Chapter 14: My Sister Was Bullied?

Back home, Fang Bai once again performed acupuncture and manipulative therapy on his father's legs. The numbness and pain in Fang Gang's legs became slightly more intense than the day before, a sign that they were continuing to improve.

Fang Bai's "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique" had already reached the second level, the "Accumulating Essence Realm," where his Qi Sea generated True Yuan. He was completely confident he could cure his father's legs and help him stand again.

However, Fang Gang's legs had been paralyzed for several months and required gradual treatment and conditioning, so haste would not do.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, Yang Mei returned from buying groceries. In addition to some vegetables, she had also splurged on two pounds of mutton, to help Fang Bai replenish his strength.

Thinking of the bank card in his pocket, Fang Bai took a black plastic bag and ran to the nearby bank, withdrawing fifty thousand yuan to bring home.

"Mom, take this money," Fang Bai said as he handed the fifty thousand yuan to his mother, "From now on, I'll earn the money, and you cook me meat for every meal!"

Yang Mei was startled to suddenly see so much cash and anxiously grabbed Fang Bai, asking where the money had come from.

"This morning, I went out with Zhou Dabai and came across a patient who had a sudden emergency. I saved his life with my medical skills, and out of gratitude, he gave me this money, saying it was a consultation fee... If you don't believe me, you can ask Zhou Dabai," Fang Bai replied.

Fang Bai knew his parents would definitely question the origin of the money. Before he and Zhou Dabai went their separate ways earlier, they had already agreed on their story.

Since Zhou Dabai's home was very close to the Fangs, Yang Mei didn't say another word; she ran to Zhou Dabai's home to ask about it. After getting confirmation from Zhou Dabai, she returned home, overjoyed.

"Fang Gang, our son is really promising. He saved a patient and suddenly got fifty thousand yuan as a consultation fee, which is much better than the little money I make from selling clothes and toys," she exclaimed.

Yang Mei counted the fifty thousand yuan over and over, her face blooming with a smile, filled with pride.

Fang Gang said pensively, "I've said before, our son is a medical genius. If we reopen the traditional Chinese medicine clinic, our father and son team will surely..."

"You're always going on about that clinic! Haven't we lost enough money to it over the years?"

Yang Mei's eyes widened as she retorted, "Besides, nowadays when people get sick, they go to Western medicine doctors. How many of them choose Chinese medicine? And with your leg the way it is, what Chinese medicine clinic... Just give up on that idea!"

Fang Gang sighed and muttered, "My son said that it wouldn't be long before I could stand on my legs…"

"We'll talk about that when you can stand up!"

Yang Mei spoke dismissively, "Right now, don't worry about anything else, just focus on recuperating, and stop thinking about all sorts of other nonsense."

In the Fang household, Yang Mei's word was law. Once she spoke, Fang Gang immediately wilted like frostbitten leaves.

Seeing his father slumping and looking dispirited, Fang Bai could hardly suppress a smile.

Fang Bai said, "We will open the clinic, but not now. We'll wait until my dad's legs have healed. Then, he can handle minor ailments like headaches and fevers, while I'll take on the more complex cases. Together, we will not only make a fortune but also make Chinese medicine and the Fang Family's medical expertise famous worldwide!"

Upon hearing his son's words, Fang Gang felt an excited warmth throughout his body and slapped his thigh with enthusiasm, "Good son, that's the spirit!"

"But... that won't be until after you've graduated from medical school!"

Yang Mei hadn't agreed to reopening the clinic yet, but her tone was clearly more relaxed.

Today's lunch was the most satisfying meal that Fang Bai had had since his rebirth.

The reason was those two pounds of mutton.

Over the past couple of days of body conditioning, his physique had improved significantly, and his appetite had increased. Unfortunately, he had been eating only vegetarian dishes, which couldn't replenish his energy quickly enough, slightly impacting his cultivation efforts.

Eating a lot of meat enabled him to quickly restore the spent energy and maintain ample physical strength, which significantly boosted his cultivation progress.

The two pounds of mutton were nearly all eaten by Fang Bai alone. After finishing, he wiped his mouth and said to Yang Mei, "Mom, remember to buy more next time. A mix of beef and mutton would be best."

Yang Mei agreed without hesitation. Now that her son had earned fifty thousand yuan in one day, what wouldn't she be willing to buy for him?

Around three in the afternoon, Yang Mei received a call from her daughter, Fang Yun.

Fang Yun was one year older than Fang Bai and was currently studying at Zhongzhou University.

Due to heavy study loads and the school being far from home, Fang Yun only returned once a week on Saturdays, staying for one day before heading back to campus on Sunday afternoon.

Today happened to be Saturday, and at this time, Fang Yun should have been getting ready to head home, but after chatting with her for a few moments on the phone, Yang Mei's face showed a look of concern.

"Mom, is my sister being bullied?"

Fang Bai's "Dragon-Tiger-Lion-Elephant Technique" had reached the second level of the "Accumulating Essence Realm," which made his senses several times sharper than before. He had overheard most of his mother and sister's conversation, and as soon as his mother hung up, he casually asked a question.

Yang Mei sighed and said, "Your sister told me that there's a boy at her school who has been pestering her. She was ready to come home, but that boy just wouldn't leave from below her dorm building, so she had to stay at school this week… Ah, there are so many bad students nowadays!"

Fang Bai's expression turned cold, and he immediately got up and walked outside, planning to make a trip to his sister's university.

For Fang Bai, his family and siblings were his Achilles' heel.


Zhongzhou University covered thousands of acres, with a total number of teachers and students reaching twenty to thirty thousand. Although it was not the very top in the whole of Huaxia, it was still one of the most notable in the province.

Zhongzhou University was also located in the outskirts of the city, but on the other end, almost thirty kilometers away from Fang Bai's home.

After leaving home, Fang Bai went to a nearby bank to withdraw some money, and then he took a taxi, arriving outside of Zhongzhou University half an hour later.

According to the original owner of this body's memory, his sister Fang Yun had always been frugal. After starting university, while other students displayed their wealth and dated freely, his sister's clothing and food were always the cheapest.

Especially during the time their father had a car accident, Fang Yun had even considered dropping out of school to find a job and lessen the family's burden.

At a communication store opposite the main gate of Zhongzhou University, Fang Bai bought two of the latest model smartphones, one for himself and one to give to his sister. He also purchased a few pieces of expensive clothing and various snacks girls liked, planning to bring them all to his sister.

With this, the fifty thousand yuan Fang Bai had brought with him was almost all spent.

But Fang Bai didn't care.

The current Fang Bai had already started earning money and was confident that he would make more and more.

Therefore, he no longer wanted his sister to skimp and save, but instead wanted her food and clothing needs to be better than those of the other girls at her school.

Around four-thirty, Fang Bai, carrying several large bags, entered the campus of Zhongzhou University.

Underneath a certain girls' dormitory building within the campus, a group of girls was watching a boy confess his love to the girl he adored.

The boy held a large bouquet of roses and, tilting his head back, shouted cheesy love lines toward a dorm room on the fourth floor.

"Fang Yun, I have liked you for a long time!"

"Be my girlfriend!"

"I will always treat you well!"

"You are the only one for me in this life!"


The boy wore a black casual suit and glasses, with neatly combed, shiny hair. He was tall and sunny-looking and belonged to the type that was very popular among girls.

And his cheesy declarations of love were undoubtedly effective enough to move the onlooking girls, who joined in shouting for him.

When Fang Bai arrived at the bottom of his sister's girls' dormitory building, this was the scene he saw.