exploded, and a deluge of information about the original owner of the body surged forth:

Fang Bai, a student in Class 16-2 at Zhongzhou Medical College, shy and timid, introverted...

His father, Fang Gang, a graduate from a domestic medical school, ran a traditional Chinese medicine clinic in the suburbs of Zhongzhou City. A car accident a few months ago left him paralyzed from the waist down, and the clinic had to be closed...

Mother Yang Mei, unemployed, took care of the paralyzed father during the day and sold toys and clothing at the nearby night market in the evening, earning a meager income to supplement the family expenses...

Sister Fang Yun, a student at Zhongzhou University...

Scene after scene of information flickered through Fang Bai's mind like slides.

After learning that the original owner of the body he had possessed shared his name, Fang Bai felt both amazement at the workings of fate and a twinge of guilt.

The original owner of this body came from an impoverished family. If it had not been for Fang Bai possessing his body, perhaps in a few years, he would have become the mainstay of his family, capable of relieving their troubles and hardships.

But now, Fang Bai's primordial spirit was highly integrated with this body, and the memories of both lives were perfectly fused together, making them inseparable.

"Alright, since I've taken over your body, from now on, I will take on all your responsibilities. I will do my utmost to take care of your family for you," Fang Bai silently promised the original owner of the body.

According to the memories of the body's original owner, this beautiful woman holding a ruler was named Qin Yaorao, a graduate of Yanjing Medical College who had only been teaching at Zhongzhou Medical College for half a year.

Qin Yaorao was twenty-two years old, the youngest teacher in the history of Zhongzhou Medical College, and also the most beautiful.

With delicate features, a graceful figure, and snow-white skin.

Qin Yaorao was a naturally beautiful woman, and just by looking at her, one might think she was no different in age from the girls in the class.

With popularity comes drama.

With beauty comes drama.

Young, beautiful, intelligent, and intellectual, Qin Yaorao was the goddess in the heart of every male teacher at Zhongzhou Medical College, and the object of envy and jealousy among the female teachers.

Therefore, not long after Qin Yaorao joined Zhongzhou Medical College, she was given the nickname "Fairy Spirit Qin," which soon became widely known to teachers and students throughout the college.

Qin Yaorao seemed to be aware that her appearance drew too much attention, so she put on a pair of glasses over her straight nose, coiled her long, smooth, black hair up high, wore a black professional suit, and adopted an intentionally stern and serious expression. This diminished some of her luster and added to her mature authority.

"Fang Bai, did you not hear me?"

Seeing Fang Bai's changing expressions and his silent response, Qin Yaorao felt ignored and had the urge to explode with anger once again.

"You want me to step outside, right? Fine, I'll go outside..."

Fang Bai, with his memories of his two lives merged, naturally slipped into his current role as a student.

He nodded at Qin Yaorao, then walked slowly out of the classroom under the strange gazes of all the students, standing in the hallway outside.

Soon, the bell rang signaling the end of class, and Qin Yaorao walked out of the classroom expressionless, carrying a few books.

"Fang Bai, you'll be facing punishment!"

As she passed by Fang Bai, Qin Yaorao dropped this remark and then walked away briskly in her high heels, her long legs making a "tap tap tap" sound as she left.

After Qin Yaorao was gone, the students from class 16-2 began to pour out of the classroom.

"Fang Bai, you really have some nerve, daring to call Teacher Qin 'Fairy Spirit Qin' to her face."

"Honestly, I've wanted to call her that for a long time, but I just didn't have the guts."

"Heh, only a bro like you has the guts. Respect!"

"Dude, you've ticked off Teacher Qin, you're done for!"

"Wait and see, you're in for Teacher Qin's thunderous wrath!"


As they walked past Fang Bai, some students gave him a thumbs up with words of admiration, others teased him with a smirk, while some appeared to relish in his misfortune...

To this, Fang Bai simply smiled slightly, his demeanor calm and composed.

As an Immortal Emperor in his past life, Fang Bai had experienced countless storms. Such trivial matters could hardly make waves in his heart.

"Fang Bai, what's wrong with you today?"

As most of the classmates had left, Fang Bai was about to turn and leave when he suddenly heard a gentle and sweet voice by his ear.

Fang Bai turned his head, and a stunningly beautiful face came into view.

It was a girl of similar age to Fang Bai, with fair skin, large eyes, and cherry-like red lips. She wore a white, figure-hugging T-shirt with a cartoon print, matched with dark blue skinny jeans accentuating her slender figure, and a ponytail that hung to her waist swaying behind her, exuding a lively, cute, and youthful vitality.

"Su Linglong?"

Upon seeing the girl, Fang Bai's mind immediately recalled this name.